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Denite是Neovim / Vim统一所有接口的深色驱动插件。它可以用其界面替换许多功能或插件。它就像一个模糊查找器,但是更通用。您可以扩展接口并创建源。




您必须使用pip安装“ pynvim”模块

pip3 install --user pynvim



if has('nvim')
  Plug 'Shougo/denite.nvim', { 'do': ':UpdateRemotePlugins' }
  Plug 'Shougo/denite.nvim'
  Plug 'roxma/nvim-yarp'
  Plug 'roxma/vim-hug-neovim-rpc'


" Define mappings
autocmd FileType denite call s:denite_my_settings()
function! s:denite_my_settings() abort
  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <CR>
  \ denite#do_map('do_action')
  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> d
  \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'delete')
  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> p
  \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'preview')
  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> q
  \ denite#do_map('quit')
  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> i
  \ denite#do_map('open_filter_buffer')
  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <Space>
  \ denite#do_map('toggle_select').'j'




:Denite -input=App.js file




Dark powered异步将NeoVim / Vim的所有接口结合在一起。

Version: 3.3
Author: Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com>
License: MIT license

Key mappingsdenite-key-mappings
Create sourcedenite-create-source
Create kinddenite-create-kind
Create filterdenite-create-filter
External sourcedenite-external-sources


显示NeoVim / Vim中的信息列表。 它可以显示和搜索任意源,从文件和目录到缓冲区。


浏览当前打开的缓冲区列表,如:ls 命令。

:Denite buffer


:Denite file/rec


:Denite file/rec buffer

有许多命令行标志(请参见| denite-options |),用于设置初始搜索词(foo)来过滤文件搜索的示例。

:Denite -input=foo file/rec

可以使用多个关键字来缩小候选范围。 它们之间用空格“”分隔,并且起着逻辑“与”的作用。

foo bar


foo !bar

它匹配包含“ foo”但不包含“ bar”的候选。


Note: denite requires Neovim 0.4.0+ or Vim 8.0+ with |:python3| enabled.

Note: Please install/upgrade msgpack package (1.0.0+).

Note: You need to install Python 3.6.1+.

For neovim:

  1. Extract the files and put them in your Neovim directory
    (usually $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/).
  2. Execute the |:UpdateRemotePlugins| and restart Neovim.

If “:echo has(‘python3’)” returns 1, then you’re done; otherwise, see below.

You can enable Python3 interface with pip

  pip3 install --user pynvim

If you want to read for pynvim/python3 interface install documentation,
you should read |provider-python| and the Wiki.

You can check the Python3 installation |:checkhealth|

For Vim8.0+:

Please install nvim-yarp plugin for Vim8.

Please install vim-hug-neovim-rpc plugin for Vim8.

Use |:python3| enabled Vim.

You must install “pynvim” module with pip

   pip3 install --user pynvim


" Define mappings
	autocmd FileType denite call s:denite_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_my_settings() abort
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <CR>
	  \ denite#do_map('do_action')
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> d
	  \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'delete')
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> p
	  \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'preview')
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> q
	  \ denite#do_map('quit')
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> i
	  \ denite#do_map('open_filter_buffer')
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <Space>
	  \ denite#do_map('toggle_select').'j'

	autocmd FileType denite-filter call s:denite_filter_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
	  imap <silent><buffer> <C-o> <Plug>(denite_filter_quit)

	" Change file/rec command.
	call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command',
	\ ['ag', '--follow', '--nocolor', '--nogroup', '-g', ''])
	" For ripgrep
	" Note: rg is faster than ag
	call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command',
	\ ['rg', '--files', '--glob', '!.git', '--color', 'never'])
	" For Pt(the platinum searcher)
	" NOTE: It also supports windows.
	call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command',
	\ ['pt', '--follow', '--nocolor', '--nogroup',
	\  (has('win32') ? '-g:' : '-g='), ''])
	" For python script scantree.py
	" Read bellow on this file to learn more about scantree.py
	call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command',
	\ ['scantree.py', '--path', ':directory'])

	" Change matchers.
	call denite#custom#source(
	\ 'file_mru', 'matchers', ['matcher/fuzzy', 'matcher/project_files'])
	call denite#custom#source(
	\ 'file/rec', 'matchers', ['matcher/cpsm'])

	" Change sorters.
	call denite#custom#source(
	\ 'file/rec', 'sorters', ['sorter/sublime'])

	" Change default action.
	call denite#custom#kind('file', 'default_action', 'split')

	" Add custom menus
	let s:menus = {}

	let s:menus.zsh = {
		\ 'description': 'Edit your import zsh configuration'
		\ }
	let s:menus.zsh.file_candidates = [
		\ ['zshrc', '~/.config/zsh/.zshrc'],
		\ ['zshenv', '~/.zshenv'],
		\ ]

	let s:menus.my_commands = {
		\ 'description': 'Example commands'
		\ }
	let s:menus.my_commands.command_candidates = [
		\ ['Split the window', 'vnew'],
		\ ['Open zsh menu', 'Denite menu:zsh'],
		\ ['Format code', 'FormatCode', 'go,python'],
		\ ]

	call denite#custom#var('menu', 'menus', s:menus)

	" Ag command on grep source
	call denite#custom#var('grep', {
		\ 'command': ['ag'],
		\ 'default_opts': ['-i', '--vimgrep'],
		\ 'recursive_opts': [],
		\ 'pattern_opt': [],
		\ 'separator': ['--'],
		\ 'final_opts': [],
		\ })

	" Ack command on grep source
	call denite#custom#var('grep', {
		\ 'command': ['ack'],
		\ 'default_opts': [
		\   '--ackrc', $HOME.'/.ackrc', '-H', '-i',
		\   '--nopager', '--nocolor', '--nogroup', '--column'
		\ ],
		\ 'recursive_opts': [],
		\ 'pattern_opt': ['--match'],
		\ 'separator': ['--'],
		\ 'final_opts': [],
		\ })

	" Ripgrep command on grep source
	call denite#custom#var('grep', {
		\ 'command': ['rg'],
		\ 'default_opts': ['-i', '--vimgrep', '--no-heading'],
		\ 'recursive_opts': [],
		\ 'pattern_opt': ['--regexp'],
		\ 'separator': ['--'],
		\ 'final_opts': [],
		\ })

	" Pt command on grep source
	call denite#custom#var('grep', {
		\ 'command': ['pt'],
		\ 'default_opts': [
		\   '-i', '--nogroup', '--nocolor', '--smart-case'],
		\ 'recursive_opts': [],
		\ 'pattern_opt': [],
		\ 'separator': ['--'],
		\ 'final_opts': [],
		\ })

