首页 > 其他分享> > 如何在选择画面中创建动态的select-options



1, 用到的函数,类方法



2, FREE_SELECTIONS_DIALOG:弹出生成动态select-options的字段选择窗口


4, cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table :创建动态内表

2, 例子代码


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"Table Fields *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Type Pools * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE-POOLS:rsds. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Selection Screen * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECTION-SCREEN : BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-001, SKIP, BEGIN OF LINE, COMMENT 1(5) text-002. PARAMETERS : p_tab LIKE dd03l-tabname OBLIGATORY. "Table name SELECTION-SCREEN : PUSHBUTTON 45(8) p_btn USER-COMMAND clk, "Select-options END OF LINE, END OF BLOCK b1. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Types * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPES: BEGIN OF t_dd03l,          tabname    LIKE dd03l-tabname, "Table Name          fieldname  LIKE dd03l-fieldname, "Field Name          keyflag    LIKE dd03l-keyflag, "Key Flag          rollname   LIKE dd03l-rollname, "Roll Name          position   LIKE dd03l-position, "Position          ddtext(30), "Description        END OF t_dd03l,        BEGIN OF t_fields.         INCLUDE STRUCTURE dd03l. TYPES: END OF t_fields. TYPES : BEGIN OF t_tabs. "To hold the table names         INCLUDE STRUCTURE rsdstabs. TYPES : END OF t_tabs. TYPES : BEGIN OF t_flds. "To hold the field names         INCLUDE STRUCTURE rsdsfields. TYPES : END OF t_flds. TYPES : BEGIN OF t_fname, "To hold the field names           fld LIKE dd03l-fieldname,         END OF t_fname. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Internal Tables * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA : it_dd03l  TYPE TABLE OF t_dd03l, "To hold the field names        it_tabs   TYPE TABLE OF t_tabs, "To hold the table names        it_flds   TYPE TABLE OF t_flds, "To hold the field names        it_temp   TYPE TABLE OF t_flds, "Temp. table to hold field names        it_fields TYPE TABLE OF t_fields, "To hold the field names        it_cat    TYPE TABLE OF lvc_s_fcat, "To hold Field Catalog        it_fname  TYPE TABLE OF t_fname. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Work areas * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: d_ref     TYPE REF TO data , "Data reference       wa_dd03l  LIKE LINE OF it_dd03l, "Workarea for IT_DD03L       wa_tabs   LIKE LINE OF it_tabs, "Workarea for IT_TABS       wa_flds   LIKE LINE OF it_flds, "Workarea for IT_FLDS       wa_temp   LIKE LINE OF it_temp, "Workarea for IT_TEMP       wa_fields LIKE LINE OF it_fields, "Workarea for IT_FIELDS       wa_cat    LIKE LINE OF it_cat , "Workarea for IT_CAT       wa_fname  LIKE LINE OF it_fname. "Workarea for IT_FNAME *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Field Symbols * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIELD-SYMBOLS : <f_fs> TYPE table. "FieldSymbol for holding fields *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Variables * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: gx_texpr         TYPE rsds_texpr, "Variable to hold Expression       gx_twhere        TYPE rsds_twhere, "Variable to hold Where Clause       gv_selid         LIKE rsdynsel-selid, "Variable to hold Selid       gv_actnum        LIKE sy-tfill, "Variable to hold no of fields       gv_title         LIKE sy-title, "Variable to hold Title       gv_where_cl(100) TYPE c, "Variable to hold Where clause       gv_tbname        LIKE dd03l-tabname,       gv_temp. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_fld   FOR dd03l-fieldname NO-DISPLAY, "To hold fields selected s_selop FOR dd03l-fieldname NO-DISPLAY, "To hold fields for creating dyn. select-options s_where FOR gv_where_cl NO-DISPLAY. "To hold where condition PARAMETERS: gv_t_old LIKE dd03l-tabname NO-DISPLAY. "Earlier Table name DATA : gt_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,        gt_cust TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container, "Custom Container        cust    TYPE scrfname VALUE 'CC_OUTPUT'. "Custom controller *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Constants * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSTANTS: gc_i     TYPE c VALUE 'I',            gc_eq(2) TYPE c VALUE 'EQ'. