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National Trends in Hospitalizations for Stroke Associated with Infective Endocarditis and Opioid Use Between 1993-2015


Stroke. 2020

Joinpoint regression was used to assess trends.


Joinpoint regression detected two segments: no significant change in the hospitalization rate was apparent from 1993 to 2008 (annual percentage change, 1.9%; 95% CI, −2.2% to 6.1%), and then rates significantly increased from 2008 to 2015 (annual percentage change, 20.3%; 95% CI, 10.5% to 30.9%), most dramatically in non-Hispanic white patients in the Northeastern and Southern U.S.


Temporal trends in validated ischaemic stroke hospitalizations in the USA


Am J Epidemiol. 2019

Validated rates declined during 1998-2011 from 4.7/1000 to 2.9/1000; however, the decline was limited to 1998-2007, with no further decline subsequently through 2011. 


 Overall, ischaemic stroke hospitalization rates in the USA have declined during 1998-2007, but no further decline was observed from 2007 to 2011. 

总体而言,1998-2007年美国缺血性中风住院率有所下降,但2007 - 2011年没有进一步下降

Temporal Trends in Hospitalization for Acute Decompensated Heart Failure in the United States, 1998-2011


Am J Epidemiol. 2016

During 1998-2004, the rate of ADHF hospitalization increased by 2.0%/year (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.8, 2.5) versus a 1.4%/year (95% CI: 0.8, 2.1) increase in code 428 primary hospitalizations (P < 0.001).

1998-2004年期间,ADHF住院率每年增加2.0%,而第428代码初级住院率增加了1.4%/年(95%可信区间(CI): 0.8、2.1)(P < 0.001)。

In contrast, during 2005-2011, numbers of ADHF hospitalizations were stable (-0.5%/year; 95% CI: -1.4, 0.3), while the numbers of 428-primary hospitalizations decreased by -1.5%/year (95% CI: -2.2, -0.8) (P for contrast = 0.03).


In conclusion, the estimated number of hospitalizations with ADHF is approximately 2 times higher than the number of hospitalizations with ICD-9-CM code 428 in the primary position.


The trend increased more steeply prior to 2005 and was relatively flat after 2005.


Has the prevalence of overweight, obesity and central obesity levelled off in the United States? Trends, patterns, disparities, and future projections for the obesity epidemic


International Journal of Epidemiology. 2020
The underlying assumption was that means and proportion would continue to increase or decrease at the annual rate without any non-linear components over time. Thus, in the main analysis, beta coefficients reflected average annual changes in binary outcome prevalence (OB, OB/OW, SOB, CO), and annual changes in BMI, WC and WhtR. 


OB prevalence had consistently risen since 1999 and considerable differences existed across groups and regions.


Among adults, men's OB (33.7%) and OW (71.6%) levelled off in 2009-2012, resuming the increase to 38.0 and 74.7% in 2015-2016, respectively.


Women showed an uninterrupted increase in OB/OW prevalence since 1999, reaching 41.5% (OB) and 68.9% (OW) in 2015-2016.

自1999年以来,女性的OB/OW患病率持续上升,2015-2016年分别达到41.5% (OB)和68.9% (OW)。

SOB levelled off in 2013-2016 (men: 5.5-5.6%; women: 9.7-9.5%), after annual increases of 0.2% between 1999 and 2012.


OB prevalence in boys rose continuously to 20.6% and SOB to 7.5% in 2015-2016, but not in girls.


Since 1999, CO has risen steadily, and by 2030 is projected to reach 55.6% in men, 80.0% in women, 47.6% among girls and 38.9% among boys.


Regional differences exist in adult OB prevalence (2011-2016) and across ethnicities; South (32.0%) and Midwest (31.4%) had the highest rates.


Trends in Cancer Incidence Among American Indians and Alaska Natives and Non-Hispanic Whites in the United States, 1999-2015


Epidemiology. 2020

Background: Female breast, prostate, lung, and colorectal cancers are the leading incident cancers among American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) and non-Hispanic White (NHW) persons in the United States. To understand racial differences, we assessed incidence rates, analyzed trends, and examined geographic variation in incidence by Indian Health Service regions.


