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Neo4j-Graph Database Internals



我们将在本章中使用Neo4j graph数据库进行讨论,原因有几个。Neo4j是一个具有本机处理能力和本机图形存储的图形数据库(参见第1章对本机图形处理和存储的讨论)。

In this chapter, we peek under the hood and discuss the implementation of graph databases, showing how they differ from other means of storing and querying com‐plex, variably-structured, densely connected data. Although it is true that no single universal architecture pattern exists, even among graph databases, this chapter
describes the most common architecture patterns and components you can expect to find inside a graph database.
We illustrate the discussion in this chapter using the Neo4j graph database, for several reasons. Neo4j is a graph database with native processing capabilities as well as native graph storage (see Chapter 1 for a discussion of native graph processing and storage).
In addition to being the most common graph database in use at the time of writing, it has the transparency advantage of being open source, making it easy for the adven‐turesome reader to go a level deeper and inspect the code. Finally, it is a database theauthors know well.

Native Graph Processing


We’ve discussed the property graph model several times throughout this book. By now you should be familiar with its notion of nodes connected by way of named and directed relationships, with both the nodes and relationships serving as containers for properties. Although the model itself is reasonably consistent across graph database implementations, there are numerous ways to encode and represent the graph in the database engine’s main memory. Of the many different engine architectures, we say that a graph database has native processing capabilities if it exhibits a property called index-free adjacency


A database engine that utilizes index-free adjacency is one in which each node main‐tains direct references to its adjacent nodes. Each node, therefore, acts as a microindex of other nearby nodes, which is much cheaper than using global indexes. It means that query times are independent of the total size of the graph, and are instead simply proportional to the amount of the graph searched.
A nonnative graph database engine, in contrast, uses (global) indexes to link nodes together, as shown in Figure 6-1. These indexes add a layer of indirection to each tra‐versal, thereby incurring greater computational cost. Proponents for native graph processing argue that index-free adjacency is crucial for fast, efficient graph traver‐sals.


展示图形处理的非本机方法如何工作。找到阿里量我们首先要执行一个索引查找,代价是O(log n).这对于偶然的或浅层的查找来说是可以接受的,但是当我们反转遍历的方向时,代价很快就会变得昂贵起来。如果我们想要找出谁是Alice的朋友,而不是找到Alice的朋友,我们将不得不执行多个操作索引查找,针对每个可能是Alice朋友的节点。这使得成本更加繁重。而找出Alice的朋友是谁的代价是O(log n),而找出Alice的朋友是谁的代价是O(m log n)。

shows how a nonnative approach to graph processing works. To find Ali‐
ce’s friends we have first to perform an index lookup, at cost O(log n). This may be acceptable for occasional or shallow lookups, but it quickly becomes expensive when we reverse the direction of the traversal. If, instead of finding Alice’s friends, we wanted to find out who is friends with Alice, we would have to perform multiple
index lookups, one for each node that is potentially friends with Alice. This makes the cost far more onerous. Whereas it’s O(log n) cost to find out who are Alice’s friends,it’s O(m log n) to find out who is friends with Alice.






With index-free adjacency, bidirectional joins are effectively precomputed and stored in the database as relationships. In contrast, when using indexes to simulate connec‐tions between records, there is no actual relationship stored in the database. From this, two problems arise:
Firstly, using a global index lookup is typically far more expensive algorithmically than traversing a physical relationship. Indexes typically cost O(log(n)) in time, whereas—at least in Neo4j—traversing a relationship is O(1) in time. In theory, for
even modest values of n, the logarithmic costs can be many times more expensive than constant time. In practice, the performance can be even worse, as a result of the graph and its global indexes contending for resources like caches and I/O (e.g., when page contention occurs between index and graph data).
Secondly, using indexes to simulate connections becomes problematic when we try to traverse in the “opposite” direction from the one for which the index was constructed.
Now we are faced with the choice of creating a reverse-lookup index for each traversal scenario, or we have to perform a brute-force search through the original index,which is an O(n) operation. Given the poor algorithmic performance in this situation,joins like this are simply too costly to be of any practical use for online systems.