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Initialization * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- INITIALIZATION. **--Initialize values   PERFORM initialize. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *At Selection Screen * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- AT SELECTION-SCREEN. *--Select the fields of the input table   PERFORM select_flds. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *Start Of Selection * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- START-OF-SELECTION. *--Fetch data to display output   PERFORM fetch_data. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *End Of Selection * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- END-OF-SELECTION.   CALL SCREEN '0300'. *---------------------------------------------------------------------- *At User Command * *---------------------------------------------------------------------- AT USER-COMMAND.   CASE sy-ucomm.     WHEN 'OK'.       REFRESH it_temp.       CLEAR it_temp.       MOVE 'S' TO wa_temp-type.       MOVE gv_tbname TO wa_temp-tablename.       DO.         READ LINE sy-index FIELD VALUE gv_temp INTO gv_temp.         IF sy-subrc NE 0.           EXIT.         ENDIF.         IF gv_temp EQ 'X'.           sy-index = sy-index - 1.           READ TABLE it_dd03l INTO wa_dd03l INDEX sy-index.           IF sy-subrc = 0.             MOVE wa_dd03l-fieldname TO wa_temp-fieldname.             APPEND wa_temp TO it_temp.             CLEAR gv_temp.           ENDIF.         ENDIF.       ENDDO.       DESCRIBE TABLE it_temp.       IF sy-tfill GT 70. **--More than 70 fields can not be selected         MESSAGE 'Cannot select more than 70 Parameters' TYPE 'I'.         REFRESH it_temp[].         CLEAR it_temp.       ELSE.         LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING.       ENDIF.     WHEN 'CANCEL'.       LEAVE LIST-PROCESSING.     WHEN 'SELALL'. **--Select all fields       CLEAR wa_dd03l-fieldname.       DO.         READ LINE sy-index.         IF sy-subrc EQ 0 AND         wa_dd03l-fieldname NE space.           gv_temp = 'X'.           MODIFY LINE sy-index INDEX 0 FIELD VALUE gv_temp.           HIDE gv_temp.           CLEAR wa_dd03l-fieldname.         ELSEIF sy-subrc NE 0.           EXIT.         ENDIF.       ENDDO.     WHEN 'DSELALL'. **--Deselect all fields       CLEAR gv_temp.       DO.         READ LINE sy-index.         IF sy-subrc EQ 0.           CLEAR gv_temp.           MODIFY LINE sy-index INDEX 0 FIELD VALUE gv_temp FROM gv_temp.           HIDE gv_temp.         ELSEIF sy-subrc NE 0.           EXIT.         ENDIF.       ENDDO.   ENDCASE.   sy-lsind = 0. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form INITIALIZE *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize values on selection-screen *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM initialize .   p_btn = 'Options'(003). ENDFORM. " INITIALIZE *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form SELECT_FLDS *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Select fields from the table *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM select_flds .   CASE sscrfields-ucomm.     WHEN 'CLK'. **--Display Screen with the list of fields       PERFORM genr_scr.   ENDCASE. ENDFORM. " SELECT_FLDS *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form genr_scr *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Display a screen with list of fields *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM genr_scr. **--If table in the parameter is not the same as the old table and **--old table is not blank, then initialise all the variables associated   IF p_tab NE gv_t_old AND gv_t_old IS NOT INITIAL.     REFRESH: it_tabs, it_flds,     gx_texpr, gx_twhere,     s_where, s_selop.     CLEAR: gv_selid. **--Pass current table parameter value to Old table parameter     gv_t_old = p_tab.   ENDIF. **--Pass the current table name to old table variable   IF gv_t_old EQ space.     gv_t_old = p_tab.   ENDIF. **--Check if table name is given before clicking the button   IF p_tab IS INITIAL.     MESSAGE 'Enter the Table name' TYPE 'E'.   