	" jvgrep command on grep source
	call denite#custom#var('grep', {
		\ 'command': ['jvgrep'],
		\ 'default_opts': ['-i'],
		\ 'recursive_opts': ['-R'],
		\ 'pattern_opt': [],
		\ 'separator': [],
		\ 'final_opts': [],
		\ })

	" Specify multiple paths in grep source
	"call denite#start([{'name': 'grep',
	"      \ 'args': [['a.vim', 'b.vim'], '', 'pattern']}])

	" Define alias
	call denite#custom#alias('source', 'file/rec/git', 'file/rec')
	call denite#custom#var('file/rec/git', 'command',
	      \ ['git', 'ls-files', '-co', '--exclude-standard'])

	call denite#custom#alias('source', 'file/rec/py', 'file/rec')
	call denite#custom#var('file/rec/py', 'command',
	\ ['scantree.py', '--path', ':directory'])

	" 更改忽略的目录
	call denite#custom#filter('matcher/ignore_globs', 'ignore_globs',
	      \ [ '.git/', '.ropeproject/', '__pycache__/',
	      \   'venv/', 'images/', '*.min.*', 'img/', 'fonts/'])

	" Custom action
	" Note: denite#custom#action() with lambda parameter is only available
	"       in NeoVim; not supported in Vim8.
	call denite#custom#action('file', 'test',
	      \ {context -> execute('let g:foo = 1')})
	call denite#custom#action('file', 'test2',
	      \ {context -> denite#do_action(
	      \  context, 'open', context['targets'])})
	" Source specific action
	call denite#custom#action('source/file', 'test',
	      \ {context -> execute('let g:bar = 1')})


:Denite [{options}] {sources}
可以使用一个或多个源调用Denite。 这可以通过在命令行上指定列表(以空格分隔)来完成。候选列表(通过过滤字符串在源中找到的匹配项)的排列顺序与您指定{sources}的顺序相同。

:Denite file/rec line

将首先列出文件,然后列出当前缓冲区的行。另请参见| denite-sources | 可用资源。
您必须使用“ \”转义“:”和“ \”在参数本身中,或在参数周围加上引号。

您可以通过``使用评估命令行。 注意:在评估中,特殊字符(空格,“ \”和“:”)会自动转义。

:Denite -buffer-name=search%`bufnr('%')` line<CR>

{options} are options for Denite buffer: |denite-options|

INTERFACE						*denite-interface*

COMMANDS 						*denite-commands*


:DeniteBufferDir [{options}] {sources}			*:DeniteBufferDir*
		Equivalent to |:Denite| except that it targets the buffer

:DeniteCursorWord [{options}] {sources}			*:DeniteCursorWord*
		Equivalent to |:Denite| except that it targets <cword> under
		the cursor for the initial narrowing text.
		Note: <cword> means 'iskeyword' characters.  If you want to
		custom <cword> pattern, you need to set 'iskeyword' option.
		Note: <cword> characters are escaped automatically.

:DeniteProjectDir [{options}] {sources}			*:DeniteProjectDir*
		Equivalent to |:Denite| except that it search the VCS project
		directory from parent.
		Note: You can change the search directory by
		|denite-option-path| instead of |getcwd()|.

KEY MAPPINGS 						*denite-key-mappings*

		Change |denite-option-sorters| to {arg}.
		If |denite-option-sorters| is {arg}, it will be disabled.

		Choose and fire the action by denite UI.

		Close current Denite buffer and fire {action} action.
		You can find the actions list in |denite-kinds|.
		If {action} is empty, "default" will be used.

		Fire the previous action.

		Filter the candidates by {string}.
		Note: It is used for filtering UI.

		Move to the upper path and restart Denite buffer.

		No operation.

		Open filter buffer to filtering.

		Output denite messages to |:messages|.
		Note: You cannot read the messages in Denite window.
		It is for debug only.

		Move to the selected candidate with using quick match.

		Close current Denite buffer.

		Clear the cache and redraw the candidates.

		Restart Denite buffer.

		Move back to the previous sources.
		Note: It does not restore the cursor position.

		Change |denite-option-auto-action| to {action}.
		If |denite-option-auto-action| is {action}, it will be disabled.
		If {action} is empty, all auto actions are disabled.

		Toggle cursor candidate select.

		Toggle all candidates.

		Change |denite-option-matchers| to {arg}.
		If |denite-option-matchers| is {arg}, it will be disabled.

FILTER KEY MAPPINGS 				*denite-filter-key-mappings*
Below mappings are only available in denite filter buffer.

		Delete the back word.
		Note: If the input line is empty, quit the filter buffer.

		Clear the text before cursor.

		Quit both filter buffer and denite buffer.

		Update the current input and quit filter buffer.
		Note: It does not close filter window if
		|denite-option-start-filter| is enabled.

Following keymappings are default keymappings.

Normal mode default mappings.
{lhs}			{rhs}
--------		-----------------------------
<CR>			<Plug>(denite_filter_update)
q			<Plug>(denite_filter_quit)

Insert mode default mappings.
{lhs}			{rhs}
--------		-----------------------------
<BS>			<Plug>(denite_filter_backspace)
<C-h>			<Plug>(denite_filter_backspace)
<C-u>			<Plug>(denite_filter_clear_backward)
<CR>			<Plug>(denite_filter_update)

FUNCTIONS						*denite-functions*

denite#call_map({map-name}[, {args}])			*denite#call_map()*
		Fire {map-name} mapping with {args}.  You can find the
		mappings list in |denite-key-mappings|.
		{args} behavior depends on {map-name}.
		Note: It can be used in denite-filter buffer.

denite#custom#action({kind}, {name}, {func}[, {options}])
		Define {name} action for {kind}.
		If {kind} is "source/{source-name}", you can define
		{source-name} specific action.
		{func} must be a |Funcref| or the name of a function.
		{options} is an optional dictionary which overrides the
		action behaviors "is_quit" and/or "is_redraw".
		Note: {kind} is comma separated.
		Note: lambda function is not supported in Vim8.

denite#custom#alias({type}, {alias-name}, {base-name})
		Define {alias-name} alias based on {base-name}.
		{type} must be "source" or "filter".

denite#custom#filter({filter-name}, {variable-name}, {value})
denite#custom#filter({filter-name}, {dict})
		Set {filter-name} filter specialized variable {variable-name}
		to {value}.  You may specify multiple filters with the
		separator "," in {filter-name}.
		If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
		is {value}.

denite#custom#kind({kind-name}, {option-name}, {value})
denite#custom#kind({kind-name}, {dict})
		Set {kind-name} kind specialized {option-name} to {value}.
		You may specify multiple kinds with the separator "," in
		A {kind-name} of "_" sets the default for all kinds.
		If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
		is {value}.

