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T o p i c 2.   w h a t   a r e   t h e   p r o s   a n d   c o n s   o f   o n l i n e   g r a d u a t e   e d u c a t i o n ? ( P 18 ) \color{red}{Topic 2.  what  are  the  pros  and  cons  of  online  graduate  education?(P18)} Topic2. what are the pros and cons of online graduate education?(P18)

Online graduate education has become a popular channel for many students to pursue their degree. Will you support online graduate courses

**The advantages of online graduate education are: **

  1. Flexiblity: Attend online classes anywhere. Online education is able to provide you with a flexible learning environment from any location as long as you are offered with internet connection.

  2. self-paced: In general, you can complete graduate degree online in shorter period of time if compare to the same courses offer in campus-based programs

  3. more choice: you can attend the online classes from your comfort home or any location that you find convenient to you with any online graduate program offered by any universities around the world.

在线研究生教育已成为许多学生攻读学位的热门渠道。 您会支持在线研究生课程吗

1.灵活性:可以在任何地方参加在线课程。 在线教育可以为您提供灵活的学习环境,无论您身在何处,只要有互联网连接即可。

The Disadvantages of Online Education are:

  1. unreasonable schedule: The advantages of online education can become the disadvantages if you are not the right candidate for online education, especially when you are a type of person that can’t manage your time probably between your work, family and study.

  2. inconvenience Most of your communication will be through email. The major disadvantage of this method of education is that you don’t experience face-to-face socialization.

  3. inadaptation As most of online learning materials are in text format, if you may be not comfortable with this format and prefer to listen to the lecture instead of reading it.


2.不便之处您的大部分沟通将通过电子邮件进行。 这种教育方法的主要缺点是您没有面对面的社交。


Topic 3. Online games should be banned from teenagers(P42)

Both disagree

a. Nowadays children are spending far too much time and money on computer games.


b. As a result, some people even suggest that online games should be done away with.


b. too much indulgence in the computer games may lead to the deterioration of children’s physical health.


a. Children desert the football ground as they all sit at home around the computers playing the football game. So they can’t be physically fit and strong.

当孩子们都坐在家里围坐在踢足球的计算机旁时,孩子们离开了足球场。 因此,他们无法保持身体健康。

b. Moreover, facing the computer for a long time, children easily suffer from myopia.


a. computer games distract children’s attention from their studies.


b. They finish their homework in a hurry, or even copy their classmate’s, in order to squeeze time to play games.


a. Therefore, online games should be banned from children.


b. They should be encouraged to do more meaningful and valuable things like reading, studying, and going to concert.


Topic 4. Are you for or against children surfing the Internet?(P78)


  1. Communication:
    a. The foremost target of internet has always been the communication. By the advent of computer’s Internet, our earth has reduced and has attained the form of a global village.

    b. Now we can communicate in a fraction of second with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world.

  2. Information: Students and children are among the top users who surf the Internet for research. And teachers have started giving assignments that require research on the Internet.


a. 互联网的首要目标一直是交流。 随着计算机Internet的出现,我们的地球面积减少了,并达到了地球村的形式。

b. 现在,我们可以与坐在世界另一端的人进行交流。

2.信息:学生和儿童是上网进行研究的最大用户。 而且老师们已经开始提供需要在互联网上进行研究的作业。


  1. children don’t have enough communication with their parents, friends and teachers as a great many of time is spent on playing games,sending emails and chatting on the internet. As a result,they tend to build a sense of isolation and loneliness.

  2. They can get the sense of achievement and satisfaction and even the value of exist in the virtual world. So they get more and more addicted to the net.

  3. The other problem is that some bad information on the net, such as violence,will affect children’s behaviors.

it need mutual efforts of families,schools and the whole network to solve these problems.

1.孩子与父母,朋友和老师的交流不足,因为很多时间都花在玩游戏,发送电子邮件和在互联网上聊天。 结果,他们倾向于建立一种孤立和孤独的感觉。

2.他们可以获得成就感和满足感,甚至获得虚拟世界中存在的价值。 因此他们越来越沉迷于网络。

3.另一个问题是,网络上的某些不良信息(例如暴力)会影响儿童的行为。 解决这些问题需要家庭,学校和整个网络的共同努力。

Topic 5. what is the key to success of a premium brand(P182)

a. Stand the test of time, and have heritage:

a. 经受时间的考验,并拥有传承:

b. To last over a long period of time, and have a tradition passed down from generation to generation.


a. For example, Grolsch is a brand which has stood the test of time. its logo give consumers the impression that the beer has been made for hundreds of years.

例如,Grolsch是经受时间考验的品牌。 它的徽标给消费者留下啤酒已经酿造了数百年的印象。

b. Impression: a feeling about a particular thing. The packaging of Grolsch also makes it stand out from other beer on the shelf.

印象:对特定事物的感觉。 Grolsch的包装还使其与货架上的其他啤酒脱颖而出。

a. And about the particular thing, Nike has built its brand through effective advertising and endorsements. Famous athletes around the world have been seen wearing Nike logo.

关于特殊的事情,耐克通过有效的广告和代言来建立自己的品牌。 已经看到世界各地的著名运动员穿着耐克标志。

b. Taking myself as an example, expecially the NBA stars playing basketball with Nike shoes left a deep impression on me.


a. and the Consistency, the quality of staying the same or staying at the same level over a period of time, the two brands above have their consistency.


b. and also, you may recall the brand McDonald’s, which open in over 100 countries. the company has build its brand by focusing on four things: quality, value, service and cleanliness.

而且,您可能还记得麦当劳(McDonald’s)品牌,该品牌在100多个国家/地区开业。 该公司通过关注四个方面来建立自己的品牌:质量,价值,服务和清洁度。

a. McDonald’s delivers all of this with consistency.


Topic 6. Changes brought to our life by globalization(P216)

It affects our every people’s daily life.

Since china started to open to other counties, especially joined in the WTO, golbalization had become a popular topic.

The apperance of “KFC ” and “Mcdonald’s Corp”, now, with the pace of modern life getting faster, fast food becomes more and more people’s favorite especially for young people and children.

Celebrating western festivals becomes more fashionable. In our schools, western festivals such as Thanks giving day, April fool ’s day , Christmas day, and so on, have a large number of followers.

Maybe, it is because that people in different countries have more chance to communicate with each other. for example, 5 students of our university will go to Japan and Korea as the exchanging students. Then the other countries’ culture are accepted by us.

And our every people ’s future and fate are also contact to the world’s development. Taking this year’s economic crisis, for an example, the financial crisis of America have a big influence on the whole world, including china, too.

Globalization bring the chance also the challenge, for our country, also for us.








Topic 7. If you are faculty member of committee of Academic Honesty, what can you do to curb the problem of plagiarism(P252)

  1. give a clear definition of what constitutes plagiarism and what is considered appropriate collaboration.
  2. Give some examples of how and when people should credit the work of others in their writing. This way, they will have concrete cases to which they can refer when questions arise.
  3. suggestion college authorities should not regard papers as the only criterion on evaluating teachers and students.
  4. Besides, much stricter system of censorship and penalty should be applied


2.举例说明人们在写作中应如何以及何时应归功于他人的工作。 这样,他们将有具体案例,以便在出现问题时可以参考。



来源: https://blog.csdn.net/lancecrazy/article/details/112008250