Go-directed and habitual learning
行为心理学由instrumental conditioning(operant conditioning)和respondent behaviors(classical conditioning; Pavlovian)共同构成。两者区别在于stimuli和response是voluntary 还是involuntary。
Classical conditioning 典型的代表是巴普洛夫的狗,中性条件(铃声)配合无条件刺激(食物)成为有条件刺激(狗听到铃声会分泌唾液).
instrumantal conditioning 是指通过奖励和惩罚来加强或者削弱未来这个动作会出现的概率。
instrumantal conditioning is governed by two forms of action control: go-directed and habit learning procss.
- Go-directed learning contains medial prefrontal cortex, dorsomedial striatum(DMS) and thalamus + feedback to cortex.
- habits includes sensory-motor cortex, dorsolateral striatum, thalamus and feedback to cortex.
They are in a competitive relationship, 一个环路损坏会导致另一回路的产生。可以用fMRI(functional maganetic resonance Imagining)来查看
outcome devaluation
this aims to evaluate the sensitivity to changes of outcome values(1. By making the outcome less attractive; 2. by pairing the outcome with awful things) -
contigency degradation
this aims to evaluate the sensitivity to changes in causal relationship between action and consequence (1. by replacing a delayed outcome 2. by disrupting the original causal relationship)Existing computational models
标签:directed,relationship,habitual,conditioning,learning,Go,outcome,cortex 来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44060636/article/details/110475787