		The options below are available:

		default_action			(String)
		Specify the kind default action.

denite#custom#option({buffer-name}, {option-name}, {value})
denite#custom#option({buffer-name}, {dict})
		Set {option-name} option to {value} in {buffer-name}
		If {buffer-name} is "_", the options are used for all buffers.
		If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
		is {value}.
		Note: The all options are in |denite-options|.  However, "-"
		is substituted to "_", and "-" prefix is removed. >

	call denite#custom#option('default', {
	      \ 'source_names': 'short',
	      \ })
denite#custom#source({source-name}, {option-name}, {value})
denite#custom#source({source-name}, {dict})
		Set {source-name} source specialized {option-name} to {value}.
		You may specify multiple sources with the separator "," in
		A {source-name} of "_" sets the default for all sources.
		If {dict} is available, the key is {option-name} and the value
		is {value}.

		The options below are available:

		args				(List)
		Specify the source default arguments.
		Default:  []

		converters			(List)
		Specify a list of converter names.

		default_action			(String)
		Specify the source default action.

		matchers			(List)
		Specify a list of matcher names.

		max_candidates			(Number)
		Specify the maximum candidates.

		sorters				(List)
		Specify a list of sorter names.

denite#custom#var({source-name}, {var-name}, {value})
denite#custom#var({source-name}, {dict})
		Set {source-name} source specialized variable {variable-name}
		to {value}.  You may specify multiple sources with the
		separator "," in {source-name}.
		If {dict} is available, the key is {var-name} and the value
		is {value}.

denite#do_action({context}, {action-name}, {targets})
		Runs an action {action-name} against {targets}.  This will
		mainly be used in |denite#custom#action()|.

denite#do_map({map-name}[, {args}])			*denite#do_map()*
		Fire {map-name} mapping with {args}.  You can find the
		mappings list in |denite-key-mappings|.
		{args} behavior depends on {map-name}.
		Note: It is only used to define mappings.
		Note: It can be used in denite-filter buffer. >

		autocmd FileType denite-filter
		\ call s:denite_filter_my_settings()
		function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
		  inoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-c>
		  \ denite#do_map('quit')
		  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-c>
		  \ denite#do_map('quit')

denite#get_status({name})				*denite#get_status()*
		Returns the {name} part of the status string.  It is useful to
		customize the statusline.
		Note: It also works in the Denite filter window.

		The available status names:
		"input": Current filtering text
		"sources": Current sources and candidates number
		"path": Specified |denite-option-path|
		"buffer_name": Current |denite-option-buffer-name|
		"line_total": Total candidates. Part of "linenr".

		Increment the parent denite cursor.
		Note: It is only used to define mappings.
		Note: It is only for neovim.

		Initialize denite and sources.
		Note: You don't have to call it manually.

denite#move_to_filter()				*denite#move_to_filter()*
		Move to the filter buffer.
		Note: It is only used to define mappings.

denite#move_to_parent()				*denite#move_to_parent()*
		Move to the parent denite buffer.
		Note: It is only used to define mappings.
		Note: It can be used in denite-filter buffer.

denite#start({sources}[, {context}])
		Creates a new Denite buffer.

		{sources} is a list of elements which are formatted as:
		"{'name': {source-name}, 'args': {source-args}}"
		Refer to |denite-notation-{context}| about {context}.  If you
		skip a value, it uses the default value.
		call denite#start([{'name': 'file/rec', 'args': []}])

OPTIONS							*denite-options*

		Disable {option-name} flag.
		Note: If you use both {option-name} and -no-{option-name} in
		the same denite buffer, it is undefined.

		When you select a candidate, it runs the action automatically.
		Default: ""

		Auto resize the Denite window height automatically.
		Default: false

		Specify the name of denite buffer.
		Default: "default"

		Specify the default action as {action}.
		Default: "default"
		Note: It overwrites all default actions includes kind/source
		default actions.

		Select {number} candidate.
		If {number} is "+{N}" or "-{N}" when resume, selects the next
		{N} or previous {N} candidate.
		previous {N} candidate.
		Note: "0" is the first candidate.
		Note: "$" is the last candidate.
		Default: ""

		Specify the Denite window direction as {direction}.

		When it is "dynamictop", if each item's length is less than
		the current window's width, the direction becomes "aboveleft",
		otherwise - "topleft".
		Similarly for "dynamicbottom", the direction becomes
		"belowright" or "botright".
		It is useful to always make best effort to show all items
		without shortening.

		Default: "botright"

		Execute a {command} for each candidate's default action.
		You can use it like |:argdo|.

		Default: ""

		Open any denite buffer if the candidate is empty.
		Default: true

		|expand()| the input.
		Note: It is useful for file sources.
		Default: false

		Specify the Denite filter window direction as {direction}.

		When {direction} is "floating", the filter uses neovim
		floating window. If statusline is at the bottom, the filter
		overwrites statusline. Otherwise, it is located one line below

		Note: To use "floating", you need to use neovim

		Default: "botright"

		Specify the update time in the Denite filter window.
		If it is less than equal 0, the feature will be disabled.

		Default: 30

		Specify the filter floating window zindex.

		Note: To use it, you need to use neovim

		Default: 0(Disabled)

		Specify the floating window border.

		Note: To use it, you need to use neovim

		Default: ""

		Open the preview window in floating window when
		Note: To use it, you need to use neovim
		Note: If you need the feature in Vim8, you should use
		'previewpopup' instead.

		Default: false

		Specify the floating window zindex.

		Note: To use it, you need to use neovim

		Default: 0(Disabled)

		Change backgroud color group in floating filter window.
		Default: "NormalFloat"

		Matched characters highlight.
		Default: "None"

		Matched range highlight.
		Default: "Underlined"

		Previewed line highlight.
		Default: "Search"

		Prompt highlight in filter window.
		Default: "Special"

		Change backgroud color group in floating window.
		Default: "NormalFloat"

		If it is true, denite ignores the case.
		Default: true

		If candidates exist, it runs the default action
		Default: false

		If the number of candidates is exactly one, it runs the
		default action immediately.
		Default: false
		Specify an initial narrowing text.
		Default: ""

		Highlight matched chars.
		Note: Vim 8.1.1084+ is needed for it.
		Note: It is slow.
		Default: v:false

		Specify a list of matcher names.  They overwrite the source
		Default: ""

		Specify the max candidate width.
		Note: Denite skip the match after the width.
		Default: 200

		If the candidates are more than it, denite will ignore the
		dynamic filtering.

