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序列化推荐:Wang, Shoujin & Hu, Liang & Wang, Yan & Cao, Longbing & Sheng, Quan & Orgun, Mehmet. (2019). Sequential Recommender Systems: Challenges, Progress and Prospects.
会话式推荐:Jannach, Dietmar & Manzoor, Ahtsham & Cai, Wanling & Chen, Li. (2020). A Survey on Conversational Recommender Systems.
跨领域推荐:Khan M M , Ibrahim R , Ghani I . Cross Domain Recommender Systems: A Systematic Literature Review[J]. Acm Computing Surveys, 2017, 50(3):1-34.
社会化推荐:Tang J , Hu X , Liu H. Social recommendation: a review[J]. Social Network Analysis&Mining, 2013.
基于评论的推荐:Chen L , Chen G , Wang F . Recommender systems based on user reviews[J]. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 2015.

序列化推荐:Wang J, Louca R, Hu D, et al. Time to Shop for Valentine‘s Day: Shopping Occasions and Sequential Recommendation in E-commerce[C]// The Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining(WSDM). ACM, 2020.
会话式推荐:Zhou K, Zhou Y, Zhao W, et al. Towards Topic-Guided Conversational Recommender System [C]//COLING. 2020
跨领域推荐:Zhu F , Chen C , Wang Y , et al. DTCDR: A Framework for Dual-Target Cross-Domain Recommendation[C]// the 28th ACM International Conference. ACM, 2019.
社会化推荐:Lu Y , Xie R , Shi C , et al. Social Influence Attentive Neural Network for Friend-Enhanced Recommendation[C]// The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD). 2020.
基于评论的推荐:Dong X , Ni J , Cheng W , et al. Asymmetrical Hierarchical Networks with Attentive Interactions for Interpretable Review-Based Recommendation[C]// Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020.

PEIA: Personality and Emotion Integrated Attentive Model for Music Recommendation on Social Media Platforms. AAAI, 2020.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Octopus816/p/14026703.html