kafka controller 处理事件
KafkaController 需要处理各种各样的事件,事件统一投递到队列里面,由一个线程进行消费。
// kafka.controller.ControllerEventManager private val putLock = new ReentrantLock() // 存放事件的队列 private val queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[ControllerEvent] // 消费事件的线程 private val thread = new ControllerEventThread(ControllerEventManager.ControllerEventThreadName) // 使用 putLock 加锁,这其实是一个多余的动作,LinkedBlockingQueue put 方法内部本身就有锁 def put(event: ControllerEvent): Unit = inLock(putLock) { queue.put(event) } // kafka.controller.ControllerEventManager.ControllerEventThread#doWork // 线程执行的 run 方法内部逻辑 override def doWork(): Unit = { // 从队列中取出事件 queue.take() match { case KafkaController.ShutdownEventThread => initiateShutdown() case controllerEvent => _state = controllerEvent.state try { rateAndTimeMetrics(state).time { // 执行事件逻辑 controllerEvent.process() } } catch { case e: Throwable => error(s"Error processing event $controllerEvent", e) } try eventProcessedListener(controllerEvent) catch { case e: Throwable => error(s"Error while invoking listener for processed event $controllerEvent", e) } _state = ControllerState.Idle } }
这本来是一个很简单的逻辑,但是 inLock 这个地方有点故事。最近在面试的时候,有被问到"在使用 ReentrantLock 的时候,如何保证 lock 和 unlock 成对?"
我在 kafka 中看到了 scala 的解法:
def put(event: ControllerEvent): Unit = inLock(putLock) { queue.put(event) } /** * Execute the given function inside the lock */ def inLock[T](lock: Lock)(fun: => T): T = { lock.lock() try { fun } finally { lock.unlock() } }
那么 java 如何做呢?使用 Function 和 Consumer 试了半天,结果发现用 Runnable 最合适
LinkedBlockingQueue<Object> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(); ReentrantLock outLock = new ReentrantLock(); void inLock(ReentrantLock lock, Runnable fun) { lock.lock(); try { fun.run(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public void put(Object msg) { inLock(outLock, () -> { try { queue.put(msg); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }); }
标签:lock,处理事件,inLock,kafka,queue,controller,put,event,controllerEvent 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/allenwas3/p/13176269.html