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Statistics show that cities are increasing in size. What do you think are the causes and posible consequences?


Most cities are expanding in terms of population and land area. City residents are daily reminded of this growth by the erection of new high-rise buildings and the extended bus routes. Generally a good thing, the expansion of a city is not often welcomed.

The influx of immigrant workers is the biggest reason behind city expansion. Lured by the prospect of employment and a better life in big cities, people from poorer regions come in millions. In order to accommodate an increasing number of people, cities are forced to expand. In addition, the expansion is also necessitated and fuelled by rapid economic growth. Most cities are also centers for trade and industry, the development of which requires the use of land. Vast stretches of land has to be used to improve the infrastructure.

This kind of growth may lead to dire consequences. Population growth almost invariably causes traffic congestion. The building of new roads often lags far behind the increase in the number of cars and city dwellers. As a result, people can be trapped in cars for up to an hour during rush hours. Worse still, a huge populatoin often puts too much pressure on city's infrastructure. Many newly arrived immigrant workers live in appalling conditions, sharing a room with four or five people. The local people also experience a decline in public service because it was designed only for a certain number of people. Last but not least, urban sprawl often causes severe environmental damage. Trees, fields and even villages have to be sacrificed because of the unrelenting pace fo urban sprawl. The only defensive against it is a balanced development of all regions, both urban and  rural.







来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jilili/p/14465053.html