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IA32 x86


The Intel processor line, colloquially referred to as x86, has followed a long, evolutionary development. It started with one of the first single-chip, 16-bit microprocessors, where many compromises had to be made due to the limited capabilities of integrated circuit technology at the time. Since then, it has grown to take advantage of technology improvements as well as to satisfy the demands for higher performance and for supporting more advanced operating systems.

The list that follows shows some models of Intel processors and some of their key features, especially those affecting machine-level programming. We use the number of transistors required to implement the processors as an indication of how they have evolved in complexity (K denotes 1000, and M denotes 1,000,000).

Each successive processor has been designed to be backward compatible—able to run code compiled for any earlier version. There are many strange artifacts in the instruction set due to this evolutionary heritage. Intel has had several names for their processor line, including IA32, for “Intel Architecture 32-bit,” and most recently Intel64, the 64-bit extension to IA32, which we will refer to as x86-64. We will refer to the overall line by the commonly used colloquial name “x86,” reflecting the processor naming conventions up through the i486.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/kking_edc/article/details/110396558