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接上次继续 安装。



    if ((res = socket->recv(&msgs.back(), ZMQ_DONTWAIT)) == false) return false;
/home/wg/anna/build/vendor/zeromqcpp/zeromqcpp-prefix/src/zeromqcpp/zmq.hpp:1926:10: note: 
      'recv' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
    bool recv(message_t *msg_, int flags_ = 0)
/home/wg/anna/kvs/include/zmq_util.cc:51:13: warning: 'getsockopt' is
      deprecated: from 4.7.0, use `get` taking option from zmq::sockopt
    socket->getsockopt(ZMQ_RCVMORE, static_cast<void*>(&more), &more_size);
/home/wg/anna/build/vendor/zeromqcpp/zeromqcpp-prefix/src/zeromqcpp/zmq.hpp:1669:10: note: 
      'getsockopt' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
    void getsockopt(int option_, void *optval_, size_t *optvallen_) const
7 warnings generated.
[ 97%] Building CXX object kvs/CMakeFiles/kvs_proxy.dir/include/socket_cache.cc.o
[ 98%] Linking CXX executable kvs_proxy
[100%] Built target kvs_proxy


5.ip 设置


2.根据说明,创建相应名字的txt文件。单击情况,所有的ip都是本机的ip。ubuntu上查看用ifconfig 命令

For each server node:

  1. The ip of the current node should be stored in conf/server/server_ip.txt.
  2. The ip of the seed node should be stored in conf/server/seed_server.txt. The seed node can be any proxy node.
  3. The ip of all the proxy nodes should be stored in conf/server/proxy_address.txt. Each line contains a single proxy ip.

For each proxy node:

  1. The ip of the current node should be stored in conf/proxy/proxy_ip.txt.

For each user/benchmark node:

  1. The ip of the current node should be stored in conf/user/user_ip.txt.
  2. The ip of all the proxy nodes should be stored in conf/user/proxy_address.txt. Each line contains a single proxy ip.



所以创建3个文件夹,anna_proxy、 anna_server、anna_user 里面代码包含全部的anna代码。


Please start the proxy first, and then the server and client.

  1. Start a proxy by running ./build/kvs/kvs_proxy.
  2. Start a server by running ./build/kvs/kvs_server.
  3. Start a client by running ./build/kvs/kvs_user.

The accepted input formats are GET $key and PUT $key $value.


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/zhuiyunzhugang/article/details/111709626