		Default: 20000

		Specify an initial narrowing path.

		Default: |getcwd()|

		Specify the action after action.

		"jump": open the denite buffer and jump to the file.
		"open": open the denite buffer.
		"quit": quit the denite buffer.
		Otherwise: nothing.

		Default: "none"

		Specify the prompt in filter window.
		Note: It must one or two characters.

		Default: ""

		Specify the preview window height.

		Default: 'previewheight'

		Specify the preview width when

		Default: 40

		It runs |denite-map-quick_move| automatically.

		"immediately": runs the default action immediately
		Empty string : nothing.
		Otherwise: move to the position.

		Default: ""


		The table of completion candidates of quick move list,
		corresponding the narrowing text.

		Note: You cannot specify it from the command-line.

		Default: >
        		\   'a' : 0, 's' : 1, 'd' : 2, 'f' : 3, 'g' : 4,
        		\   'h' : 5, 'j' : 6, 'k' : 7, 'l' : 8, ';' : 9,
        		\   'q' : 10, 'w' : 11, 'e' : 12, 'r' : 13, 't' : 14,
        		\   'y' : 15, 'u' : 16, 'i' : 17, 'o' : 18, 'p' : 19,
        		\   '1' : 20, '2' : 21, '3' : 22, '4' : 23, '5' : 24,
        		\   '6' : 25, '7' : 26, '8' : 27, '9' : 28, '0' : 29,
        		\ }
		Refresh the candidates when |denite-option-resume| is true.
		Default: false

		Specify an relative path from |denite-option-path|.
		Default: ""

		Reuse the previous buffer.  If none exist, a new denite
		buffer gets created.
		Note: Uses |denite-option-buffer-name| to search for
		previous buffers.
		Default: false

		The candidates are reversed.
		Note: It is slow.
		Default: false

		The project root marker files.
		It is splitted by comma.
		Default: ""

		If it is true, denite update |quote/| register after user
		It is useful when you want to use |gn| mapping.
		Default: false

		If it is true, denite ignores the case when the input contains
		the uppercase characters.
		Default: false

		Specify a list of sorter names.  They are source independent.
		Default: ""

		Specify the split direction.

		"vertical": Split buffer vertically
		"horizontal": Split buffer horizontally
		"no": No split
		"tab": Create the new tab for denite buffer
		"floating": Use neovim floating window feature
		"floating_relative_cursor": similar to "floating" but open
		floating window near the cursor.
		"floating_relative_window": similar to "floating" but open
		floating window near the window.

		Note: To use "floating", you need to use neovim

		Default: "horizontal"


		"": Use long long names if multiple sources.
		"short": Use short long names if multiple sources.
		"hide": Hide source names.

		Default: ""

		Start filtering on default.
		Default: false

		Enable statusline.
		Default: true

		Unique the candidates by word attribute.
		Default: false

		Open the preview window vertically.
		Default: false

		Set the column position of the Denite window if
		|denite-option-split| is "floating".

		Default: &columns / 4

		Set the height of the Denite window if |denite-option-split|
		is "horizontal".
		if |denite-option-split| is "floating" or
		"floating_relative_cursor" or "floating_relative_window",
		set the height of the floating window.
		If auto-resize is set, |denite-option-winheight| is the
		maximum size of the window.

		Default: 20

		Set the row position of the Denite window if
		|denite-option-split| is "floating".
		If it is 1, Denite filter window position is always top.

		Default: &lines / 2 - 10

		Set the width of the Denite window if |denite-option-split|
		is "vertical".
		if |denite-option-split| is "floating" or
		"floating_relative_cursor" or "floating_relative_window",
		set the width of the floating window.

		Default: &columns / 2

		Set the minimum height of an auto-resize window.
		Note: a value of -1 for |denite-option-winminheight| leaves
		the minimum height unset.

		Default: -1

SOURCES							*denite-sources*

buffer		Gather buffers and jump to the buffer.

		Source args:
			0. '!' : a flag to show unlisted buffers

		Custom variables:
		date_format	  the format string to show date
				  a flag to exclude unlisted buffers
				  (default is '1')
				  the list of excluded filetypes
				  (default is ["denite"])
				  a flag to list only modified buffers
				  (default is '0')

change		Gather results of |:changes|.

colorscheme	Gather colorschemes and change the colorscheme.

command		Gather commands and put on ex-mode.
		Note: |getcompletion()| "cmdline" feature is needed.

command_history	Gather command histories and run it.

		Custom variables:
		ignore_command_regexp	 the regexp to exclude from histories.
					Note: python3's regexp

		Source actions:
		delete		Remove the files from |:history|

directory_rec	Gather directories recursive and nominates all directory names
		under the search directory (argument 0) or the current
		directory (if argument is omitted) as candidates.
		Note: Windows environment is not supported.

		Source args:
			0. the search directory
			Note: The directory is not expanded argument by
			|expand()|.  The environment variable is only

		Custom variables:
		command		 the default get directories command
				(default is used "find" command in Unix

		Gather files from the user input.

		Source args:
			0. if it is "new", file source create the file.
			1. the search directory

		Gather files from |v:oldfiles|.

		Note: This source cannot be update the candidates until Vim
		restart in Vim8.

		Source actions:
		delete		Remove the files from |v:oldfiles|

		Gather current line of "file:line" format as candidates.

		Gather files recursive and nominates all file names under the
		search directory (argument 0) or the current directory (if
		argument is omitted) as candidates.