Index lookups can work for small networks, such as the one in Figure 6-1, but are far too costly for queries over larger graphs. Instead of using index lookups to fulfill the role of relationships at query time, graph databases with native graph processing capabilities use index-free adjacency to ensure high-performance traversals.
Figure 6-2 shows how relationships eliminate the need for index lookups.


Recall that in a general-purpose graph database, relationships can be traversed in either direction (tail to head, or head to tail) extremely cheaply. As we see in Figure 6-2, to find Alice’s friends using a graph, we simply follow her outgoing FRIEND relationships, at O(1) cost each. To find who is friends with Alice, we simply follow all of Alice’s incoming FRIEND relationships to their source, again at O(1) cost each.
Given these costs, it’s clear that, in theory at least, graph traversals can be very effi‐cient. But such high-performance traversals only become reality when they are sup‐ported by an architecture designed for that purpose.

Native Graph Storage


If index-free adjacency is the key to high-performance traversals, queries, and writes,then one key aspect of the design of a graph database is the way in which graphs are stored. An efficient, native graph storage format supports extremely rapid traversals for arbitrary graph algorithms—an important reason for using graphs. For illustrative purposes we’ll use the Neo4j database as an example of how a graph database is archi‐tected.
First, let’s contextualize our discussion by looking at Neo4j’s high-level architecture,presented in Figure 6-3. In what follows we’ll work bottom-up, from the files on disk,through the programmatic APIs, and up to the Cypher query language. Along the way we’ll discuss the performance and dependability characteristics of Neo4j, and the design decisions that make Neo4j a performant, reliable graph database.


Neo4j stores graph data in a number of different store files. Each store file contains the data for a specific part of the graph (e.g., there are separate stores for nodes, relation‐ships, labels, and properties). The division of storage responsibilities—particularly the separation of graph structure from property data—facilitates performant graph traversals, even though it means the user’s view of their graph and the actual records on disk are structurally dissimilar. Let’s start our exploration of physical storage by looking at the structure of nodes and relationships on disk as shown in Figure 6-4

节点存储文件用于存储节点记录。在用户级图中创建的每个节点最终都在节点存储中,其物理文件是neostore.nodestore.db。与大多数Neo4j存储文件一样,节点存储是一个固定大小的记录存储,其中每个记录的长度为9个字节。固定大小的记录可以在存储文件中快速查找节点。如果我们有一个id为100的节点,那么我们知道它的记录从文件的900字节开始。基于这种格式,数据库可以直接计算记录的位置,成本为O(1),而不是执行搜索,后者的成本为O(log n)。

The node store file stores node records. Every node created in the user-level graph ends up in the node store, the physical file for which is neostore.nodestore.db. Like most of the Neo4j store files, the node store is a fixed-size record store, where each record is nine bytes in length. Fixed-size records enable fast lookups for nodes in the store file. If we have a node with id 100, then we know its record begins 900 bytes into the file. Based on this format, the database can directly compute a record’s location, at cost O(1), rather than performing a search, which would be cost O(log n).
The first byte of a node record is the in-use flag. This tells the database whether the record is currently being used to store a node, or whether it can be reclaimed on behalf of a new node (Neo4j’s .id files keep track of unused records). The next four bytes represent the ID of the first relationship connected to the node, and the follow‐ing four bytes represent the ID of the first property for the node. The five bytes for labels point to the label store for this node (labels can be inlined where there are rela‐tively few of them). The final byte extra is reserved for flags. One such flag is used to identify densely connected nodes, and the rest of the space is reserved for future use.
The node record is quite lightweight: it’s really just a handful of pointers to lists of relationships, labels, and properties.

