首页 > 其他分享> > 您的手机变成计算机的麦克风



1. 特点



  1. WO麦克风应用程序,在手机上运行。它通过电话麦克风捕捉您的声音并将其传输到计算机。
  2. 在计算机上运行的WO麦克风客户端。它连接到应用程序,接收语音数据,并将它们传递到虚拟麦克风设备。
  3. WO麦克风虚拟设备,也运行在计算机上,虽然在内核空间。它接收来自客户端程序的语音数据,模拟真正的麦克风设备,并提供音频数据的应用程序,如声音记录器。


WO Mic architecture


2. 下载和安装


2.1 在手机上安装应用程序

Get it on Google Play Get it on App Store


2.2 在 PC 上安装客户端


窗口的沃麦克风客户端 1,151,725 字节 4.7

2.3 在 PC 上安装设备驱动程序

WO 麦克风设备驱动程序适用于 Win7/8/10。支持处理器为 x86 和 x64。

窗口的WO麦克风设备驱动程序 242,645 字节

成功安装驱动程序后,将自动创建 WO 麦克风设备。按照以下步骤检查设备是否存在并正常工作:

WO Mic device

3. User guide

3.1 Choose transport

Depending on system, different transports may be selected as the communication channel between your phone and computer: Choose appropriate transport you shall use.
3.1.1 USB transport
We recommend USB transport whenever possible, as it is more robust than wireless connections. It also has lower latency and higher bit rate. To use USB connection, follow these: If all have been done well, your phone is identified as one USB device with name "ADB Interface":

3.2 Configure and start server on phone

Launch WO Mic on phone. Before staring the server, you can go to Settings to configure what you prefer.

3.2.1 Transport option
Select the transport you would. Requirements for each transport:
3.2.2 Control port option
This port number should be same as in client; otherwise, connection will fail. If no special reasons, don't change it.

Note media port can only be configured in client. It shall be synced to server when making connection.

3.2.3 Audio source option

There are 5 mic modes. Due to different Android phone hardware and OEM customization, not all modes may be supported on your phone. Even some are supported, they may not have same effect as described here. So please take below mode description as a hint and explore each mode on your phone to select appropriate one.

3.2.4 Start server

Once all have been configured, go to main UI and press Start button to start server. If it prompts not enough permission, grant microphone or audio record permission to this app.

Once the state changes to Started or Connectable, the server is ready to accept connection request from client.

3.3 Connect from client

On Windows, follow these steps to connect:
  1. Launch WO Mic client. If you meet "MSVCP140.dll is missing" or similar error on Win7/8/8.1, please either upgrade your Windows, or install KBA2999226 and KBA3118401 from Microsoft.
  2. Select Connection -> Connect...
  3. In connect dialog, select same transport type as you did on phone in 3.2.
  4. In Details pane, specify auxiliary connection parameters:
    • Bluetooth. Select the phone Bluetooth name in the dropdown list.
    • USB. None.
    • Wi-Fi. Enter the IP address shown on server.
    • Wi-Fi Direct. Enter the IP address of SoftAP. Use the default if you don't know what it is.
  5. Click Connect.

Once client shows to be connected, audio data captured by phone will be streamed to computer.

3.4 Verify streaming is going well

Before using WO Mic device, you may want first to verify audio is being streamed correctly from phone to PC. To do that, play received audio data directly: If everything goes well, you can hear sound captured by phone.

3.5 Use WO Mic device


某些应用程序可能不允许您选择音频设备。对于这种情况,您可以将 WO 麦克风设备设置为 Windows 设置中的默认录音设备。

Set default recording device

3.6 反病毒软件引起的问题

一些防病毒或防火墙软件对 WO Mic 客户端或驱动程序发出错误的警报。他们甚至可能删除相关文件或阻止导致 WO Mic 故障的网络连接。如果您遇到这些问题,请配置您的计算机,以便WO麦克风工作。


警告:切勿从不受信任的网站下载和安装 WO Mic 客户端和驱动程序设置程序。从此页面下载(https://wolicheng.com/womic/),并检查下载的文件大小是否与通知值相符。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yvoonekit/p/14766872.html