JSON Objects Framework(1)
学习datasnap,json必须掌握。用自身的JSON,就必须熟悉JSON Objects Framework。其中tostring和value区别就是一个坑。
The JSON objects framework supports all JSON types:all descendants of TJSONValue
TJSONObject |
TJSONArray |
TJSONNumber |
TJSONString |
TJSONFalse |
建立一个name:value “Hello”:"World"
var LJSONObject: TJSONObject; begin LJSONObject:= TJSONObject.Create; LJSONObject.AddPair(TJSONPair.Create(TJSONString.Create('Hello'), TJSONString.Create('World')));
class function ParseJSONValue(const Data: TBytes; const Offset: Integer): TJSONValue; overload; static;
const GJSONString = '{' + ' "name": {'+ ' "A JSON Object": {' + ' "id": "1"' + ' },' + ' "Another JSON Object": {' + ' "id": "2"' + ' }' + ' },' + ' "totalobjects": "2"' + '}';
procedure ConsumeJsonString; var LJSONObject: TJSONObject; begin LJSONObject := nil; try { convert String to JSON } LJSONObject := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GJSONString), 0) as TJSONObject; {这个好好看清楚,我们以后需要依葫芦画瓢} { output the JSON to console as String } Writeln(LJSONObject.ToString); finally LJSONObject.Free; end;
{使用parse的code snippet}
procedure ConsumeJsonBytes; var LJSONObject: TJSONObject; begin LJSONObject := nil; try LJSONObject := TJsonObject.Create; { convert String to JSON } LJSONObject.Parse(BytesOf(GJSONString), 0); { output the JSON to console as String } Writeln(LJSONObject.ToString); finally LJSONObject.Free; end; end;
{"name":{"A JSON Object":{"id":"1"},"Another JSON Object":{"id":"2"}},"totalobjects":"2"}
标签:String,Create,Object,LJSONObject,Framework,JSON,Objects,TJSONObject 来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/usegear/p/12862271.html