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digit                  数字
comma             逗号
specification     规范
integer              整数
polynomial        多项式
coefficient         系数
exponent          指数
shuffle              洗牌
randomize        使随机化
gambler            赌徒
casino               赌场
simulate            模仿
permutation       排序
a positive integer      一个正整数
corresponding   相应的
product              乘积
format                格式
decimal              小数的,十进制的
trophy                奖杯
bet                     打赌
odd                    几率
sample              样例
note                   注意
algorithm           算术
form                   形成、形式
vertical               垂直的
square               正方形
specified            指定的
white space       空格
general              大致的
palindrome        回文
palindromic       回文的,(医)复发的
forwards            向前
backwards         向后
numeral             数字
base                  基数
notation             计数法
notice                注意
radix                  根,基数,进制
sliver                  细片
compute             计算
strange               奇怪的
coded                 编码的
common capital English letter        共用的大写英文字母
case sensitive     对该情况敏感(大小写敏感)
shared                共享的,共用的
decode               译码
abbreviation       省略,缩写
notation              标记法
real number        实数
trailing                拖拽的
non-negative      非负的
consecutive        连续的
notorious            臭名显著的
preference          偏好
Anime                 动漫
Manga                漫画
stereotype          固定模式
suffix                   后缀
negative              负数的
outweight            重于
qualified              合格的
qualification        资格,达标
tie                       平局
with respect to    依据
denote                标志
toll                      通信费用
pair                     配对
chronologically   按时间顺序的
alphabetical        按字母表顺序的
simultaneously   同时地
ranklist               排行耪
Forbes             《福布斯》
billionaire           亿万富翁
simulate             模仿
query                  查询
compiler             编译器
interval               间隔
distinct               不同的
automate           使自动化
quota                 限定名额
graduate schools             研究生学院
plate numbers    牌照
ascending          升序的
case insensitive 这里指:字母包括大小写(大小写不敏感)
capitalize           字母大写
bead                  珠子
lottery                大乐透
bakery               面包、糕点
filling                  馅
crust                  皮
inventor             库存
tank                   油箱
with respect to   关于
segment            部分、片段
parameter         决定因素,参数
binary               二进制的,二进制数
iterate               迭代
adjacent           邻近的
ascending        上升的
median             中位数
partition            分割,划分
pivot                 中心,主元
illustrate           举例说明
rational number             有理数
numerator        分子
denominator    分母
arithmetic        四则运算
difference        差
quotient           商
parenthese      括号
quadratic         平方的
increment        增加
factor               因子
duplication       重复
mutual              相互的
pixel                 像素
synonym          同义词
validate            确认
avatar              化身
alphanumerical      字母数字混合的
lexicographically    字典序的
factorization     因子分解
power               幂
matrix               矩阵
i.e.                    那就是说
e.g.                   例如
traversal           遍历
recursive          递归的
invert                倒置
pedigree           家谱
acyclic              无环的(图)
forward             转发

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/PanYiAn9/article/details/113956948