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come up with 想出;提出;提供:

Our class came up with the idea to make better use of used materials. 我们班的同学提出了这一想法,以更好利用废旧材料。

They want to buy the house, but they couldn’t come up with the cash. 他们想买房,但是拿不出这笔现金。


figure out 弄清楚;弄明白;计算出:

I couldn’t figure out what I had done to annoy my boss. 我不明白自己做了什么让老板生气。

Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? 旅行要花多少费用你算出来没有?


get down to 开始做;开始认真对待:

It’s time we got down to business. 我们该开始干正事了。


give away

① 送掉;分发 (奖品等):The Students’ Union called on us to give away our used books to the students in the lower grades.学生会号召我们把用过的书送给低年级的学生。

② 泄露 (秘密);出卖:I will never give your secrets away again. 我绝不会再泄露你的秘密。

His accent gives him away as a southerner.他的口音让人听出他是南方人。

③ 放弃 (机会等);输掉:Would they give away their chance to win the game? 他们会放弃赢得比赛的机会吗?

We gave away two goals in the first half.上半场我们输了两个球。


give up 放弃;让:

She decided to give up her job and start a coffee bar. 她决定辞去工作,开一家咖啡馆。

He gave up his seat to a pregnant woman. 他把座位让给了一位孕妇。


lead to 致使;导致:

A lack of confidence can lead to a lot of suffering. 缺乏自信会导致很多痛苦。

Good habits always lead to high efficiency, while bad ones bring the opposite. 好习惯总是会带来高效率,而坏习惯则相反。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/cmsgn/p/14642351.html