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China ,Barriers to Sinology

As China’s power waxes, the West’s study of it is waning. That is worrying




America’s president-elect, Joe Biden, says China is his country’s “biggest competitor”. Yet China’s centrality in the calculations of foreign-policy experts in Washington and throughout the West is hardly matched by the interest shown in academia. Despite China’s efforts to promote interest in the language—and a surge of attention to it in Western schools a few years ago—enthusiasm for China studies at university level remains lacklustre. Fear of China, and restrictions imposed by it, are in part to blame.


For Western governments and firms coping with China is an ever more pressing concern. To respond wisely, they need to
understand what makes China tick. If there are not enough Sinologists to guide them, they will surely make mistakes.


那是什么困难呢,我们看首段最后一句:Fear of China, and restrictions imposed by it, are in part to blame.


(二)In Britain the number of people studying China at university has dipped each year since 2017.(这是背景)

(三)Those who study Chinese at school often learn jonly enough to discover just how challenging mastery of the language is.(研究中国的语言困境)

(四)(首)A related problem is that many native speakers of Mandarin graduate from universities in China and the West with a fluent command of English.(尾)People who have grown up in China often have an advantage, not only with language but also in their ability to open doors in China for their employers.(同上文,都是说语言难题)

(五)(首)More recently, China’s increasingly repressive political climate has become a powerful deterrent to those mulling the subject.(尾)China’s soft power is weaker. Its censorship of the internet and other media and the polluted airof its cities put students off, academics say.(中国的政治问题,一个小总结)

(六)(尾)We don’t want anything to do with China—look at what’s going on there.’” Having lost hope, for the time being, of pursuing any rewarding work on China “given everything that is going on”, Mr Entwistle now works as a headhunter.(引出下面的内容,作为政治问题的背景)

(七)(尾)Archives and databases in China became harder to access; visas and interviews more difficult to arrange.(政治问题之一,资源难以获取)

(八)(首)In 2018 a survey of China-studies scholars in several Western countries as well as Hong Kong found that, in the previous decade, one-third of them had been denied either entry to China or permission to use its archives.(同上,也是资源问题)

(九)(首)Some scholars now stay away from China because of the risk of being detained there.(政治问题之一,受逮捕)

(十)(首)The risks are even greater for Chinaborn academics, who make up a growing share of staff in China-studies departments.(同上,受逮捕)



长难句分析 (整理生词+掌握语法+翻译重点语句):

Yet China’s centrality(/sɛn’træləti/,中心,集中性) in the calculations( /ˌkælkju’leʃən/,计算,预估)of foreign-policy experts in Washington and throughout the West is hardly matched by the interest shown in academia(/ˌækə’dimɪə/,学术界).

At American universities enrolments(/ɪn’rolmənt/,入学人数) in Chinese-language programmes reached 60,000 in 2013.

The first is one that has always plagued(/pleɡ/,瘟疫,使感染瘟疫) this academic field.

The two men’s continuing detention(/dɪ’tɛnʃən/, 拘留) has been interpreted by many Western observers as a sign of growing willingness by China to use flimsy(/'flɪmzi/,浅薄的) national-security charges against foreigners from countries with which it has quarrels.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/potato_tomato_/article/details/110405975