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单选题 (共40道题)


1.(2.5分) --How about taking a break?--______.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

2.(2.5分) Seldom ____ any mistakes during my past few years of working here.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

3.(2.5分) Not until all the fish died in the river, _____ how serious the pollution was.

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

4.(2.5分) --I just got promoted to sales manager. -- __________

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

5.(2.5分) I have been to the doctor’s about my headache. He says there is_____ but I must lie up for a few days.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

6.(2.5分) He is ______  of an actor.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

7.(2.5分) I don’t drink ______ water during the day.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

8.(2.5分) _______ have visited the famous scientist.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

9.(2.5分) _____do you think of the new plan?

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

10.(2.5分) It was______that came here at midnight.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

11.(2.5分) She amused______ by listening to light music.

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

12.(2.5分) It is ______ that I would like to go to the beach.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

13.(2.5分) We arrived ______ Professor Baker had already called the roll.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

14.(2.5分) _____ anywhere in the United States costs less than a dollar when you dial it yourself.

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

15.(2.5分) the photographs of mars taken by satellite are ______ taken from the earth.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

16.(2.5分) The harder the shrub is to grow, ______.

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

17.(2.5分) Once you ______ the knack of it, you will have no further difficulty.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

18.(2.5分) ----Shall we go skating or stay at home?---Which___ do?     

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

19.(2.5分) When we worked in the same office, we ______ often have coffee together.

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

20.(2.5分) Be careful,_______you’ll fall from the mountain.

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

21.(2.5分) The men will have to wait all day ______ the doctor works faster.

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

22.(2.5分) _____ you have to do is press the button.

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

23.(2.5分) He had no sooner finished his speech_______ he left.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

24.(2.5分) The mere fact______ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does not mean that it will not occur.

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

25.(2.5分) He explained everything over again ______ anyone should misunderstand her.

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

26.(2.5分) I was born _______ .

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

27.(2.5分) We have produced ______ this year as we did in 1993.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

28.(2.5分) About ______ of the workers in that factory are women.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

29.(2.5分) We are going to study ______ next week.

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

30.(2.5分) The Olympic Games are held ______.

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

31.(2.5分) It took me _____ day to finish drawing a beautiful horse.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

32.(2.5分) You can find him in _____ .

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

33.(2.5分) Three students ______ in this university come from the South.

我的答案:C  此题得分:2.5分

34.(2.5分) He said that he dropped his bag when he ______ for the bus.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

35.(2.5分) He ______ live in the country than in the city.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

36.(2.5分) Collecting stamps______ a good hobby.

我的答案:A  此题得分:2.5分

37.(2.5分) You had better ______ your hair cut.

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分

38.(2.5分) – Will you have supper with me tonight? -- _________.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

39.(2.5分) – Do you mind if I sit here? -- _________.

我的答案:D  此题得分:2.5分

40.(2.5分) --Don't forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.--____________

我的答案:B  此题得分:2.5分  

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/chenjing_amy/article/details/113424078