		Source args:
			0. the search directory
			Note: The directory is not expanded argument by
			|expand()|.  The environment variable is only

		Custom variables:
		command		the default get files command.
				default uses "find" command in Unix

				find -L <directory> \
					-path "*/.git/*" -prune, -o \
					-type l -print -o -type f -print

				To customize the find command or any command
				that does't expects the directory parameter as
				it's last parameter one can use the positional
				"directory" argument:
				call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command',
					\ ['find', '-L', ':directory',
					\ '-path', '*/.svn/*', '-prune', '-o',
					\ '-type', 'l', '-print', '-o',
					\ '-type', 'f', '-print'])
				You can use a python script that comes with
				denite for the file/rec command. It is the
				default on windows if you don't set your own
				To use it other environments you can do:
				call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command',
				\ ['scantree.py', '--path', ':directory'])
				By default it ignores the files or folders
				matching your 'wildignore' setting.
				You can change which files to ignore with the
				following command line argument:
				  --ignore pat1,pat2,...

				  where pat1, pat2 are patterns to ignore, for
				  example --ignore *pyc,.git

				The following two examples show how to set up
				the command:
				call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command',
				\ ['scantree.py', '--path', ':directory',
				\  "--ignore=''"])
				let ignore=&wildignore .
				    \ ',*.pyc,.git,.hg,.svn'
				call denite#custom#var('file/rec', 'command',
				\ ['scantree.py', '--path', ':directory',
				\  '--ignore', ignore])
				The first example doesn't ignore any files,
				the second ignores everything matching
				'wildignore' plus the given patterns.
				Note: The patterns are based on fnmatch python

				The cache feature is disabled if the number of
				files is less than this value or this value is
				(default: 10000)

filetype	Gather filetypes and change the filetype of the current

grep		Gather grep results and nominates them.
		The source executes [command, default_opts, recursive_opts,
		args[1]..., `pattern_opt, args[2]`..., separator, args[0]...
		or final_opts] command line.
		Note: The command result must be "path:linenr:text" pattern.

		Source args:
			0. path string or list of paths
			1. string or list of arguments
			2. pattern string or list of patterns

		Note: If the args 0 is empty, |denite-option-path| is used.
		Note: If the args 1 is "!", it is the interactive mode.
		Note: If the args 2 is "!", it is the interactive mode.
		The results are updated when the input is changed.
		Note: If the args 2 is empty, |denite-option-input| or user
		input pattern is used.

		Custom variables:
		command		the default grep command
				(default: ["grep"])
		default_opts	the grep default options
				(default: ["-inH"])
		final_opts	the final arguments
				(default: [])
				the maximum path length.
				(default: 50)
				the minimum input length of interactive
				(default: 3)
		pattern_opt	the pattern option
				(default: ["-e"]
		recursive_opts	the recursive search arguments
				(default: ["-r"])
		separator	the argument separator
				(default: ["--"])

help		Search through doc tags

jump		Gather results of |:jumps|.

line		Gather current buffer lines as candidates.

		Source arguments:

		1. the search direction:
		"all":       Search from the buffer top
		"backward":  Search from the current to the buffer top
		"forward":   Search from the current to the buffer bottom
		"buffers":   Search from the all buffers
		"args":      Search from the argument buffers
		Note: If the direction is "all" or omitted, it searches from
		the buffer top.
		Note: If you use "buffers", 'hidden' option must be set to
		gather the all buffers.  If 'hidden' is not set, not shown
		buffers lines will be empty.

		2. the line emptiness:
		"empty":     Include empty lines
		"noempty":   Do not include empty lines
		Note: By default, empty lines are included.

line/external	Gather current buffer lines as candidates.
		It is simpler but faster than |denite-source-line|.
		It is useful for huge buffers.
		Note: The command result must be "path:linenr:text" pattern.

		Custom variables:
		grep_command	the default grep command
				(default: ["grep"])
				the grep default options
				(default: ["-inH"])
				the pattern option
				(default: ["-e"]
		grep_separator	the argument separator
				(default: ["--"])
		grep_final_opts	the final arguments
				(default: [])

mark		Gather |:mark|.

menu		Gather custom menus.

		Source args:
			0. The desired menu

		Custom variables:
		menus		dictionary containing menus in key value
				pairs (See |denite-examples|). Only supports
				candidates of type list.

				"boolean" to determine whether or not to
				include menus previously defined in Unite

outline		Gather outline and jump to the target.

		Source arguments:
		1. filename (use current buffer path if omitted)

		Custom variables:
		command 	the default command to get outline
				(default: ["ctags"])
		output          set as "json" to use json output 
				with latest universal-ctags
				(default: ["legacy"])
		force_filetype  set "--language-force" option of ctags
                		from buffer filetype
                		(default: True)
		options 	the default options for command
				(default: [])
		file_opt 	the default option for writing to
				specified file
				(default: '-o')
		ignore_types 	the list of ignore types
				(default: [])
		encoding 	the text encoding
				(default: 'utf-8')

output		Gather executed command output as candidates.

		Source arguments:
		1. Vim command or '!' prefixed shell command.
		2. Command args.

		Source default action: yank
		" It outputs "foo bar".
		:Denite output:echo:"foo:bar"
		:Denite output:echo\ "foo\ bar"

		" Gather the output of ls
		:Denite output:!ls
register	Gather the registers.

		Source actions:
		edit		Edit the register value

source		Gather Denite source names.

spell		Gather spell suggestions.

		Source arguments:
		1. Word

		If no source arguments passed then current
		word under cursor is used.

tag		Gather results of |tagfiles()|.
		Note: If the args 0 is "include", it will gather the results
		of |neoinclude| plugin.

KINDS							*denite-kinds*

All candidates can support below actions.

append		Insert the candidate word or text after the cursor.
defx		Run |defx| by denite candidates.
echo		Print the candidates to denite messages.
insert		Insert the candidate word or text before the cursor.
replace		Replace the selected text to the candidate word.
yank		Yank the candidate word.

Kind Specific candidates can support below actions.

buffer		An interface to open the buffer.
		It extends |denite-kind-openable|.

			action__bufnr		(Number)	(Required)
				The buffer number.

			open (default)
				Open the buffer.

				Delete the buffer.

command		An interface to execute the command.

			action__command		(String)	(Required)
				The command that you'll execute.

			execute (default)
				Execute the command.
				Edit the command.

directory	An interface to change directory.

			action__path		(String)	(Required)
				The path of the directory that you'll change

			narrow (default)
				Narrow by the directory.

				Change the Vim current directory to the

				Open the directory.

file		An interface to jump to the file position.
		It extends |denite-kind-openable|.

			action__path		(String)	(Required)
				The path of the file that you'll jump into.

			action__line		(Number)	(Optional)
				The line number in the file you'll jump into.

			action__col		(Number)	(Optional)
				The column number in the file you'll jump

			action__pattern		(String)	(Optional)
				The search pattern in the file you'll jump

			open (default)
				|:edit| the file.

				|:drop| the file.

				Preview and highlight the file.  Close the
				preview window if it is already exists.

				Preview the file by "bat" command.  Close the
				window if it is already exists.
				Note: "bat" command is required.

				Highlight the location of the candidate if the
				buffer is visible.

