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ALG 2-2: Asymptotic Order of Growth (渐进分析)


1. Asymptotic Order of Growth

Ex: T(n) = 32n^2+ 17n + 32.

2. Properties (性质)

Transitivity. (交换性)

Additivity. (相加性)

3. Asymptotic Bounds for Some Common Functions (一些常见函数的渐近界)

  1. Polynomials(多项式). a_0+ a_1*n + … + a_d*n^d is Θ(n^d) if a_d> 0.
    • Polynomial time. Running time is O(n^d) for some constant d independent of the input size n. (与输入大小n无关, 运行时间恒为O(n^d) )
  2. Logarithms(对数). O(loga n) = O(logb n) for any constants a, b > 0.

    3. Exponentials(指数). For every r > 1 and every d > 0, n^d= O(r^n). (every exponential grows faster than every polynomial)

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/JasperZhao/p/13972197.html