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Distributing Custom Apps


Distributing Custom Apps


November 10, 2020


Custom apps let you meet the unique needs of organizations and schools. And now, you can distribute custom Mac apps. Provide a tailored look and feel, security features for sensitive data, special functionality for workflows, and much more, then distribute privately on Apple Business Manager or Apple School Manager.

自定义 App 可以让你接触到,组织和学校的特色需求。如今,你可以分发自定义 Mac App。提供量身定做的外观和感受。敏感数据的安全特性,工作流的特殊功能,还有更多。然后在Apple Business Manager或Apple School Manager上私下分发。

Engage with businesses and educational institutions to design and build customized apps that meet the unique needs of their organization. With Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager, you can privately and securely distribute to specific partners, clients, franchisees. And you can also distribute proprietary apps to your internal employees.

与企业和教育机构合作,并设计和构建满足它们组织特殊需求的 App。用 Apple Business Manager 和 Apple School Manager,你可以私下的并安全的分发给指定的合作伙伴、客户端、加盟商。您还可以将专有应用程序分发给内部员工


How It Works

Organizations that you identify in App Store Connect will see your app and be able to download it in the Apps and Books section of Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager. You can offer custom apps for free or at any price tier you choose. Identify the organizations who can download your app and set a release date in App Store Connect.

在 App Store Connect 标记的组织,可以看见并下载 App, Apple Business Manager and Apple School Manager 书籍部分。你可以选择免费或者按层级收费的方式提供自定义App。你可以标识可以现在App 的组织,也可以在 App Store Connect 设置发布日期

Learn more

App Store Connect

App Store Connect lets you distribute your app privately in up to 69 regions. Upload your app for review and select the Custom App Distribution option. If your app contains sensitive data, provide sample data and authentication for our review team. Make sure your tax and banking information is set up so that Apple can process payments for you. You’ll also be able to invite testers to beta test your app before distribution.

App Store Connect可让您在多达69个区域内私下分发应用程序,上传您的应用以供审核,然后选择“自定义应用分发”选项。如果您的应用包含敏感数据,请为我们的审核小组提供示例数据和身份验证。确保设置了您的税收和银行信息,以便Apple可以为您处理付款。您还可以邀请测试人员在发布前对您的应用进行Beta测试。

Learn how to use App Store Connect

Apple Business Manager

Organizations can enroll as an Apple Business to purchase and distribute content and automate device deployment using Apple Business Manager. The organizations that you identify can see your app and purchase it in the Content section of Apple Business Manager and seamlessly distribute it through Mobile Device Management. Alternatively, organizations can choose to provide redemption codes to authorized users to download the app on the App Store.

组织可以注册为Apple Business,以使用Apple Business Manager购买和分发内容,并自动进行设备部署。标记过的组织可以在Apple Business Manager 内容部分为 App 查看并付费。也可以通过 Mobile Device Management 进行无缝的分发。或者,选择向授权用户提供兑换代码以在App Store上下载该应用。

Learn how to use Apple Business Manager

Apple School Manager

Meet the unique needs of educational institutions by privately offering apps you’ve customized just for them. Organizations that you identify in App Store Connect will see the app and be able to purchase it in volume on Apple School Manager, a service that lets educational institutions buy content, configure automatic device enrollment, and create accounts for students and staff. Educational institutions can also use this feature to distribute proprietary apps for internal use.

通过私下提供专门针对教育机构定制的应用程序,来满足教育机构的独特需求。您在App Store Connect中标识的组织将看到该应用程序,并能够在Apple School Manager中批量购买该应用程序,允许教育机构购买内容,配置自动设备注册并为学生和员工创建帐户的服务,教育机构也可以使用此功能来分发专有应用程序供内部使用

Learn how to use Apple School Manager

redemption codes
in volume

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/ecplko/p/13984624.html