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title: 【财经期刊FM-Radio|2021年01月26日】

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欧股:欧洲STOXX 600指数收跌0.83%。德国DAX 30指数收跌1.66%。法国CAC 40指数收跌1.57%。英国富时100指数收跌0.84%。


黄金:COMEX 2月黄金期货收跌约0.1%,报1855.20美元/盎司。

原油:WTI 3月原油期货收涨0.50美元,涨幅0.95%,报52.77美元/桶,上周累跌将近0.30%。布伦特3月原油期货收涨0.47美元,涨幅0.85%,报55.88美元/桶,上周累涨逾0.50%。


ETF:标普500 SPY收涨0.39%,纳斯达克100 QQQ收涨0.83%,黄金GLD收涨0.09%,金矿GDX收跌0.11%,白银SLV收跌0.46%,美国原油基金USO收涨1.02%,中国科技ETF-Guggenheim CQQQ收涨1.72%。









Special address by Xi Jinping atthe “Davos Agenda” Dialogue of the World Economic Forum


President Xi Jinping said that we must notonly grasp the current situation, coordinate epidemic prevention and controland economic development, strengthen macroeconomic policy support, and promotethe world economy to emerge from the shadow of the crisis as soon as possible,but also look to the future and be determined to promote the transformation ofthe world economy’s power, mode, and structure. Adjustments have put the worldeconomy on the track of long-term, healthy and stable development.

港股科技股火爆!腾讯涨超10% 中芯国际涨超10% 恒大汽车暴涨60%

Hong Kong stocktechnology stocks are hot! Tencent rose more than 10%, SMIC rose more than 10%,Evergrande Motor soared 60%


The Hang Seng Index closed up 2.41%, theHang Seng Technology Index stood above the 10,000 point mark, rising more than4% in the day, Tencent rose 10%, and Evergrande Motor rose more than 60%.


Hot! The market value soared by700 billion a day! Is Tencent the pig with the biggest "southward"trend?


The prospect of continued growth in WeChatrevenue, the continuous increase in global game market share, and the growth ofcorporate customer business have made Tencent the biggest pig in the south.Although Tencent Holdings hit a record high of HK$760 on Monday, the optionsmarket is still enthusiastic, betting that the stock will soon exceed HK$800.Tencent may record the largest monthly increase in history, with a call optioncontract soaring 90,300% on Monday

上海楼市调控打出组合拳 法拍房纳入限购

Shanghai property marketregulation hits a combination fist, French auction house is included inpurchase restriction


According to the judicial auction page ofthe public auction network, bidders who participate in the bidding of forensicauction houses should be determined in advance to be eligible to purchase housesin this city, that is, singles are limited to buying one set and families arelimited to buying two sets.


Three popular A-share IPOprospectuses: China Gold, Liziyuan, and Taiheshui are coming this week!


The central state-owned company China Goldhas set the issue price of A-share ordinary shares at 4.99 yuan per share. LiZiyuan, the leader in sweet milk beverages with Moutai among its shareholders,has an issue price of 20.04 yuan per share. Both are expected to be issued onthe Shanghai Stock Exchange on January 27. Taihe The water issue price is 43.30yuan per share and is expected to be issued on the Shanghai Stock Exchange onJanuary 28.


20 Shanghai CPPCC memberssuggested: The Shanghai Stock Exchange should reform the shareholding system assoon as possible and choose the opportunity to go public


According to The Paper, the committeemembers suggested that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Group should be formed, theopportunity to go public, and the process of various internationalinterconnections and the two-way opening of the capital market should beactively promoted.


Huawei’s mobile phone businessshould be sold The response came, Huawei: No sales plan at all


According to The Paper, on January 25, inresponse to rumors of the sale of its mobile phone business, Huawei respondedthat it has no plans to sell its mobile phone business at all. Huawei willinsist on building the world’s leading high-end smartphone brand and strive toprovide consumers with excellent product experience and services. Earlier, therewas news circulating on the Internet that Huawei is considering selling itsmobile phone business in a similar way to Honor.


The second round of price hikesfor chip factories is coming! UMC fired its first shot


The foundry UMC plans to increase itsquotations after the Spring Festival by up to 15%. Downstream packaging andtesting plants ASE Investment Control and KYEC also intend to increase pricesdue to the simultaneous tight production capacity.

缺芯危机当前 台积电将优先产汽车芯片 据称考虑上调价格高达15%

In the current coreshortage crisis, TSMC will give priority to producing automotive chips,allegedly considering raising prices by up to 15%


According to the media, Taiwanese chipfoundries such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. are consideringraising the price of chips, focusing on automotive chips, which will beimplemented as early as late February. Previously, the media stated that UMCplans to increase its quotation after the Spring Festival by up to 15%. Thegovernments of Germany, the United States and Japan have all asked Taiwan toincrease production due to chip shortages.


The electronic cigarette industryis on fire! Leading stocks soared by more than 400% in 4 days, the founder ofthe post-80s generation surpassed Liu Qiangdong


Although Fogcore Technology has only beenestablished for about 3 years, it has become the number one electroniccigarette in China. Founder Wang Ying currently holds a value of approximately24.8 billion US dollars, surpassing many well-known entrepreneurs such as LiShufu, Wang Jianlin, and Liu Qiangdong.

