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english writing sample for professional


Thank you for contacting our office. Students are responsible to bring their own extra long twin bedding. A full packing list is available to you on your student portal in the “Before Summer” resources tab.

If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Best regards,

Thank you for your email. On June 22, when you check in, you will be given your residence assignment. If you have any questions regarding the facilities please contact our Residential & Dining Enterprises department as they oversee the student housing. You can find more information here: https://rde.stanford.edu/studenthousing

Best Regards,

Dear IBM Cloud User,

We are writing to let you know that we’ve made some updates to the IBM Cloud Service Description which define the terms of use for IBM Cloud. You can access the latest version here.

This update is intended to further clarify the terms. There are no material changes to the terms and conditions.
Some links in the document have been updated to reflect new URLs that are part of our recent change from bluemix.net to cloud.ibm.com addresses. We have also reformatted all links in the document as text, not just hypertext links, in response to a common customer request.
We have provided, in section 5, a link to the additional terms document that applies to customers that signed the IBM Cloud Service Agreement (CSA) prior to January 1st 2019. These terms were removed from the Service Description and moved to the CSA in January. The additional terms document provides these terms for clients who may not have the latest version of the CSA.
Section 5.4 has been renamed ‘Third Party Software’ (from ‘Third Party Services’) to align the heading with the contents of this section.
Please note that for existing customers this updated Service Description will go into effect 30 days from June 17, 2019.

Thank you for being a valued IBM Cloud user.

The IBM Cloud Team

Alert: Information Sciences
New articles available on ScienceDirect

New Articles in Press, 22 June
Multiscale co-clustering for tensor data based on canonical polyadic decomposition and slice-wise factorization
Available Online 22 June 2019
Zhenghong Wei, Hongya Zhao, Lan Zhao, Hong Yan

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・ The Outstanding Teacher category:

Winner: Xiao WANG (IBSS)

Highly Commended: Martin FISCHBACH (ARC), Sujie QIN (HES)

・ The Outstanding Teaching Assistant or Laboratory Teaching Technician category:

Winner: Diego Vilela MONTEIRO (CSSE)

Highly commended: Sijing MENG & Zhongkai HUANG(BIO)

・ The Most Innovative Teaching Practice category:

Winner: Juan Carlos DALL’ASTA (ARC)
Highly commended: Cheng ZHANG (CEN), Yan ZHAO (ENG)

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/Dequn_Teng_CSDN/article/details/115322826