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Vocabulary Lists:

a small flat object which you put under a glass to protect the top of a table 玻璃杯垫
a ship that sails from port to port along a coast 航行于沿海港口间的轮船
roller coaster :过山车
I've been on an emotional roller coaster since I've been here. 自从我到这里以来,情绪像坐上情绪像坐上情绪像坐上了过山车
V-T If someone insults you, they say or do something that is rude or offensive. 辱骂; 侮辱; 冒犯
ADJ 被侮辱的
N-COUNT An insult is a rude remark, or something a person says or does which insults you. 侮辱; 辱骂; 冒犯
PHRASE You say to add insult to injury when mentioning an action or fact that makes an unfair or unacceptable situation even worse. 更糟糕的是
personal insult 人身侮辱人身侮辱英语
Forgive me, I don't mean to insult you. 请原谅我,我不是有意侮辱你。
[ only before noun ] connected with the outer sexual organs of a person or an animal 生殖的;生殖器的
genital size:丁丁尺寸
These include comments about genital size,appearance and performance.
ADJ If you describe something as trashy, you think it is of very poor quality. 质量极差的
trashy look:垃圾形象
I was reading some trashy romance novel. 我当时正在阅读一些垃圾爱情小说。
thigh(/θaɪ/ )
N-COUNT Your thighs are the top parts of your legs, between your knees and your hips. 大腿
thigh gap 大腿间距大腿缝大腿间隙缝
He tore a muscle in his right thigh. 他拉伤了右大腿的一块肌肉。
flare up
flare-up lamp 闪光灯
Don't spill too much fat on the barbecue as it could flare up. 不要在烤肉上浇太多的油,因为它可能会突然烧起来。
You need not flare up merely because I mentioned your work. 你不必因为我提到你的工作就大发雷霆。
[ V ] ~ (on/in/over sth/sb) ( especially BrE ) to put your foot down while you are stepping or walking 踩;踏;践踏
[ VNusually + adv./prep. ] to crush or press sth with your feet 踩碎;践踏
( formal ) ( literary ) to walk somewhere 行走;步行;走
tread on sb's ˈtoes: 激怒,得罪,冒犯(尤指因插手他人职责)
tread a difficult, dangerous, solitary, etc. ˈpath: 走一条困难、危险、孤独等的人生道路(指选择特定的生活方式或处事方法)
I heard his heavy tread on the stairs. 我听到他在楼梯上的沉重脚步声。
Ouch! You trod on my toe! 哎哟!你踩着我的脚指头了!
( often disapproving ) determined not to change your opinion or attitude 固执的;执拗的;顽固的;倔强的
difficult to get rid of or deal with 难以去除(或对付)的
stubborn pride 死要面子
a stubborn cough/stain 久治不愈的咳嗽;顽渍
She can be as stubborn as a mule . 她可以倔得像头骡子。
N-UNCOUNT The alignment of something is its position in relation to something else or to its correct position. 位置
N-VAR An alignment is support for a particular group, especially in politics, or for a side in a quarrel or struggle. 结盟
political alignment:政治联盟
The church should have no political alignment. 教会不应该有政治结盟。
Vary text size, color and alignment. 改变文字大小、颜色和排列。
N-COUNT You can refer to a boat, a spacecraft, or an aircraft as a craft. 船; 航天器; 航空器
N-COUNT A craft is an activity such as weaving, carving, or pottery that involves making things skilfully with your hands. 工艺
N-COUNT You can use craft to refer to any activity or job that involves doing something skilfully. 职业
V-T If something is crafted, it is made skilfully. 精心制作
hand-crafted bag:手工包
The distinction between craft and fine art is more controversial. 工艺和美术之间的区别更有争议。
...original, hand-crafted bags at affordable prices. …价格适中的独创手工包。

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/sisqzy86/article/details/110942945