ENDIF. **--Get the list of fields of a given table   PERFORM get_selections. **--If none of the fields, provide the list of fields for selecting   IF it_flds[] IS INITIAL.     CLEAR gv_selid.     PERFORM select_fieldlist.   ENDIF. **--Show message if none of the fields are selected   IF it_flds[] IS INITIAL.     MESSAGE 'No parameters selected' TYPE 'S'.     EXIT.   ENDIF. **--Generate dynamic select-options   REFRESH it_tabs.   CLEAR : it_tabs, wa_tabs.   wa_tabs-prim_tab = p_tab.   APPEND wa_tabs TO it_tabs.   PERFORM set_values. **--Generate Expression from Where clause   CALL FUNCTION 'FREE_SELECTIONS_WHERE_2_EX'     EXPORTING       where_clauses        = gx_twhere     IMPORTING       expressions          = gx_texpr     EXCEPTIONS       incorrect_expression = 1       OTHERS               = 2.   IF sy-subrc NE 0.     MESSAGE 'Error in Dynamic screen generation' TYPE 'I'.     EXIT.   ENDIF.   IF gx_texpr IS NOT INITIAL. **--Populate values to select-options from expression     PERFORM set_values.   ENDIF. **--Display screen with the fields listed   IF gv_selid IS NOT INITIAL.     PERFORM call_screen.   ENDIF. ENDFORM. " genr_scr *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form GET_SELECTIONS *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fetch the fields in the table given *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM get_selections.   DATA : wa_where LIKE LINE OF gx_twhere.   REFRESH: it_flds, gx_twhere.   CLEAR : wa_flds.   wa_flds-tablename = p_tab.   wa_flds-type = 'S'.   LOOP AT s_selop. **--Populate all the fields selected that are previously selected     wa_flds-fieldname = s_selop-low.     APPEND wa_flds TO it_flds.   ENDLOOP.   IF s_where[] IS NOT INITIAL. **--Populate values to where condition if any data is previously given **--to the dynamic select-options     wa_where-tablename = p_tab.     LOOP AT s_where.       APPEND s_where-low TO wa_where-where_tab.     ENDLOOP.     APPEND wa_where TO gx_twhere.   ENDIF. ENDFORM. " GET_SELECTIONS *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form SELECT_FIELDLIST *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Display the list of fields *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM select_fieldlist.   CLEAR: it_dd03l[], it_dd03l,   gv_tbname. **--Get field names for given table   SELECT tabname          fieldname          keyflag          rollname          position     FROM dd03l     INTO TABLE it_dd03l    WHERE tabname EQ p_tab      AND fieldname NE 'MANDT'.   IF sy-subrc = 0.     SORT it_dd03l BY position.     DELETE it_dd03l WHERE fieldname CP '.INCLU*'.   ENDIF. **--Get the description of the fields   LOOP AT it_dd03l INTO wa_dd03l.     IF NOT wa_dd03l-rollname IS INITIAL.       SELECT SINGLE ddtext       FROM dd04t       INTO wa_dd03l-ddtext       WHERE rollname EQ wa_dd03l-rollname       AND ddlanguage = sy-langu       AND as4local = 'A'.       MODIFY it_dd03l FROM wa_dd03l.     ELSE.       SELECT SINGLE ddtext       FROM dd03t       INTO wa_dd03l-ddtext       WHERE tabname EQ wa_dd03l-tabname       AND ddlanguage = sy-langu       AND as4local = 'A'       AND fieldname = wa_dd03l-fieldname.       MODIFY it_dd03l FROM wa_dd03l.     ENDIF.   ENDLOOP.   gv_tbname = p_tab. **--Display screen with the fields listed for the given table   CALL SCREEN 200 STARTING AT 10 2   ENDING AT 70 22. **--Clear all the fields selected   CLEAR : it_flds, it_flds[], gv_tbname. **--Populate the newly selected fields   it_flds[] = it_temp[]. **--Clear temporary table with the fields selected   CLEAR : it_temp, it_temp[]. ENDFORM. " SELECT_FIELDLIST *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form INITIALIZE_SCREEN *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM initialize_screen.   