相应地,关系存储在关系存储文件neo store.relationshipstore.db中。与节点存储一样,关系存储也包含固定大小的记录。每个关系记录包含节点的id的开始和结束的关系,关系类型的指针存储在关系类型(商店),为下一个和以前的关系记录指针的开始和结束节点,和一个标志指示当前记录是否第一的通常被称为链的关系。

Correspondingly, relationships are stored in the relationship store file, neo store.relationshipstore.db. Like the node store, the relationship store also consists of fixed-sized records. Each relationship record contains the IDs of the nodes at the start and end of the relationship, a pointer to the relationship type (which is stored in the relationship type store), pointers for the next and previous relationship records for each of the start and end nodes, and a flag indicating whether the current record is the first in what’s often called the relationship chain.


In Figure 6-5, we see how the various store files interact on disk. Each of the two node records contains a pointer to that node’s first property and first relationship in a relationship chain. To read a node’s properties, we follow the singly linked list struc‐ture beginning with the pointer to the first property. To find a relationship for a node,we follow that node’s relationship pointer to its first relationship (the LIKES relation‐ship in this example). From here, we then follow the doubly linked list of relation‐ships for that particular node (that is, either the start node doubly linked list, or the end node doubly linked list) until we find the relationship we’re interested in. Having found the record for the relationship we want, we can read that relationship’s proper‐ties (if there are any) using the same singly linked list structure as is used for node properties, or we can examine the node records for the two nodes the relationship connects using its start node and end node IDs. These IDs, multiplied by the node record size, give the immediate offset of each node in the node store file.

使用固定大小的记录和类似指针的记录id,遍历只需在数据结构周围追逐指针即可实现,这可以以非常高的速度执行。为了遍历一个节点到另一个节点的特定关系,data - base执行了几次廉价的ID计算(这些计算比搜索全局索引要便宜得多,就像我们在非graph原生数据库中伪造一个图那样):
1. 在给定的节点记录中,通过计算其在关系存储中的偏移量(即将其ID乘以固定的关系记录大小)来定位关系链中的第一个记录。这将使我们直接找到关系存储中的正确记录。
2. 从关系记录中,查找第二个节点字段,以找到第二个节点的ID。将该ID乘以节点记录大小,以在存储中找到正确的节点记录。

With fixed-sized records and pointer-like record IDs, traversals are implemented simply by chasing pointers around a data structure, which can be performed at very high speed. To traverse a particular relationship from one node to another, the data‐base performs several cheap ID computations (these computations are much cheaper than searching global indexes, as we’d have to do if faking a graph in a nongraph native database):
1. From a given node record, locate the first record in the relationship chain by computing its offset into the relationship store—that is, by multiplying its ID by the fixed relationship record size. This gets us directly to the right record in the relationship store.
2. From the relationship record, look in the second node field to find the ID of the second node. Multiply that ID by the node record size to locate the correct node record in the store.
Should we wish to constrain the traversal to relationships with particular types, we’d add a lookup in the relationship type store. Again, this is a simple multiplication of ID by record size to find the offset for the appropriate relationship type record in the relationship store. Similarly if we choose to constrain by label, we reference the label store.
In addition to the node and relationship stores, which contain the graph structure, we have property store files, which persist the user’s data in key-value pairs. Recall that Neo4j, being a property graph database, allows properties—name-value pairs—to be attached to both nodes and relationships. The property stores, therefore, are refer‐enced from both node and relationship records.
Records in the property store are physically stored in the neostore.propertys tore.db file. As with the node and relationship stores, property records are of a fixed size. Each property record consists of four property blocks and the ID of the next property in the property chain (remember, properties are held as a singly linked list on disk as compared to the doubly linked list used in relationship chains). Each prop‐erty occupies between one and four property blocks—a property record can, there‐fore, hold a maximum of four properties. A property record holds the property type (Neo4j allows any primitive JVM type, plus strings,plus arrays of the JVM primitivetypes), and a pointer to the property indexfile (neostore.propertystore.db.index),which is where the property name is stored. For each property’s value, the record contains either a pointer into a dynamic store record or an inlined value. The dynamic stores allow for storing large property values. There are two dynamic stores:a dynamic string store (neostore.propertystore.db.strings) and a dynamic array store (neostore.propertystore.db.arrays). 





































来源: https://blog.csdn.net/Da___Vinci/article/details/114087596