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91 be linked to/with something 与…连接

92 be proud of 为...而骄傲

93 be referred to 被提及,被提交

94 be related to 与……有关

95 be sick of 厌恶┄,讨厌┄

96 be subject to 经受,遭受

97 be suitable for 适合于

98 be sure of 对┄的肯定

99 be thrown in 额外赠送

100 be tied by/with 被…捆绑

101 be tied to 束缚于,捆绑于

102 be tired of 厌倦┄,厌烦┄

103 behind time 晚点

104 belief in 对…的真实性或正确性具有的信心

105 believe(… to be) 相信……是

106 better than 好于…

107 beyond question 毋庸置疑

108 break away 脱离,逃跑

109 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解

110 break into 闯入

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/cmsgn/p/14645299.html