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Many people think it's wrong to lock animals up in zoos because it is cruel and serves little purpose. But others think that the animals in zoos can bring happiness to people, especially the kids. What is your opinion?


It is now hard to find a city without a zoo. It is the place that you bring your kids to on weekends. The animals in zoos always appeal to people of all ages. But I regard zoos as a form of imprisonment for our fellow creatures.

Some might argue the life in a zoo is a secured and leisurely one: they are well protected and given enough to eat. What else could the animals want? Freedom! We are denying those creatures freedom, which we hold dearest to our heart. 'Give me liberty or give me death,' said Patrick Henry before the American Civil  War. To be caged and ffed is not what animals want but what is convenient for us. Animals long for their natural way of life even if that means to be eaten by their predators. To deprive them of that is cruelty on our part.

Besides, the caged animals in zoos are not what they really are. They look like wild animals but act like tamed ones. They have lost much of their instincts because they are not allowed to roam the land, to prey for food or to fend for themselves. They are removed from their natural habitats to man-made domiciles. A zoo is not a place where you can get a real glimpse of wild animals.

To put animals in zoos is another reflection of our wrongful attitude towards nature. We have no respect for nature, which is sacrificed and altered to our advantage. We cut down trees for timber and slaughter animals for food. When exploiting nature, we give no thought to its balance, the damage of which poses potential threat to our life. Global warming is a case in point. We need to curb our urge to do things our way and start to live in harmony with our fellow creature.

If we really want to see wild animals, we should go to them instead of imprisoning them. In fact, in some national parks animals do freely roam the land and people get a chance to see what they are really like.







来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14471300.html