Methods: To assess differences in incidence, we used age-adjusted incidence rates to calculate rate ratios (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Using joinpoint regression, we analyzed incidence trends over time for the four leading cancers from 1999 to 2015.


Results: For all four cancers, overall and age-specific incidence rates were lower among AI/ANs than NHWs.

Incidence rates for lung cancer were higher among AI/ANs than NHWs in Alaska (RR: 1.46; 95% CI: 1.37, 1.56) and Northern and Southern Plains.

Similarly, colorectal cancer incidence rates were higher in AI/ANs than NHWs in Alaska and Northern and Southern Plains.

Also, AI/AN women in Alaska had a higher incidence rate for breast cancer than NHW women.

From 1999 to 2015, incidence rates for all four cancers decreased in NHWs, but only rates for prostate (average annual percent change: -4.70) and colorectal (average annual percent change: -1.80) cancers decreased considerably in AI/ANs.


在阿拉斯加、北部平原、南部平原,AI/ANs的肺癌发病率高于NHWs 。




Conclusion: Findings from this study highlight the racial and regional differences in cancer incidence.


Incidence decreased over the entire time period (AAPC: -2.43; 95% CI: -2.69, -2.18) and specifically from 2001 to 2008 (APC: -2.84; 95% CI: -3.05, -2.63), from 2008 to 2011 (APC: -4.07; 95% CI: -5.36, -2.77), and from 2011 to 2015 (APC: -1.22; 95% CI: -1.65, -0.78). However, the trend was stable from 1999 to 2001 (APC: -0.95; 95% CI: -2.17, 0.29).


Patterns of age-specific incidence rates for female breast cancer were consistent with previous studies.


Consistent with prior studies,   与之前的研究一致,

Some of this observed variation may be explained through healthcare access, sociodemographic characteristics, and health-related behaviors.


These differences in geographic variation among AI/ANs are not completely understood.


may be linked with   可能与…有关

may stem from   可能是由于

could stem from  可能源于

This variation may stem from the substantial regional differences in tobacco use, which is a major risk factor for lung cancer.


This decrease in incidence mirrors the reduction in the use of PSA testing,  发病率的下降反映了PSA检测使用的减少,

A possible reason for the decline is the implementation of tobacco-control strategies and policies;

however, declines in lung cancer due to tobacco control are observed decades after increased tobacco control efforts, due to the long latency period between smoking and cancer.



Trends in Black and White Opioid Mortality in the United States, 1979-2015


Epidemiology. 2018

Background: Recent research on the US opioid epidemic has focused on the white or total population and has largely been limited to data after 1999. However, understanding racial differences in long-term trends by opioid type may contribute to improving interventions.


Methods: Using multiple cause of death data, we calculated age-standardized opioid mortality rates, by race and opioid type, for the US resident population from 1979 to 2015. We analyzed trends in mortality rates using joinpoint regression.


Results: From 1979 to 2015, the long-term trends in opioid-related mortality for Earlier data did not include ethnicity so this is incorrect. It is all black and all white residents in the US. blacks and whites went through three successive waves. In the first wave, from 1979 to the mid-1990s, the epidemic affected both populations and was driven by heroin. In the second wave, from the mid-1990s to 2010, the increase in opioid mortality was driven by natural/semi-synthetic opioids (e.g., codeine, morphine, hydrocodone, or oxycodone) among whites, while there was no increase in mortality for blacks. In the current wave, increases in opioid mortality for both populations have been driven by heroin and synthetic opioids (e.g., fentanyl and its analogues). Heroin rates are currently increasing at 31% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 27, 35) per year for whites and 34% (95% CI = 30, 40) for blacks. Concurrently, respective synthetic opioids are increasing at 79% and 107% annually.

