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original intentions


大家可以在自己的工作里面多坚持一下自己的产品想法,如果我们的工作变成只是围绕着 KPI 指标,会非常无趣,会觉得每天工作得没有乐趣, 没有发现。也不可能通过工作了解自己,了解别人,了解人性。那样的工作是有点浪费时间的。

当我们可以跳出非常功利的目标之外, 再想一下初心,重新用另外的角度来看我们的产品,可能你会觉得你的工作会变得很有乐趣,充满了挑战,并且很有成就感。

我所说的,都是错的。前面说的可能都是错的。真的不要觉得这是 ABC 说的就很对,然后拍照记录,以后我们就跟着这样干吧。


You may stick to your own product ideas in your work. If our work is only centered on KPI indicators, it will be very boring, and you will feel that working every day is not fun and has no discovery. It is impossible to understand oneself, understand others, and understand human nature through work. Such work is a bit of a waste of time.

When we can jump beyond the very utilitarian goal, think about our original intentions, and look at our products from another perspective, you may feel that your work will become very fun, full of challenges, and a sense of accomplishment.


There is one last sentence to say, which is what I often say.

What I said could be wrong. What I said earlier may be wrong. Don’t really think that this is what ABC said is right, and then take a photo and record it, and then let’s do this in the future.


- 张小龙

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/goodwish/p/14383733.html