CALL FUNCTION 'FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT'     EXPORTING       kind                     = 'T'       expressions              = gx_texpr     IMPORTING       selection_id             = gv_selid       number_of_active_fields  = gv_actnum     TABLES       tables_tab               = it_tabs       fields_tab               = it_flds     EXCEPTIONS       fields_incomplete        = 01       fields_no_join           = 02       field_not_found          = 03       no_tables                = 04       table_not_found          = 05       expression_not_supported = 06       incorrect_expression     = 07       illegal_kind             = 08       area_not_found           = 09       inconsistent_area        = 10       kind_f_no_fields_left    = 11       kind_f_no_fields         = 12       too_many_fields          = 13. ENDFORM. " INITIALIZE_SCREEN *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form SET_VALUES *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Set the values to the select-options *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM set_values.   CALL FUNCTION 'FREE_SELECTIONS_INIT'     EXPORTING       kind                     = 'T'       expressions              = gx_texpr     IMPORTING       selection_id             = gv_selid       number_of_active_fields  = gv_actnum     TABLES       tables_tab               = it_tabs       fields_tab               = it_flds     EXCEPTIONS       fields_incomplete        = 01       fields_no_join           = 02       field_not_found          = 03       no_tables                = 04       table_not_found          = 05       expression_not_supported = 06       incorrect_expression     = 07       illegal_kind             = 08       area_not_found           = 09       inconsistent_area        = 10       kind_f_no_fields_left    = 11       kind_f_no_fields         = 12       too_many_fields          = 13. ENDFORM. " SET_VALUES *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form CALL_SCREEN *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Call the screen to display the fields *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM call_screen.   DATA : wa_where LIKE LINE OF gx_twhere,          lv_txt   TYPE string.   lv_txt = 'Dynamic Selections Parameters for'(007).   CONCATENATE lv_txt p_tab   INTO gv_title SEPARATED BY space.   CALL FUNCTION 'FREE_SELECTIONS_DIALOG'     EXPORTING       selection_id            = gv_selid       title                   = gv_title       tree_visible            = ' '     IMPORTING       where_clauses           = gx_twhere       expressions             = gx_texpr       number_of_active_fields = gv_actnum     TABLES       fields_tab              = it_flds     EXCEPTIONS       internal_error          = 01       no_action               = 02       no_fields_selected      = 03       no_tables_selected      = 04       selid_not_found         = 05.   IF sy-subrc EQ 0.     REFRESH: s_where, s_selop. **--Populate the Where clause with selected values     s_where-sign = gc_i.     s_where-option = gc_eq.     CLEAR wa_where.     READ TABLE gx_twhere INDEX 1 INTO wa_where.     LOOP AT wa_where-where_tab INTO s_where-low.       APPEND s_where.     ENDLOOP. **--Populate all the fields     s_selop-sign = gc_i.     s_selop-option = gc_eq.     CLEAR : wa_flds.     LOOP AT it_flds INTO wa_flds.       s_selop-low = wa_flds-fieldname.       APPEND s_selop.     ENDLOOP.   ENDIF. ENDFORM. " CALL_SCREEN *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Module STATUS_0200 OUTPUT *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Display screen with select-options *---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE status_0200 OUTPUT.   DATA: lv_txt TYPE string.   lv_txt = 'Selection Paramters List'(008).   SET PF-STATUS 'DIALOG'.   LEAVE TO LIST-PROCESSING AND RETURN TO SCREEN 0.   SUPPRESS DIALOG.   MOVE lv_txt TO sy-title. **--display list of fields that can be selected for creating dynamic select-options   LOOP AT it_dd03l INTO wa_dd03l.     AT FIRST.       WRITE: (60) sy-uline.     ENDAT.     READ TABLE it_flds INTO wa_flds WITH KEY fieldname = wa_dd03l-fieldname.     IF sy-subrc NE 0.       CLEAR gv_temp.     ELSE.       gv_temp = 'X'.     ENDIF.     WRITE:/ '|' ,gv_temp AS CHECKBOX.     WRITE: (20) wa_dd03l-fieldname,'|', wa_dd03l-ddtext, AT 60 '|'.     HIDE: gv_temp, wa_dd03l-fieldname, wa_dd03l-keyflag.     AT LAST.       WRITE: (60) sy-uline.     ENDAT.   ENDLOOP. ENDMODULE. " STATUS_0200 OUTPUT *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form FETCH_DATA *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fetch data from table *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM fetch_data .   