首页 > 其他分享> > 【GNSS】GREAT多频多系统GREAT-UPD开源代码-第4.3章 代码解读之gtypeconv.h/gtypeconv.cpp

【GNSS】GREAT多频多系统GREAT-UPD开源代码-第4.3章 代码解读之gtypeconv.h/gtypeconv.cpp


GREAT多频多系统GREAT-UPD开源代码-第4.3章 代码解读之gtypeconv.h/gtypeconv.cpp




	/**@brief double equivalence according to machine capability */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT bool double_eq(const double&,
		const double&);         
	/**@brief float equivalence according to machine capability */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT bool float_eq(const float&,
		const float&);          
	/**@brief round double */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT double dround(double d);                  
	/**@brief double to string conversion (width/digits by iomanip can be added !!!) */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT string dbl2str(const double&, int p = 3); 
	/**@brief string to double conversion (avoiding blanks) */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT double str2dbl(const string&);         
	/**@brief string (Scientific) to double conversion (including convert d,D to E!) */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT double strSci2dbl(const string&);      
#ifdef STR2DBL
	double str2dbl(const char*);        ///< faster char* to double conversion (avoiding blanks)
	/**@brief integer to string conversion (widtht can be added !!!) */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT string int2str(const int&);            
	/**@brief integer to string conversion (have width) */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT string int2str(const int& num, const int& width);	
	/**@brief string to integer conversion (avoiding blanks) */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT int    str2int(const string&);         

	/**@brief string substitute */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT size_t substitute(string& line, const string& a, const string& b, bool caseSensitive = true);
	/**@brief return trimmed string leading spaces */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT string ltrim(const string&);            
	/**@brief return trimmed string trailing spaces */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT string rtrim(const string&);            
	/**@brief returm trimmed string leading and trailing spaces */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT string  trim(const string&);            
	/**@brief Frac part of double */
	GNUT_LIBRARY_EXPORT double frac(double x);


	bool double_eq(const double& a, const double& b)
		if (fabs(a - b) < numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) return true;   // must be editeed with machine epsilon (FOLLOWING FLOAT BELLOW!)
		else return false;

	bool float_eq(const float& a, const float& b)
		if (fabs(a - b) < numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) return true;
		else return false;

	double dround(double d)
		return floor(d + 0.5);

	string dbl2str(const double& d, int prec)
		ostringstream out;
		out << fixed << setprecision(prec) << " " << setw(0) << d;
		return out.str();

#ifndef STR2DBL
	double str2dbl(const string& s)
		return strtod(s.c_str(), NULL);

	// http://tinodidriksen.com/2011/05/28/cpp-convert-string-to-double-speed/
	// http://pastebin.com/dHP1pgQ4
	// bool naive(T & r, const char *p)
	double str2dbl(const string& s)
		return str2dbl(s.c_str());
	// string to double conversion (avoiding blanks)      // http://tinodidriksen.com/2011/05/28/cpp-convert-string-to-double-speed/
	// ----------
	double str2dbl(const char* p)

#define white_space(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
#define valid_digit(c) ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9')
#define null_double    0.0;

		//Skip leading white space, if any.
		while (white_space(*p)) p += 1;

		double r = 0.0;
		int    c = 0; // counter to check how many numbers we got!

		// Get the sign!
		bool neg = false;
		if (*p == '-') { neg = true;  ++p; }
		else if (*p == '+') { neg = false; ++p; }

		// Get the digits before decimal point
		while (valid_digit(*p)) { r = (r*10.0) + (*p - '0'); ++p; ++c; }

		// Get the digits after decimal point
		if (*p == '.') {
			double f = 0.0;
			double scale = 1.0;
			while (valid_digit(*p)) {  // while ( *p >= '0' && *p <= '9' )
				f = (f*10.0) + (*p - '0');
				scale *= 10.0;
			r += f / scale;

		if (c == 0) { return null_double; } // we got no decimal places! this cannot be any number!

		// Get the digits after the "e"/"E" (exponent)
		if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E' || *p == 'd' || *p == 'D') {
			int e = 0;

			bool negE = false;
			if (*p == '-') { negE = true;  ++p; }
			else if (*p == '+') { negE = false; ++p; }

			// Get exponent
			c = 0;
			while (valid_digit(*p)) {
				e = (e * 10) + (*p - '0');
				++p; ++c;

			if (!neg && e > std::numeric_limits<double>::max_exponent10) { e = std::numeric_limits<double>::max_exponent10; }
			else if (e < std::numeric_limits<double>::min_exponent10) { e = std::numeric_limits<double>::max_exponent10; }

			if (c == 0) return null_double; // we got no  exponent! this was not intended!!

			double scaleE = 1.0;

			// Calculate scaling factor.	  
			while (e >= 50) { scaleE *= 1E50; e -= 50; }
			while (e > 0) { scaleE *= 10.0; e -= 1; }

			if (negE) { r /= scaleE; }
			else { r *= scaleE; }

		// skip post whitespaces
		while (white_space(*p)) ++p;

		if (*p != '\0') { return null_double; } // if next character is not the terminating character

		// Apply sign to number
		if (neg) r = -r;

		return r;

	double strSci2dbl(const string& s)
		double i = 0.0;
		string str(s);
		substitute(str, "d", "E");
		substitute(str, "D", "E");
		istringstream istr(str);
		istr >> i;
		return i;

	string int2str(const int& i)
		ostringstream out;
		out << i;
		return out.str();

	string int2str(const int& i, const int& width)
		ostringstream out;
		out << setw(width) << setfill('0') << i;
		return out.str();

	int str2int(const string& s)
		int i = 0;
		istringstream istr(s);
		istr >> i;
		return i;

	string rtrim(const string& s)
		string str;
		size_t endpos = s.find_last_not_of(" \t");
		if (string::npos != endpos) str = s.substr(0, endpos + 1);
		return str;

	string ltrim(const string& s)
		string str;
		size_t startpos = s.find_first_not_of(" \t");
		if (string::npos != startpos) str = s.substr(startpos);
		return str;

	string trim(const string& s)
		return ltrim(rtrim(s));

	size_t substitute(string& line, const string& a, const string& b, bool caseSensitive)
		size_t n = 0;

		if (caseSensitive) {
			string tmp(line);
			while ((n = line.find(a)) != string::npos) {
				tmp = line.substr(0, n) + b + line.substr(n + a.length());
				line = tmp;

		else {
			string lineLC(line);
			string findLC(a);
			transform(lineLC.begin(), lineLC.end(), lineLC.begin(), ::tolower);
			transform(findLC.begin(), findLC.end(), findLC.begin(), ::tolower);

			while ((n = lineLC.find(findLC)) != string::npos) {
				lineLC = line.substr(0, n) + b + line.substr(n + a.length());
				line = lineLC;

		return n + b.length();

	double frac(double x)
		return x - floor(x);

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32109917/article/details/113501573