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root@ubuntu:~/Desktop/1# sh_gamit -d 2020 001
Sh_gamit Version 10.63 (2018/5/30)
Input options -d 2020 001 
Processing  2020 001
X-file series to be used is: 0
Checking and making required directories 
X-files to be excluded: 
Checking that enough diskspace to complete run is available 
Using IGS final orbits - repro2 for GPS weeks 658-1831 
Checking GAMIT tables in directory: /root/Desktop/1/tables 
sh_setup -yr 2020 -doy 001 -series usno -expt expt -apr igs14_comb.apr  -upd_l -topt none
EXECUTING sh_setup
~/Desktop/1/tables ~/Desktop/1 
localeop: no
Checking links: sh_links.tables -frame J2000 -year 2020 -eop usno -topt none
Updating lfile. with coordinates from: igs14_comb.apr 
New Version merge_apr igs14_comb.apr lfile. lfile.merged 2020 20 0 001
In igs14_comb.apr there are  6826 sites, and     0 EXTENDED entries
Mapping to year 2020 DOY 020 JD    2458868.5
Not mapped if JD is 0.00
Checking to see if EOP tables are up to date 
sh_update_eop -series usno -jd 2458849.5000 -noftp N -ftp_prog ftp -inv -min 7
Observations after end date of current eop series table: usno
Attempting to get new series 
rm: cannot remove 'finals.data': No such file or directory
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘maia.usno.navy.mil’
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘toshi.nofs.navy.mil’
failed: Connection refused.
failed: Network is unreachable.
ls: cannot access 'finals.data': No such file or directory
awk: cannot open finals.data (No such file or directory)
Maximum error of predicted values allowed in the BULL_A files is: 0.01 
Converting pmu.usno to GAMIT format - files will be ut1.usno pole.usno 
Files: ut1.usno and pole.usno created 
# WARNING ut1.usno and pole.usno tables created contain predicted #
# values. The max predicted formal sigma allowed was 0.01 arc sec   #
# Search for P in the pmu.usno file to find the date where pole   #
# UT1 predictions begin.                                              #
Observations after end date of eop series
Archive files end before requested date --Stop
Orbit file igs20863.sp3 exists in /root/Desktop/1/igs directory, no download attempted
Using existing igs20863.sp3 in igs directory to get a g-file
Use SP3 accuracy code to exclude satellites 
Maximum fit rms for including a satellite 0.100  m
sh_sp3fit: Generating fitted g-file for: igsg 2020 001
sh_sp3fit: gfile and sp3fit files for igsg renamed to  igsg  for  GPS
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Started NGSTOT ver. 10.09 2018/5/18 08:30 (Linux)       Library ver. 11.25 of 2018/5/31/10:40 (Linux)
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Reading igs20863.sp3     to write tigs20863.sp3    for GNSS = G
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Converting CE to CM using otlcmc.dat offsets for FES2004
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/tdtrit: Successfully wrote Earth-fixed T-file    97 epochs written on T-file
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/ngstot: Writing inertial T-file (Name tigs20863.sp3)
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/openb: Opened print file: (Name trot.out)
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/openb: Opened output T-file: (Name tigs20863.sp3)
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/openb: Opened input T-file: (Name tigs2086e.sp3)
STATUS :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/orbits/trot: Input T-file is Earth-fixed, converting to inertial
FATAL  :210206:1642:45.0 NGSTOT/lib/ut1red: JD= 2458850 out of range of ut1 table, JDT1= 2448622 JDT2= 2458290
STOP FATAL Error: Stop from report_stat
sh_sp3fit: Creating initial ARC input file 
grep: gigs20863.sp3: No such file or directory
ARC models: EGM08 BERNE  900.0   75.00   GPST  INERTIAL      J2000 IAU76 NONE  NONE     
FATAL  :210206:1642:45.0 ARC/arc: GAMIT.fatal exists: ARC not executed
STOP FATAL Error: Stop from report_stat
GAMIT.fatal exists, stop in sh_sp3fit
mv: cannot stat 'gigsg0.001': No such file or directory
sh_sp3fit failed to generate a g-file, stop 

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_25006091/article/details/113735105