				Set the quickfix list and open the quickfix

				Set the location list and open the location

openable	An interface to open the object.
		Note: It is the abstract kind.

			open (default)
				Open the object.

				Open the object in the next tab.

				open the object with |:split|.

				open the object with |:vsplit|.

				Switch to the window that is opening the
				object. If it isn't opened, fallback open.

				Switch to the window that is opening the
				object. If it isn't opened, fallback tabopen.

				Switch to the window that is opening the
				object. If it isn't opened, fallback split.

				Switch to the window that is opening the
				object. If it isn't opened, fallback vsplit.

source		An interface to start the source.

			start (default)
				Start the source.

word		An interface to paste the text.

			action__text		(String)	(Required)
				The command that you'll paste.

			append (default)

FILTERS							*denite-filters*

		A matcher which filters the candidates using vim-clap Rust
		It is faster than other matchers.

		Note: You need to install vim-clap and build binary file and
		specify the vim-clap path by |denite#custom#filter()|. >

			$ cd vim-clap
			$ cd pythonx/clap
			$ make build
		Custom variables:
		clap_path	the vim-clap installation path.
				(default: "")
		call denite#custom#filter('matcher/clap',
		      \ 'clap_path', expand('~/src/vim-clap'))
		A matcher which filters the candidates using cpsm.
		Note: cpsm plugin build/install is needed in 'runtimepath'.
		Note: The matcher is deprecated.  |denite-filter-matcher/clap|
		is recommended.
		Note: You must use Python3 support enabled cpsm. >
			$ PY3=ON ./install.sh
		A matcher which filters the candidates with user given fuzzy

		A matcher which hides the hidden files.  If your input
		contains ".", the hidden files will be appeared.

		A matcher which filters the candidates by |matchfuzzy()|.

		A matcher which removes non project files.

		A matcher which ignores the current buffer path.

		A matcher which ignores the globs matched files.
		Note: This filtering is slow.

		Custom variables:
		ignore_globs	the ignore globs pattern.
		(default is: >
                 '*~', '*.o', '*.exe', '*.bak',
                 '.DS_Store', '*.pyc', '*.sw[po]', '*.class',
                 '.hg/', '.git/', '.bzr/', '.svn/',
                 'tags', 'tags-*'
		A matcher which filters the candidates with user given
		regular expression.
		Note: The matcher is very slow than other matchers.

		A matcher which filters the candidates using simple substring

		Use |v:oldfiles| for sorting.
		Note: The candidates must contain "action__path" key.
		Note: It should be used in neovim instead of Vim8.

		Simple filter to sort candidates by ascii order of path

		Uses the scoring algorithm from selecta:
		https://github.com/garybernhardt/selecta.  If the matched
		length is shorter, the rank is higher.  This sorter is useful
		for file candidate source.

		Simple filter to reverse the order of candidates.

		Uses the scoring algorithm from this article and its

		Simple filter to sort candidates by ascii order of word

		Convert candidate abbr to word.

		Convert |expand()| input text.

		Convert candidate's abbr to the relative path.

		Convert candidate's word to the relative path.

		Convert candidate tail path to word.

		Truncate candidate abbr by |denite-option-winwidth|.

CREATE SOURCE						*denite-create-source*

To create source, you should read default sources implementation in

The files are automatically loaded and denite creates new Source class object.
Source class must extend Base class in ".base".

Note: The sources must be created by Python3 language.

SOURCE ATTRIBUTES				*denite-source-attributes*

__init__	(Function)
		Source constructor.  It is always called in initializing.  It
		must call super() constructor.  This function takes {self} and
		{vim} as its parameters.

__{name}	(Unknown)			(Optional)
		Additional source information.
		Note: Recommend sources save variables instead of
		global variables.

converters	(List)				(Optional)
		Source default converters list.

		Default: []

		(String)			(Optional)
		Define the source specific default action.

		(Function)			(Optional)
		Define the source specific syntax.

		(Function)			(Required)
		It is called to gather candidates.
		It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter and returns a
		list of {candidate}.
		{candidate} must be Dictionary contains
		Here, {context} is the context information when the source is
		Note: The source must not filter the candidates by user input.
		It is |denite-filters| work.  If the source filter the
		candidates, user cannot filter the candidates by fuzzy match.
		Note: If the asynchronous gather is done, you must set
		"context['is_async']" to "False"

get_status	(Function)			(Optional)
		It is called to get the status for the 'statusline'.
		It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter.

		Default: |denite-source-attribute-name|

		(Function)			(Optional)
		Apply the source specific syntax highlight.

		(Bool)			(Optional)
		If it is True, the source context can be accessed by action.

		(Bool)			(Optional)
		If it is True, the source candidates is not be cached.

kind		(String) or (Kind)		(Optional)
		The candidates kind name or source specific Kind object.

matchers	(List)				(Optional)
		Source default matchers list.

		Default: ['matcher/fuzzy']

max_candidates		(Number)		(Optional)
		If the candidates are more than it, denite will ignore the

		Default: 1000

name		(String)			(Required)
		The name of a source.

on_init		(Function)			(Optional)
		It is called after the source is initialized.
		It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter.

on_close	(Function)			(Optional)
		It is called before quit.
		It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter.

sorters		(List)				(Optional)
		Source default sorters list.

		Default: ['sorter/rank']

syntax_name		(String)		(Optional)
		The source syntax highlight name.

		Default: "deniteSource_{source-name}"

{context}					*denite-notation-{context}*
		A dictionary to give context information.
		The followings are the primary information.

		args			(List)
			The current source arguments.

		candidates		(List)
			The current candidates.

		event			(String)
			The gather event.
			"gather": normal gather update
			"interactive": interactive update
			"async": asynchronous update

		input			(String)
			The input string of current line.

		is_async		(Bool)
			If the gather is asynchronous, the source must set
			it "True".

		is_interactive		(Bool)
			If the gather is updated interactively, the source
			must set it "True".

		__			(Unknown)
			Additional source information.
		Note: Recommend sources save variables instead of
		global variables.

CANDIDATE ATTRIBUTES			*denite-candidate-attributes*

word		(String)			(Required)
		The word of a candidate. It is used for matching inputs.

abbr		(String)			(Optional)
		The string displayed in Denite buffer.  If it is omitted, word
		attribute is used instead.  It is not used for matching

CREATE KIND						*denite-create-kind*

Custom Kind can be created to contain extra actions for your custom source.
Before create your new kind, you should have a look at existing kinds in

Instead of create new kind from scratch, you can extend one of the existing
Kind class, let's take "openable" for example: >

    from denite.kind.openable import Kind as Openable

    class Kind(Openable):
        def __init__(self, vim):
            self.name = 'mykind'

        def action_open(self, context):
            target = context['targets'][0]
            path = target['action__path']
            # assume you have a MyEdit command
            self.vim.command('MyEdit', path)
After create new Kind class, alias it to your source by >

    self.kind = Kind(vim)
in the "__init__" method of your source class.

