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CCS - Digital Transmission via Carrier Modulation - Probability of Error for QAM in an AWGN Channel



Probability of Error for QAM in an AWGN Channel






Matlab Coding










 1 % MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 7.6.
 2 echo on
 3 SNRindB1=0:2:15;
 4 SNRindB2=0:0.1:15;
 5 M=16;
 6 k=log2(M);
 7 for i=1:length(SNRindB1),
 8     smld_err_prb(i)=cm_sm41(SNRindB1(i));    % simulated error rate
 9     echo off;
10 end;
11 echo on ;
12 for i=1:length(SNRindB2),
13     SNR=exp(SNRindB2(i)*log(10)/10);        % signal-to-noise ratio
14     % theoretical symbol error rate
15     theo_err_prb(i)=4*Qfunct(sqrt(3*k*SNR/(M-1)));
16     echo off ;
17 end;
18 echo on ;
19 % Plotting commands follow. 20 semilogy(SNRindB1,smld_err_prb,'*'); 21 hold 22 semilogy(SNRindB2,theo_err_prb); 23 24 25 function [p]=cm_sm41(snr_in_dB) 26 % [p]=cm_sm41(snr_in_dB) 27 % CM_SM41 finds the probability of error for the given 28 % value of snr_in_dB, SNR in dB. 29 N=10000; 30 d=1; % min. distance between symbols 31 Eav=10*d^2; % energy per symbol 32 snr=10^(snr_in_dB/10); % SNR per bit (given) 33 sgma=sqrt(Eav/(8*snr)); % noise variance 34 M=16;
35 % Generation of the data source follows. 36 for i=1:N, 37 temp=rand; % a uniform R.V. between 0 and 1 38 dsource(i)=1+floor(M*temp); % a number between 1 and 16, uniform 39 end;
40 % Mapping to the signal constellation follows. 41 mapping=[-3*d 3*d; 42 -d 3*d; 43 d 3*d; 44 3*d 3*d; 45 -3*d d; 46 -d d; 47 d d; 48 3*d d; 49 -3*d -d; 50 -d -d; 51 d -d; 52 3*d -d; 53 -3*d -3*d; 54 -d -3*d; 55 d -3*d; 56 3*d -3*d];
57 for i=1:N, 58 qam_sig(i,:)=mapping(dsource(i),:); 59 end;
60 % received signal 61 for i=1:N, 62 [n(1) n(2)]=gngauss(sgma); 63 r(i,:)=qam_sig(i,:)+n; 64 end;
65 % detection and error probability calculation 66 numoferr=0; 67 for i=1:N, 68 % Metric computation follows. 69 for j=1:M, 70 metrics(j)=(r(i,1)-mapping(j,1))^2+(r(i,2)-mapping(j,2))^2; 71 end; 72 [min_metric decis] = min(metrics); 73 if (decis~=dsource(i)), 74 numoferr=numoferr+1; 75 end; 76 end; 77 p=numoferr/(N);

Simulation Result






  1. <<Contemporary Communication System using MATLAB>> - John G. Proakis

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zzyzz/p/13696862.html