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Dear Current and Future Users of the China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS):

We are pleased to announce a number of major changes in the CHNS. We are finalizing data for the CHNS 2015 and have released most of the data collected in 2015 - 2016 and previous years. The data are available in our project website

(http://www.cpc.unc.edu/projects/china) and will be available in our university Dataverse Network (https://dataverse.unc.edu/dataverse/cpc) where you can convert the datasets in many different formats that you are familiar.

We have recreated a new relationship dataset that contains relationships between one household member and all other members in the same household. We also included relationships to members in their original household if they moved to a different household.

We have updated community data request system. Researchers who are interested in using our community data or linking their datasets to ours can submit their requests online (http://www.cpc.unc.edu/projects/china/data/linkages). This will expedite the review process and researchers can get the community data faster. As you will see when you review this new webpage, we will then create secure options for you downloading your requested data once approved and the process of getting data to you is much quicker. Once your payment is received, which unfortunately we cannot automate, we can then quickly proceed to provide the data.

This has been a joint project of the National Institute for Nutrition and Health, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Our joint team has always been involved in its design, implementation and computerization. Since its inception in 1988 and first implementation the following year as a small poorly funded private option, our goal has been to create and disseminate a very high quality, multipurpose set of community-, household-, and individual-level data to users across the globe.

We will continue to make all data available to the public again at no cost. There is, however, a major request that is essential for us to continue funding. It is required that all CHNS users cite this acknowledgment in all theses, book chapters, and papers:

This research uses data from China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS). We are grateful to research grant funding from the National Institute for Health (NIH), the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD, R01 HD30880; P2C HD050924), the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK, R01 DK104371), the NIH Fogarty D43 TW009077 for financial support for the CHNS data collection and analysis files since 1989, the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Ministry of Health for support for CHNS 2009, Chinese National Human Genome Center at Shanghai since 2009, and Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Prevention and Control since 2011. We thank the National Institute for Nutrition and Health, China Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

We have added a new feature to our website that researchers can search all publications used CHNS data. We need you to email us (chns@unc.edu) the full citations of your articles once they are published. This will be a requirement of all future IRB submissions and confidentiality requirements for access to the CHNS data.

Some biomarker data from the CHNS2015 is still being assayed and will be released in 1-2 years once data cleaning is complete.

Finally, both the University of North Carolinas Carolina Population Center team headed by Barry Popkin, co-PI Penny Gordon Larsen, and the teams in China headed by Bing Zhang will continue to coordinate and run the survey. We are applying for funding from NIH for the next survey circle of 2020-2024. We will continue to provide access to the datasets and to support this long-term longitudinal survey.



Zhang, Nan; Bécares, Laia; & Chandola, Tarani. (Forthcoming). A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationship between Parental Migration and Left-Behind Children’s Macronutrient Intakes in Rural China. Public Health Nutrition.

Inoue, Y.; Howard, A.G.; Thompson, A.L.; & Gordon-Larsen, P. (Forthcoming). Secular change in the association between urbanisation and abdominal adiposity in China (1993-2011). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Hou, X.; & Zhang, J. (Forthcoming). The Effects of Public Health Insurance Expansion on Private Health Insurance in Urban China. International Journal of Health Economics and Management.

Huang, Feng; & Gan, Li. (Forthcoming). The Impacts of China's Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance on Healthcare Expenditures and Health Outcomes.Health Economics.

Peng, Xiaobo; & Conley, Dalton. (Forthcoming). The Implication of Health Insurance for Child Development and Maternal Nutrition: Evidence from China.The European Journal of Health Economics.

Qin, Xuezheng; & Pan, Jay. (Forthcoming). The Medical Cost Attributable to Obesity and Overweight in China: Estimation Based on Longitudinal Surveys.Health Economics.

Ye, Z.; Xu, L.; Zhou, Z.; Wu, Y.; & Fang, Y. (2018). Application of SCM with Bayesian B-Spline to Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Hypertension in China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(1).

Lee, Yen-Han; Shelley, Mack; Liu, Ching-Ti; & Chang, Yen-Chang. (2018). Assessing the Association of Food Preferences and Self-Reported Psychological Well-Being among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Contemporary China-Results from the China Health and Nutrition Survey. *International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, *15(3), 463.

He, Q; Li, X; & Wang, R. (2018). Childhood Obesity in China: Does Gradnparents' Coresidence Matter? *Economics and Human Biology, *29, 56-63.


CHNS包含的变量:(1) 个人层次上的变量。与户主关系,性别、年龄、出生日期、民族、身高、体重、血压、病史、吸烟史、受教育年限(水平)、户口、是否干部、行业、职业、第二职业、工作单位的性质及人数、就业状况、工作时间(非常细致)工资、总收入、参加农业生产的情况。

(2) 家庭层次上的变量。农业生产、农作物价值、家庭总收入、家庭人口数、家庭支出(较详细)、家庭收入(较详细)、居住情况(详细)、交通工具、家庭消费、家庭财产、医疗费用(详细)、家庭成员生病(较详细)、食物消费(详细)。

(3) 社区层次变量。村人数、村户数、是否实行医疗保险、医院情况、消费结构、学校情况、计划生育情况、食品价格。




来源: https://blog.51cto.com/15057855/2679979