LeetCode 722. Remove Comments (删除注释)
如果遇到 // 直接跳过这一行剩下的chars;
如果遇到 /* 需要一个 flag 来保存 in block 的状态,直到遇到 */
当不在 /* */ block 的状态中:保存这一行 到list中。
Java Solution:
Runtime: 0 ms, faster than 100.00 %
Memory Usage: 37.3 MB, less than 98.63 %
关键点:建立一个flag 保存 /* */ 状态
class Solution { public List<String> removeComments(String[] source) { boolean inBlock = false; StringBuilder newline = new StringBuilder(); List<String> ans = new ArrayList(); for (String line: source) { int i = 0; char[] chars = line.toCharArray(); if (!inBlock) newline = new StringBuilder(); // go through each char of line while (i < line.length()) { // if find the "/*", change flag and keep moving if (!inBlock && i+1 < line.length() && chars[i] == '/' && chars[i+1] == '*') { inBlock = true; i++; } // find the "*/", change flag back and keep moving else if (inBlock && i+1 < line.length() && chars[i] == '*' && chars[i+1] == '/') { inBlock = false; i++; } // find the "//", skip the rest of this line. else if (!inBlock && i+1 < line.length() && chars[i] == '/' && chars[i+1] == '/') { break; } // only save char when it is not in /* */ block else if (!inBlock) { newline.append(chars[i]); } i++; } // if not in /* */ block, add the line into list if (!inBlock && newline.length() > 0) { ans.add(new String(newline)); } } return ans; } }
LeetCode 题目列表 - LeetCode Questions List
标签:inBlock,chars,Remove,char,length,722,Comments,&&,line 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/jimmycheng/p/13769029.html