快手IPO价格区间105-115港元 估值或超4300亿港元

Kuaishou IPO price range of105-115 Hong Kong dollars, valuation may exceed 430 billion Hong Kong dollars


Kuaishou IPO will take place this week, orwill be officially listed on February 5. The valuation of the listing will bebetween 433.7 billion to 475.0 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the valuation canincrease to approximately 481.3 billion Hong Kong dollars after the use of thegreen shoe mechanism. Kuaishou updated the prospectus: Daily activity roseslightly, and e-commerce GMV continued to rise. With weak daily activitygrowth, the rapid growth of e-commerce GMV has become the biggest bright spotfor Kuaishou.


All the problems of A shares haveonly one reason: this is a bull market!


Why is the performance unchanged, but thestock price is getting longer and faster? Why the worsening of the epidemic hasno impact on the market? Why did the bank make up the rise and the index didnot peak? Because it’s a bull market now!

牛市新纪录!公募基金持股市值破5.2万亿,占全市场8%,七家公司持股超2000亿 New record for thebull market! The value of the stock market held by public funds exceeded 5.2trillion, accounting for 8% of the total market, and seven companies held morethan 200 billion shares

5万亿基金行业配置大曝光!房地产遭遇连续第四个季度减持,金融行业获得增持 The 5 trillion fund industryconfiguration is exposed! Real estate suffered a fourth consecutive quarterlyreduction, and the financial industry gained an increase


Multi-space kill! The gamestation once soared 140% in intraday trading and then gave up all the gains


The epic short-squeeze of the Game Station(GME) continued on Monday, with an intraday surge of 140%, reaching a maximumof $159.18, a cumulative increase of more than 60 times from the low of $2.57in April last year. It has also increased six times so far this year. Sincethen, the stock gave up all the intraday gains and turned into a decline. Thefinal closing rose by about 18%, to close at 76.79 US dollars.

重振制造业 拜登下令力挺美国造 加拿大和欧洲要慌了

Reinvigorating manufacturing,Biden ordered to support the United States, Canada and Europe panic


Biden administration officials stated thatMonday’s new executive order is based on the idea that American manufacturingis the core of the Biden administration’s economic strategy. When Biden signedthe executive order, he stated that he would work to rebuild the pillars of theUnited States and replace existing vehicles used by the federal government withelectric vehicles.

医用手套巨头贺特佳:上季净利狂增728%,预计供不应求将持续数年丨财报见闻 Medical glovegiant He Tejia: Net profit surged by 728% last quarter, and short supply isexpected to continue for several years.

贺特佳认为疫情的阴霾不可能很快散去,未来数年公司的收入和盈利都有保障。但摩根大通却认为,由于疫苗的广泛接种,以及去年可能有买家囤货形成大量的手套库存,投资者应尽快减持手套股。He Tejia believes that the haze of the epidemic is unlikely to dissipatesoon, and the company’s revenue and profitability will be guaranteed in thenext few years. However, JPMorgan Chase believes that due to the widespreadvaccination of vaccines and the possibility of buyers hoarding a large amountof glove inventory last year, investors should reduce their holdings of glovestocks as soon as possible.


1、充电桩 | 25日发布的《2021年上海市为民办实事项目》提出,今年上海地区将新增1万个公共充电桩、15个出租车充电示范站、10个共享充电桩示范小区;为500个住宅小区新增电动自行车充电设施。


2、锂电池 | 25日,国内多家碳酸锂企业上调产品价格。其中,新余国兴锂业的电池级和工业级碳酸锂均较22日涨价7000元/吨,报价分别为72000元/吨、68000元/吨;科达洁能的电池级和工业级碳酸锂涨价5000元/吨。


3、固态电池 | 25日,新能源车品牌赛力斯召开电动车上市发布会,推出续航超千公里量产增程电动车。赛力斯还表示,今年固态电池将量产装车。另悉,国家知识产权局近日公布了比亚迪在电池领域的多款专利,其中两项与固态电池有关。


4、半导体 | 据报道,据供应链透露,晶圆代工厂联电(UMC.US)拟于农历年后再度调高报价,涨幅最高达15%。联电已通知12寸客户,因产能太满,必须延长交期近一个月。下游封测厂日月光投控、京元电等也因芯片产出后对封测需求大增,产能同步吃紧,也有意涨价。


5、卫星互联网 | 美国东部时间1月24日10点,美国太空探索技术公司SpaceX在美国佛州卡纳维拉尔角成功完成“运输者1号”发射任务。这次发射所使用的“猎鹰9号”火箭携带了143颗卫星进入太空,这数量占目前在轨卫星总数的5%。不仅刷新了美国一箭多星发射纪录,更是打破了印度在2017年创下的单次发射火箭携带卫星数量最多的世界纪录。





I hope that everyone can earn enough money no matter what method they use. Travel, idle, think about the past and future of the world, read and dream, hang out on street corners, and let the fishing line of thought sink into the street. Among.



Author: Zhang information consulting services studio
链接:https://www.zzw868.cn/ https://www.zzw868.com/
The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.
Risk Warning: The opinions mentioned in this article only represent personal opinions, and the subject matter involved is not recommended. Buy and sell accordingly at your own risk.
Source: Wall Street

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来源: https://blog.csdn.net/zzw1208/article/details/113173332