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#! /usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # 使用python xmlrpc 发送内容到博客园 # http://rpc.cnblogs.com/metaweblog/nickchen121 从链接可以看到支持的metaweblog API import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib import glob import os import sys import json import time import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context # 发布文章路径(article path) art_path = "./articles/" # 不发布文章路径(unpublished article path) unp_path = "./unpublished/" # 博客配置路径(config path) cfg_path = "blog_config.json" # 备份路径(backup path) bak_path = "./backup/" # 获取文章篇数 recentnum = 99999 # 创建路径 for path in [art_path, unp_path, bak_path]: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # -----配置读写操作----- ''' 配置字典: type | description(example) str | metaWeblog url, 博客设置中有('https://rpc.cnblogs.com/metaweblog/nickchen121') str | appkey, Blog地址名('nickchen121') str | blogid, 这个无需手动输入,通过getUsersBlogs得到 str | usr, 登录用户名 str | passwd, 登录密码 ''' def exist_cfg(): ''' 返回配置是否存在 ''' try: with open(cfg_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: try: cfg = json.load(f) if cfg == {}: return False else: return True except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # 文件为空 return False except: with open(cfg_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump({}, f) return False def create_cfg(): ''' 创建配置 ''' while True: cfg = {} for item in [("url", "metaWeblog url, 博客设置中有\ ('https://rpc.cnblogs.com/metaweblog/blogaddress')"), ("appkey", "Blog地址名('blogaddress')"), ("usr", "登录用户名"), ("passwd", "登录密码")]: cfg[item[0]] = input("输入" + item[1]) try: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(cfg["url"]) userInfo = server.blogger.getUsersBlogs( cfg["appkey"], cfg["usr"], cfg["passwd"]) print(userInfo[0]) # {'blogid': 'xxx', 'url': 'xxx', 'blogName': 'xxx'} cfg["blogid"] = userInfo[0]["blogid"] break except: print("发生错误!") with open(cfg_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(cfg, f, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False) url = appkey = blogid = usr = passwd = "" server = None mwb = None title2id = {} def get_cfg(): global url, appkey, blogid, usr, passwd, server, mwb, title2id with open(cfg_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: cfg = json.load(f) url = cfg["url"] appkey = cfg["appkey"] blogid = cfg["blogid"] usr = cfg["usr"] passwd = cfg["passwd"] server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(cfg["url"]) mwb = server.metaWeblog # title2id[title]=postid 储存博客中文章标题对应的postid print(cfg["blogid"], cfg["usr"], recentnum) recentPost = mwb.getRecentPosts( cfg["blogid"], cfg["usr"], cfg["passwd"], recentnum) for post in recentPost: # 1.把datetime转成字符串 dt = post["dateCreated"] # post["dateCreated"] = dt.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S") post["dateCreated"] = dt.__str__() # 2.把字符串转成datetime # datetime.datetime.strptime(st, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S") # datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(str) title2id[post["title"]] = post["postid"] # 格式化成20160320-114539形式 filename = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime()) with open(bak_path + filename + ".json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(recentPost, f, indent=4) # server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url) # userInfo = server.blogger.getUsersBlogs(appkey, usr, passwd) # recentPost = mwb.getRecentPosts(blogid, usr, passwd, 9) def newPost(blogid, usr, passwd, post, publish): while True: try: postid = mwb.newPost(blogid, usr, passwd, post, publish) break except: time.sleep(5) return postid def post_art(path, publish=True): title = os.path.basename(path) # 获取文件名做博客文章标题 [title, _] = os.path.splitext(title) # 去除扩展名 with open(mdfile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: post = dict(description=f.read(), title=title) post["categories"] = ["[Markdown]"] # 判断是否发布 if not publish: # 不发布 # 对于已经发布的文章,直接修改为未发布会报错: # xmlrpc.client.Fault: <'published post can not be saved as draft'> # 所以先删除这个文章 # if title in title2id.keys(): # server.blogger.deletePost( # appkey, title2id[title], usr, passwd, True) if title not in title2id.keys(): post["categories"].append('[随笔分类]unpublished') # 标记未发布 # post["postid"] = title2id[title] postid = newPost(blogid, usr, passwd, post, publish) print("New:[title=%s][postid=%s][publish=%r]" % (title, postid, publish)) filepath_ = os.path.join('./unpublished/', f'{title}.md') os.remove(filepath_) return (title, postid, publish) else: # 发布 if title in title2id.keys(): # 博客里已经存在这篇文章 mwb.editPost(title2id[title], usr, passwd, post, publish) print("Update:[title=%s][postid=%s][publish=%r]" % (title, title2id[title], publish)) filepath_ = os.path.join('./articles/', f'{title}.md') os.remove(filepath_) return (title, title2id[title], publish) else: # 博客里还不存在这篇文章 postid = newPost(blogid, usr, passwd, post, publish) print("New:[title=%s][postid=%s][publish=%r]" % (title, postid, publish)) filepath_ = os.path.join('./articles/', f'{title}.md') os.remove(filepath_) return (title, postid, publish) def download_art(): """下载文章""" # 获取最近文章,并获取所有文章信息 recentPost = mwb.getRecentPosts(blogid, usr, passwd, recentnum) for post in recentPost: if "categories" in post.keys(): if '[随笔分类]unpublished' in post["categories"]: with open(unp_path + post["title"] + ".md", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(post["description"]) else: with open(art_path + post["title"] + ".md", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(post["description"]) if __name__ == "__main__": title_postid_dict = dict() try: # 创建用户配置 if not exist_cfg(): create_cfg() # 获取文章参数 get_cfg() # 配置用户参数 if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == "download": download_art() elif sys.argv[1] == "config": create_cfg() get_cfg() # 发布文章 for mdfile in glob.glob(art_path + "*.md"): title, postid, publish = post_art(mdfile, True) title_postid_dict[title] = postid # 提交文章不发布 for mdfile in glob.glob(unp_path + "*.md"): title, postid, publish = post_art(mdfile, False) except KeyboardInterrupt: with open('title_postid.json', 'w', encoding='utf8') as fw: json.dump(title_postid_dict, fw) with open('title_postid.json', 'w', encoding='utf8') as fw: json.dump(title_postid_dict, fw)

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/nsfoxer/p/14332648.html