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The Simple Introduction of VR Compositor layers on VR Runtime


最近学习用到了VR Runtime 的 Compositor layers , 下边简单总结 VR Compositor layers 一些基本概念。

首先介绍什么是 compositor layer。

1.0 compositor layer introduce

VR Compositor Layer是一种提升VR显示内容清晰度技术。

Oculus 官方上找到的解释如下:

Compositor layers are useful for displaying information, text, video,
or textures that are intended to be focal objects in your scene. They
are also useful for displaying simple environments and backgrounds to
your scene.

Compositor layers let you render certain forms of content such as
text, video, or textures with higher quality than traditional
eye-buffer rendering can achieve.

下边介绍下,Compositor Layers为什么会比普通的Eye-buffer Rendering更加清晰

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/u010116586/article/details/110964895