Note: If you want to change the source in the action, you can change
"context['sources_queue']" like this: >

    def action_refine(self, context):
            {'name': 'myplugin', 'args': []},

KIND ATTRIBUTES					*denite-kind-attributes*

__init__	(Function)
		Kind constructor.  It is always called in initializing.  It
		must call super() constructor.  This function takes {self} and
		{vim} as its parameters.

action_{name} (Function) 			(Optional)
		Custom action logic with {name} as action name. The function
		is passed with {self} and {context}.

		To get the seleted candidate list, you could use "targets"
		attribute in {context}: >

                    targets = context['targets']
		To get the source context, you could use "source_context"
		attribute in "target": >

		    for target in context['targets']:
		      source_context = target['source_context']
		Note: The source must be
		Note: The source context is "__" prefixed keys (source
		specific keys) only.

default_action  (String)
		Default action name.

name 		(String) 			(Required)
		The name of a Kind.

persist_actions (List) 				(Optional)
		List of action names which not close Denite buffer after

redraw_actions (List) 				(Optional)
		List of action names which redraw Denite buffer after

CREATE FILTER						*denite-create-filter*

To create filter, you should read default filters implementation in

The files are automatically loaded and denite creates new Filter class object.
Filter class must extend Base class in ".base".

Note: The filters must be created by Python3 language.

FILTER ATTRIBUTES				*denite-filter-attributes*

__init__	(Function)
		Source constructor.  It will be called in initializing.  It
		must call Base constructor.  This function takes {self} and
		{vim} as its parameters.

		(Function)			(Required)
		It is called to filter candidates.
		It takes {self} and {context} as its parameter and returns a
		list of {candidate}.
		{candidate} must be Dictionary contains
		Here, {context} is the context information when the source is

name		(String)			(Required)
		The name of a source.

DEOPLETE SOURCES				*denite-deoplete-sources*

		Custom variables:
				If it is True, denite source use the buffer
				pattern instead of original candidates word.
				(default: v:true)

EXTERNAL SOURCES				*denite-external-sources*

vim-denite-ghq: "ghq" source

FAQ							*denite-faq*

Q: How to donate money to you?

A: I don't get the donation, but if you want to donate, please support neovim
project.  My plugins depends on neovim development.

Q: denite can support Vim8?

A: Yes.

Q: I want to change the cursor line color in Denite buffer.

A: denite uses 'cursorline' feature.
So you can change the color by |hl-CursorLine| highlight. >

Q: I want to use unite source in denite.

A: You can use |unite-denite-source-unite| for it. >
	Denite unite:file
Note: unite installation is needed.

Q: What is the correct way to say "if I'm in a git directory, git ls-files for
file/rec" ?

A: >
	call denite#custom#alias('source', 'file/rec/git', 'file/rec')
	call denite#custom#var('file/rec/git', 'command',
	\ ['git', 'ls-files', '-co', '--exclude-standard'])
	nnoremap <silent> <C-p> :<C-u>Denite
	\ `finddir('.git', ';') != '' ? 'file/rec/git' : 'file/rec'`<CR>

Q: Where is "file_mru" source for denite.nvim?

A: Please install neomru.vim plugin.  It includes file_mru source for

Q: Vimfiler will support denite?

A: Denite file explorer interface should be implemented by defx.nvim plugin.
It is not vimfiler work.

Q: ":UniteNext"/":UnitePrevious" like commands are available?

A: >

	:Denite -resume -cursor-pos=+1 -immediately
	:Denite -resume -cursor-pos=-1 -immediately

Q: ":UniteNext"/":UniteDo" like commands are available?

A: >

	:Denite -resume -do='normal! A;'

Q: I want to close denite buffer if grep results are empty.

A: >
	:Denite -no-empty grep

Q: grep source is very slow.

A: Because your machine is very slow.  The modern grep command like ripgrep is
optimized for modern multi core processors.  It uses 4 processes heavily.
More than a quad core CPU is recommended.  A dual core CPU is very slow.
And you can change |denite-option-filter-updatetime| option.

Q: I want to use grep source as interactive mode.  The interactive mode gives
you a prompt, and searches once the input is complete like helm-swoop.el.

A: You must set the 3rd argument to "!" in grep source(|denite-source-grep|).
	:Denite -start-filter grep:::!
If you want to use the interactive mode by default: >

	call denite#custom#source('grep', 'args', ['', '', '!'])

Q: What is "ch x was closed by the client"?

A: Python process was crashed.  I cannot fix the error.
I think the process was under heavy load.  You should change
|denite-option-filter-updatetime| option.

Q: Does hw (highway) work in denite.nvim?

A: No. It is not supported.

Q: Can I make denite window always use 40% of the current window?

A: >
	Denite file -winheight=`40*winheight(0)/100`

Q: I want to narrow by path in grep source.

A: >
	call denite#custom#source('grep',
	\ 'converters', ['converter/abbr_word'])

Q: I want to list buffers in current directory.

	call denite#custom#source(
	\ 'buffer', 'matchers', ['matcher/fuzzy', 'matcher/project_files'])
Q: Where is bookmark source?

A: You can use denite-dirmark instead.

Q: I want to use better matcher.

A: You can use fruzzy matcher instead.

Q: Not able to get to insert mode to filter. Esc does not work to hide denite
buffer. Enter does move cursor one line down. No nice input line. What to do?

A: Denite.nvim does not define any of default mappings.  You need to define
them.  |denite-examples|

Q: I want to move the cursor in a Denite filter window, while in insert mode.

A: Really? It is not the Vim way to move the cursor while in insert mode. You
must force this behaviour. >

	autocmd FileType denite-filter call s:denite_filter_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
	  inoremap <silent><buffer> <C-j> <Esc>
	      \:call denite#move_to_parent()<CR>
	      \:call cursor(line('.')+1,0)<CR>
	      \:call denite#move_to_filter()<CR>A
	  inoremap <silent><buffer> <C-k> <Esc>
	      \:call denite#move_to_parent()<CR>
	      \:call cursor(line('.')-1,0)<CR>
	      \:call denite#move_to_filter()<CR>A

	" It is faster version, but neovim only.
	function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
	  inoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-j>
	      \ denite#increment_parent_cursor(1)
	  inoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-k>
	      \ denite#increment_parent_cursor(-1)
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-j>
	      \ denite#increment_parent_cursor(1)
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <C-k>
	      \ denite#increment_parent_cursor(-1)

Note: This is very slow in Vim8 environment. See the |denite-examples| for an
example mapping from insert mode to filter mode.