从1979-2015年,早期数据中的阿片类药物相关死亡率的长期趋势不包括族裔,因此这是不正确的。美国的居民都是黑人和白人。黑人和白人先后经历了三次浪潮。在1979-1990年代中期的第一次浪潮中,这一流行病影响了两种人群,并由海洛因推动在第二波,从20世纪90年代中期到2010年,阿片类药物死亡率的增加是由白人中的天然/半合成阿片类药物(如可待因、吗啡、氢可酮或羟可酮)推动的,而黑人的死亡率没有增加。在当前这一波中,海洛因和合成阿片类药物(如芬太尼及其类似物)导致了两类人群阿片类药物死亡率的增加。目前,白人的海洛因吸食率正在以每年31%和34%的速度增长。同时,各自的合成阿片类药物每年增加79% 和107%。

Conclusion: Since 1979, the nature of the opioid epidemic has shifted from heroin to prescription opioids for the white population to increasing of heroin/synthetic deaths for both black and white populations. 


Secular trends in Swedish hip fractures 1987-2002: birth cohort and period effects


Epidemiology. 2012

Background: Recently, a leveling off in hip-fracture incidence has been reported in several settings, but the annual number is nonetheless predicted to increase due to the growing elderly population.


Methods: Using Swedish national data for 1987-2002 for all inpatients 50 years or older, we examined the annual number and incidence of hip fractures and explored age, period, and cohort effects.

Age adjustment was done by direct standardization, time-trend analysis by linear regression, changes in linear trends by joinpoint regression, and age-period-cohort effects by log-likelihood estimates in Poisson regression models.







Before 1996, the age-standardized hip fracture incidence was stable (0.1% per year [95% confidence interval = -0.2% to 0.5%]), and the annual number of hip fractures increased (2.1% per year [1.8% to 2.4%]).


After 1996, both the age-standardized hip fracture incidence (-2.2% per year [-2.8% to -1.6%]) and the number of hip fractures (-0.9% per year [-1.5% to -0.4%]) decreased.


The period + cohort effects were more marked among women than men, with a major reduction in hip fracture incidence in subsequent birth cohorts (estimated incidence rate ratio = 2.2 comparing women born 1889-1896 with 1945-1952) or periods (estimated incidence rate ratio = 1.1 comparing women living 1987-1990 with 1999-2002).



The age-standardized hip fracture incidence has decreased since 1996, more than counteracting the effects of the aging population and resulting in a decline in the annual number of hip fractures through 2002.

The magnitude of the combined period and cohort effects in women seems to be of biologic importance. If this persists into older age, the annual number of hip fractures will be lower than has been projected.



Mobile phone use and incidence of glioma in the Nordic countries 1979-2008: consistency check

Epidemiology. 2012


Some case-control studies have reported increased risks of glioma associated with mobile phone use.

If true, this would ultimately affect the time trends for incidence rates (IRs). Correspondingly, lack of change in IRs would exclude certain magnitudes of risk.

We investigated glioma IR trends in the Nordic countries, and compared the observed with expected incidence rates under various risk scenarios.





We analyzed annual age-standardized incidence rates in men and women aged 20 to 79 years during 1979-2008 using joinpoint regression (35,250 glioma cases). 

我们分析了1979-2008年间20 - 79岁男性和女性的年年龄标准化发病率(35250例胶质瘤病例)。


For the period 1979 through 2008, the annual percent change in incidence rates was 0.4% (95% confidence interval = 0.1% to 0.6%) among men and 0.3% (0.1% to 0.5%) among women.

1979年至2008年期间,男性发病率的年变化百分比为0.4%(95%可信区间= 0.1%至0.6%),女性发病率的年变化百分比为0.3%(0.1%至0.5%)。

Incidence rates have decreased in young men (20-39 years) since 1987, remained stable in middle-aged men (40-59 years) throughout the 30-year study period, and increased slightly in older men (60-79 years).


In simulations, assumed relative risks for all users of 2.0 for an induction time of up to 15 years, 1.5 for up to 10 years, and 1.2 for up to 5 years were incompatible with observed incidence time trends. For heavy users of mobile phones, risks of 2.0 for up to 5 years' induction were also incompatible.



No clear trend change in glioma incidence rates was observed.


Several of the risk increases seen in case-control studies appear to be incompatible with the observed lack of incidence rate increase in middle-aged men.


This suggests longer induction periods than currently investigated, lower risks than reported from some case-control studies, or the absence of any association.








来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42259543/article/details/112909905