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IELTS - 短语


spare time 空闲时间
spare no effort to do sth 不遗余力做某事
be to blame for 应受到责备
blame sb for sth为某事责怪某人
blame sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人
help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事
help oneself to sth 自用某物
help sb(to)do sth help (to)do sth
cant help doing sth情不自禁做某事
can't wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事
duck ino a subway 躲进地铁 duck v躲避、浸入水中
a dash of good luck 一点好运气
arm sb whit sth 以某物武装某人
a fancy dress ball 化妆舞会
sharp-eyed people 目光敏锐的人
6:00 sharp 六点整
answer for 负责
offer sb sth=offer sth to sb
the master's degree 硕士学位
in addition 另外 in addition to 除...之外
the number of+可数名词复数+谓语动词单数 ...的数量
a number of+可数名词复数+谓语动词复数 大量的...
cannot choose but to do sth 别无选择只好做某事=have no choice but to do sth
chain store 连锁店
break down 出故障、坏掉
break in 插嘴、破门而入
break into 闯入、破门而入
break off 中止、中断
break out 爆发
a few 一些、少数几个
only a few 只有几个、没有多少 quite a few =not a few相当多
that is to say 也就是说 say to oneself 心中暗想 it is said that 据说
anxious 焦虑、担心的
be anxious about 担忧
be anxious for 渴望
be anxious to do sth 急于做某事
bring about 引起、bring in引进来、带进来、赚得、bring back 归还
on the border of 在...的边界上
after all 终究、毕竟 be after 追逐
be bond to 一定
carry on 坚持、继续,carry out 执行、完成
its no wonder that 难怪、怪不得
tear up 撕毁、撕碎 tear down 拆毁
be mad at/with sb about sth/for doing sth he is mad for me for being late madness疯狂
have a command of sth 控制掌握某事 精通 english
command sb to do sth 命令某人做某事
虚拟语气 my father commmands that i (should)set out right now 命令我立刻出发
in great demand 急需、demand for sth 需要某物
in a word总之 in other words 换言之
have words with sb 和某人争吵 have a word with sb与某人谈话
in the crowd 在人群中 the crowds人群 作人群可作可数
let alone 更不用说
stand aside 站在一边 stand aside
a handful of+不可数名词/可数名词复数形式 sand(沙子)/coins/ 类似表达 a mouthful of
seem +adj/n
speaking out 大声说
object to doing/n
bother sb with/about sth 因...打扰某人
replace a with b 用B代替A
nod at sb
a feast of the eyes 赏心悦目的事
give a feast 举行宴会
feast 盛宴、节日、令人愉悦的事情
attend a funeral 参加葬礼
the spring jetted out 泉水喷涌而出
lantern festival 元宵节

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/OFSHK/p/13511425.html