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Jost decided to post a photo of the note and the money on Twitter and it went like a virus. People are promising their own random acts of kindness.

“In that moment, I didn't necessarily need the pick­me­up, but I feel obligated (有义务)to share it, and I'm hearing back from people who did,” Jost said. “The ripple effect is pretty unbelievable.”

After seeing her Twitter post, Lisa mailed Jost a card. “She said it made her cry in a good way,” Jost said. But Lisa still didn't give away who she was. She left no return address. Lisa wrote it had been a difficult time in her life and she just wanted to “create something positive—she never really expected this to happen the way it has”.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/fenshuxian/p/14532407.html