DATA: lv_where TYPE string,         lv_cnt   TYPE i. **--Check for the existance of the table   SELECT *   FROM dd03l   INTO TABLE it_fields   WHERE tabname = p_tab.   SORT it_fields BY position. **--Delete the fields starting with .INCLU   DELETE it_fields WHERE fieldname CP '.INCLU*'. **--Display the first 150 fields of the table   LOOP AT it_fields INTO wa_fields TO 150.     lv_cnt = lv_cnt + 1.     wa_cat-tabname = p_tab.     wa_cat-fieldname = wa_fields-fieldname.     wa_cat-col_pos = lv_cnt.     wa_cat-inttype = wa_fields-inttype.     wa_cat-datatype = wa_fields-datatype.     wa_cat-intlen = wa_fields-intlen.     wa_cat-seltext = wa_fields-fieldname.     wa_cat-decimals = wa_fields-decimals.     wa_cat-ref_field = wa_fields-fieldname.     wa_cat-ref_table = p_tab.     APPEND wa_cat TO it_cat.     CLEAR wa_cat.     wa_fname-fld = wa_fields-fieldname.     APPEND wa_fname TO it_fname.     CLEAR wa_fname.   ENDLOOP. **--Create a dynamic internal table with the 150 fields   CALL METHOD cl_alv_table_create=>create_dynamic_table     EXPORTING       it_fieldcatalog = it_cat     IMPORTING       ep_table        = d_ref.   ASSIGN d_ref->* TO <f_fs>. **--Populate the Where clause as a string   LOOP AT s_where.     CONCATENATE lv_where s_where-low INTO lv_where SEPARATED BY space.   ENDLOOP. **--Select the data from the table given as input and populate **--it into the dynamic internal table created based on the where condition   SELECT (it_fname)   FROM (p_tab)   INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE <f_fs>   WHERE (lv_where). **--If no entries are found that satisfies the selection criteria   IF sy-subrc <> 0.     MESSAGE 'No data found' TYPE 'I'.   ENDIF. ENDFORM. " FETCH_DATA *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Form DISPLAY_DATA *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Display data in the grid control *---------------------------------------------------------------------- FORM display_data .   IF gt_cust IS INITIAL.     CREATE OBJECT gt_cust       EXPORTING         container_name = cust.     CREATE OBJECT gt_grid       EXPORTING         i_parent = gt_cust. **--Display the data in the grid control     CALL METHOD gt_grid->set_table_for_first_display       EXPORTING         i_buffer_active               = 'X'         i_bypassing_buffer            = ' '       CHANGING         it_outtab                     = <f_fs>         it_fieldcatalog               = it_cat       EXCEPTIONS         invalid_parameter_combination = 1         program_error                 = 2         too_many_lines                = 3         OTHERS                        = 4.     IF sy-subrc <> 0.     ENDIF.   ENDIF. ENDFORM. " DISPLAY_DATA *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Module DISPLAY_DATA OUTPUT *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Dispaly data in the output *---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE display_data OUTPUT.   PERFORM display_data. ENDMODULE. " DISPLAY_DATA OUTPUT *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Module STATUS_0300 OUTPUT *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Pf-status for the screen *---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE status_0300 OUTPUT.   SET PF-STATUS '13317'. ENDMODULE. " STATUS_0300 OUTPUT *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- *& Module USER_COMMAND_0300 INPUT *&--------------------------------------------------------------------- * Handling the button clicks *---------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE user_command_0300 INPUT.   CASE sy-ucomm. **--Go to the previous screen     WHEN 'BACK'.       LEAVE TO SCREEN 0. **--Come out of the program     WHEN 'EXIT'.       LEAVE PROGRAM.   ENDCASE. ENDMODULE. " USER_COMMAND_0300 INPUT





1,screen 0200



2,Screen 0300


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PROCESS BEFORE OUTPUT. **--Set PF-STATUS MODULE STATUS_0300. **--Display data using custom controller MODULE DISPLAY_DATA. PROCESS AFTER INPUT. **--Handle button clicks MODULE USER_COMMAND_0300.


3, 运行方法



然后进入下一屏,可以填入select-options的条件,也可以点击上面New field selection按钮添加或删除select-opions的字段。




来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/lvdong18847870057/p/12553125.html