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2021 美赛D题思路


2021 ICM

Problem D: The Influence of Music

Music has been part of human societies since the beginning of time as an essential component of cultural heritage. As part of an effort to understand the role music has played in the collective human experience, we have been asked to develop a method to quantify musical evolution. There are many factors that can influence artists when they create a new piece of music, including their innate ingenuity, current social or political events, access to new instruments or tools, or other personal experiences. Our goal is to understand and measure the influence of previously produced music on new music and musical artists.

自古以来,音乐就已成为人类社会的一部分,已成为文化遗产的重要组成部分。 为了理解音乐在人类集体经验中所扮演的角色,我们被要求开发一种量化音乐发展的方法。 在创作新音乐时,有许多因素会影响艺术家,包括其天赋的创造力,当前的社会或政治事件,使用新的乐器或工具或其他个人经历。 我们的目标是了解和衡量先前制作的音乐对新音乐和音乐艺术家的影响。

Some artists can list a dozen or more other artists who they say influenced their own musical work. It has also been suggested that influence can be measured by the degree of similarity between song characteristics, such as structure, rhythm, or lyrics. There are sometimes revolutionary shifts in music, offering new sounds or tempos, such as when a new genre emerges, or there is a reinvention of an existing genre (e.g. classical, pop/rock, jazz, etc.). This can be due to a sequence of small changes, a cooperative effort of artists, a series of influential artists, or a shift within society.

一些艺术家可以列出十几个或更多他们认为对自己的音乐作品有影响的艺术家。 还建议可以通过歌曲特征(例如结构,节奏或歌词)之间的相似程度来衡量影响力。 音乐有时会发生革命性变化,提供新的声音或节奏,例如何时出现新的流派,或者对现有流派(例如古典,流行/摇滚,爵士等)进行重新发明。 这可能是由于一系列小变化,艺术家的合作努力,一系列有影响力的艺术家或社会内部的变化所致。

Many songs have similar sounds, and many artists have contributed to major shifts in a musical genre. Sometimes these shifts are due to one artist influencing another. Sometimes it is a change that emerges in response to external events (such as major world events or technological advances). By considering networks of songs and their musical characteristics, we can begin to capture the influence that musical artists have on each other. And, perhaps, we can also gain a better understanding of how music evolves through societies over time.

许多歌曲具有相似的声音,许多艺术家为音乐类型的重大转变做出了贡献。 有时,这些变化是由于一位艺术家影响了另一位艺术家。 有时,这种变化是对外部事件(例如重大世界事件或技术进步)的响应而出现的。 通过考虑歌曲的网络及其音乐特征,我们可以开始捕捉音乐艺术家之间的相互影响。 而且,也许,我们还可以更好地了解音乐随着时间的流逝在整个社会中的发展。

Your team has been identified by the Integrative Collective Music (ICM) Society to develop a model that measures musical influence. This problem asks you to examine evolutionary and revolutionary trends of artists and genres. To do this, your team has been given several data sets by the ICM:

您的团队已被集成集体音乐(ICM)协会认可,以开发一种衡量音乐影响力的模型。 这个问题要求您检查艺术家和流派的进化和革命趋势。 为此,ICM为您的团队提供了一些数据集:

  1. influence_data1 represents musical influencers and followers, as reported by the artists themselves, as well as the opinions of industry experts. These data contains influencers and followers for 5,854 artists in the last 90 years.

1)“ influence_data ” 代表音乐影响者和追随者,由艺术家本人以及行业专家的意见所报告。 这些数据包含过去90年中5,854位艺术家的影响者和关注者。

  1. full_music_data2 provides 16 variable entries, including musical features such as danceability, tempo, loudness, and key, along with artist_name and artist_id for each of 98,340 songs. These data are used to create two summary data sets, including:

a. mean values by artist “data_by_artist”,

b. means across years “data_by_year”.

2)“ full_music_data ” 提供16个变量条目,包括音乐特征,例如舞蹈性节奏响度,以及每个artist_name artist_id ,98,340首歌曲。 这些数据用于创建两个摘要数据集,包括:

a. 艺术家“ data_by_artist ”的值

b. 表示跨年份“ data_by_year ”

Note: DATA provided in these files are a subset of larger data sets. These files CONTAIN THE ONLY DATA YOU SHOULD USE FOR THIS PROBLEM.

To carry out this challenging project, the ICM Society asks your teams to explore the evolution of music through the influence across musical artists over time, by doing the following:

Write a one-page document to the ICM Society about the value of using your approach to understanding the influence of music through networks. Considering the two problem data sets were limited to only some genres, and subsequently to those artists common to both data sets, how would your work or solutions change with more or richer data? Recommend further study of music and its effect on culture.

向ICM协会写一页的文件,内容涉及使用您的方法通过网络理解音乐影响的价值。 考虑到这两个问题数据集仅限于某些类型,然后又针对这两个数据集共有的艺术家,您的作品或解决方案将如何随着更多或更丰富的数据而发生变化? 建议进一步研究音乐及其对文化的影响。

The ICM Society, an interdisciplinary and diverse group from the fields of music, history, social science, technology, and mathematics, looks forward to your final report.

Your PDF solution of no more than 25 total pages should include:

Note: New for 2021! The ICM Contest now has a 25-page limit. All aspects of your submission count toward the 25-page limit: Summary Sheet, Table of Contents, Main Body of Solution, Images and Tables, One-page Document, Reference List, and any Appendices.


We provide the following four data files for this problem. THE DATA FILES PROVIDED CONTAIN THE ONLY DATA YOU SHOULD USE FOR THIS PROBLEM.

  1. influence_data.csv

  2. full_music_data.csv

  3. data_by_artist.csv

  4. data_by_year.csv

Data Descriptions

  1. influence_data.csv

(Data is encoded in utf-8 to allow for handling of special characters):

  1. full_music_data.csv

  2. data_by_artist.csv

  3. data_by_year.csv

Spotify audio features from the “full_music_data”, “data_by_artist”, “data_by_year”:

Characteristics of the music:

Type of vocals:


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhangzizi/p/14395028.html