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calibredrv create reference cell


假设我们有个 A.gds, top cell是ATOP, 有了B.gds, top cell是BTOP, 之前说过的merge gds file, 可以把A.gds和B.gds合并,要么 ATOP和BTOP平级,要么 ATOP和BTOP同属一个新top的子cell, 那如何让 BTOP作为ATOP的子cell呢?也就是不改变ATOP的情况下把BTOP调用到ATOP。

其实这在 calibredrv的文档中 $L create cell 介绍时已经给出了现成的例子,如下

  1. #Extracts a cell from an existing layout into a new GDS file:
  2. # Load existing layout.
  3. set Llayout [layout create mylayout.gds]
  4. # Create an empty layout.
  5. set Lnew [layout create]
  6. # Create topcell for new layout.
  7. $Lnew create cell TOP
  8. # Copy MyGeom cell to new layout, calling it MyGeomNew. Copies all
  9. # geometry, but not placements.
  10. $Lnew create cell MyGeomNew $Llayout MyGeom
  11. # Place MyGeomNew cell reference in new layout.
  12. $Lnew create ref TOP MyGeomNew 0 0 0 0 1
  13. # Export new layout.
  14. $Lnew gdsout new.gds

这是创建了一个新的layout, 新的top为TOP, 并为这个TOP调用已有的mylayout.gds中的mygeomnew cell,最后保存为new.gds


第一步,打开 A和B的gds, 用 layout create命令

  1. # Load A.gds.
  2. set layoutA [layout create A.gds]
  3. # Load B.gds.
  4. set layoutB [layout create B.gds]

第二步,这时打开的是两个不同cell,所以需要所b.gds中的BTOP copy到a.gds 中

  1. # Copy BTOP from B.gds to A.gds
  2. $layoutA create cell BTOP $layoutB BTOP

第三步,ATOP中调用BTOP, 用到create ref命令

  1. #crate reference cell
  2. $layoutA create ref ATOP BTOP 0 0 0 0 1

最后用 gdsout命令保存新的gds

  1. # Export new layout.
  2. $layoutA gdsout c.gds


  1. # Load A.gds.
  2. set layoutA [layout create A.gds]
  3. # Load B.gds.
  4. set layoutB [layout create B.gds]
  5. # Copy BTOP from B.gds to A.gds
  6. $layoutA create cell BTOP $layoutB BTOP
  7. #crate reference cell
  8. $layoutA create ref ATOP BTOP 0 0 0 0 1
  9. # Export new layout.
  10. $layoutA gdsout c.gds


  1. calibredrv xxx.txt

其实还有个layout import命令可以先把B的gds导入到A,再创建ref
或者将A.gds和B.gds 合并后再创建ref

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/yylei/p/13779842.html