Q: I want to use multiple action in denite buffer.

A: You can use |denite#call_map()| for it.
	autocmd FileType denite
	\ call s:denite_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_my_settings() abort
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer> <C-b>
	  \ :<C-u>call <SID>denite_quickfix()<CR>
	function! s:denite_quickfix()
	  call denite#call_map('toggle_select_all')
	  call denite#call_map('do_action', 'quickfix')
Q: I want to use external statusline plugin like lightline/vim-airline etc.

A: You should disable the internal statusline. >

	call denite#custom#option('_', 'statusline', v:false)

Q: I want to change current sources in the custom action.

A: You need to return new context in action function.
	function! s:candidate_file_rec(context)
	  let path = a:context['targets'][0]['action__path']
	  let narrow_dir = denite#util#path2directory(path)
	  let sources_queue = a:context['sources_queue'] + [[
	        \ {'name': 'file/rec', 'args': [narrow_dir]},
	        \ ]]
	  return {'sources_queue': sources_queue}
	call denite#custom#action('buffer,directory,file,openable',
	        \ 'candidate_file_rec', function('s:candidate_file_rec'))
Q: I want to quit filter window in denite filter window.

A: >

	autocmd FileType denite-filter call s:denite_filter_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
	  imap <silent><buffer> <C-c> <Plug>(denite_filter_quit)

Q: I want to call default action in denite filter window.

A: >

	autocmd FileType denite-filter call s:denite_filter_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
	  inoremap <silent><buffer><expr> <CR> denite#do_map('do_action')

Q: I want to disable deoplete auto completion in denite filter window.

	autocmd FileType denite-filter call s:denite_filter_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
	  call deoplete#custom#buffer_option('auto_complete', v:false)

Q: I want to execute custom action in denite window.

A: >

	autocmd FileType denite call s:denite_my_settings()
	call denite#custom#action('directory', 'dein_update',
	\ function('s:dein_update'))
	function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
	  nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> U
	  \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'dein_update')

Q: I want to narrow by tail path instead of full path in file/rec source.

A: >
	call denite#custom#source('file/rec',
	\ 'matchers', ['converter/tail_path', 'matcher/fuzzy'])

Q: In a large git repo, the candidates list doesn't update as I type.

A: You need to set |denite-option-max-dynamic-update-candidates|. >

	call denite#custom#option('_',
	\ 'max_dynamic_update_candidates', 100000)

Q: I want to define source depend key mappings.

A: It is not supported. But you can define |denite-option-buffer-name| depend
key mappings. >

	autocmd FileType denite call s:denite_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_my_settings() abort
	  if b:denite.buffer_name == 'foo'
	    nnoremap <silent><buffer><expr> p
	    \ denite#do_map('do_action', 'preview')

Q: I want to close denite filter window after hitting <ESC>.

	autocmd FileType denite-filter call s:denite_filter_my_settings()
	function! s:denite_filter_my_settings() abort
	  imap <silent><buffer> <Esc>       <Plug>(denite_filter_quit)

Q: Is it possible to configure the floating window appearance?  I would like
to add line numbers to it.

A: You can use |User| "denite-preview" autocmd. >

	autocmd User denite-preview call s:denite_preview()
	function! s:denite_preview() abort
	  setlocal number
Q: Are there any source which is the same as history/yank in Unite?

A: Use https://github.com/Shougo/neoyank.vim

Q: I want to enable matched highlight in buffer.

A: |denite-option-match-highlight|

Q: I want to grep for loaded buffers like unite.vim's "$buffers" arguments.

A: >
	nnoremap <silent> <C-g> :call denite#start([{'name': 'grep', 'args':
	      \ map(filter(range(1, bufnr('$')),
	      \ { _, val -> buflisted(val) && filereadable(bufname(val)) }),
	      \ { _, val -> bufname(val) })}])<CR>

Q: I want to switch from the filter window into the denite window.

A: You must use |<Plug>(denite_filter_update)| for it.

COMPATIBILITY						*denite-compatibility*

* "floating_relative" option is replaced to "floating_relative_cursor" and

* |denite-filter-matcher/regexp| is very slow.  It is disabled in the default
* Change fuzzy regex behavior to improve the performance.

* Quit both filter buffer and denite buffer when |<Plug>(denite_filter_quit)|.
* Change |<Plug>(denite_filter_backspace)| behavior.  When the line is empty,
  close filter window.

* "choose_action" uses denite UI instead

* Remove matched highlight feature to optimize update denite buffer.
  But you can use -match-highlight option if you use Vim 8.1.1084+.

* msgpack 1.0.0+ is required

* Rename "-previewheight" option to "-preview-height".

* Version 3.0
* Remove prompt.nvim.
* "-use-default-mappings" option is deprecated.
* Remove suspend feature.
* Change status names in denite#get_status().

* "-auto-highlight" and "-auto-preview" options are deprecated.
  Please use "-auto-action" option instead.

* nvim-yarp is needed for Vim8.

* "file_old", "file_point" and "file_rec" sources are deprecated.

* Python 3.6.1+ is required.

* Remove some deprecated options support.

* Python 3.5+ is required.

* Remove "-force-quit" and "-no-quit" options.  Please use "post-action"
  option instead.

* <denite:toggle_sorters> is deprecated.  Please use <denite:change_sorters>

* context["source"] is deprecated.  Please use target["source_context"]

* "short-source-names" option is deprecated.  Added "source-names" option.

* "line" source default direction is "all" instead of "forward".

* "directory" kind default action is changed to "narrow".

* "preview" action highlights the position.

* "highlight" action does not open the preview window.

* "highlight_syntax" is splitted to "highlight" and "define_syntax".
  The sources don't have to define source syntax name.

* neovim-prompt implementation has been merged.
  Users need to follow the migration-note below.

* -select option is deprecated option.  Please use -cursor-pos option



E117: Unknown function: defx#get_candidate
E116: Invalid arguments for function has_key
E15: 无效的表达式: has_key(defx#get_candidate(), ‘action__path’)
[denite] option “-start_filter=”: type is invalid.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/lxyoucan/article/details/117077611