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YoungSheldon S1E5


YoungSheldon S1E5

♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ ♪ 世上没人比我强壮 ♪
♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ ♪ 昨天我移了一座山 ♪
♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ ♪ 我相信我能当你的英雄 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪
♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ ♪ 我是个了不起的小家伙 ♪
They've got to stop them in this series. 得在这次阻止他们
Geez! Damn it! Come on! -靠 -不是吧
In Texas, the Holy Trinity is God, 在德克萨斯 神圣的三位一体是上帝
football and barbeque, 橄榄球与烧烤
not necessarily in that order. 顺序可以互换
I don't care if you win, just cover the damn spread. 谁输谁赢无所谓 让分后算我赢就行
Mom, are you betting again? 妈 你又开始赌球了吗
No. 没有
...fans on their feet, 球迷们如坐针毡
trying to urge the defense on. 希望队伍展开防守
Fourth down. 弃踢是常见战术
Gotta punt. 第四攻了
Gotta. 必须得弃踢
Statistically, always punting on fourth down 必须
makes no sense. 数据上来说 总在第四攻弃踢
Statistically, you're a dumbass. 是十分不合理的
When the Aggies give up the ball 数据上来说 你就是个傻♥逼♥
on their own five-yard line, 当德州农工大学队
the opposing team has a 92% chance of scoring. 被对方在自家五码线进攻时
When they punt from deep in their own territory, 但对方就必须从较远的地方开始进攻
the other team still has a 77% chance of scoring. 对方队伍有92%的几率会得分
But since they convert on fourth down 50% of the time, 当他们从自家场地深处弃踢出去
the math says they should never punt again. 对方队伍还是有77%的几率得分
Okay, you can tell me, 但他们继续进攻有50%几率再得4次进攻机会
who's his real daddy? 所以计算显示他们不该弃踢
Sheldon, I've been playing and coaching football all my life. 好了 你偷偷跟妈说
I don't think your math is right. 他亲生父亲到底是谁
Really? 谢尔顿 我踢球与当教练一辈子了
Hang on. 我觉得你算得不对
No, it's right. 是吗
...able to hold A&M to a field goal, 你等等
they'll only be down six points. 不 没算错
Is it your dentist? 让农工队只是射门得分的话
The little guy with the glasses? 他们就只会落后6分
You can tell me. 是你的牙医吗
I got to tell you, I'm a little worried about my mother. 那个戴眼镜的小个子
She keeps betting on these football games, 放心跟我说实话
next thing you know, there's an Italian fella 跟你说 我有点担心我妈
driving off with her pickup truck. 她整天赌这些球赛
You think Sheldon's right? 之后哪天可能就会来个意大利小伙
About what? 来把她的小货车开走抵债
The punting and the math. 你觉得谢尔顿说得对吗
I should think so. 哪件事情
He's been doing our taxes since he's six years old. 弃踢还有他的计算
We never been audited. 我相信应该对
That's true. 从他六岁时起 我们家纳税就是他在弄
He even got us that nice refund last year. 我们也没被税局稽查
How come Mom's not taking me to school? 这倒是
'Cause once in a while, 他去年还帮我们拿到退税呢
your dad wants to spend some time with you. 为什么今天不是妈载我去学校
My little Shel-man. 因为有时候
But Mom's car has a backseat. 你老爸也会想跟你相处一下啊
Statistically, I'm much safer there. 我的小谢仔
Hey, I'm glad you brought up statistically. 但是妈的车有后座
You think those numbers you talked about for Texas A&M 数据上来说 我坐那里比较安全
would apply to my JV squad? 我刚好也想跟你聊一下这个数据
I don't see why not. 你觉得你昨天说的德州农工大学队的数据
Unlike our former principal, math doesn't discriminate. 也能用在我带的队伍上吗
You're not thinking about taking his advice, are you? 没道理不能啊
Never you mind. But he's wrong. 数学与前任校长不同的是 数学不歧视人
Everybody knows you punt on fourth down. 你不会是想用他的建议吧
Why does everybody knowing something make it right? -用不着你管 -可是他是错的
Because. 大家都知道第四攻应该弃踢
That's what makes this country great. 为什么大家都知道就等于它是对的
Many years later, 因为
my brother would use this same argument 美国就是因此而伟大
in front of a judge. 许多年后
He was still convicted for urinating in a phone booth. 我哥也用了这段话
Oh, damn it. 跟法官解释
I'll send in the punting team. 但他在电♥话♥亭里撒尿的事还是被定罪了
Hang on. Hang on. 靠
What? 我去让弃踢手上场
Let's go for it. 等等 你等等
Why? We got plenty of time. 怎么
I know. Still want to go for it. 继续进攻
We're on the 12-yard line. Everybody know you punt. 为什么 我们时间还很充足啊
Why does everybody knowing something make it right? 我知道 还是想要继续进攻
But we're on the 12-yard line, Coach. 我们在12码线上呢 大家都知道该保守弃踢
Okay, Coach says we're going for it. 为什么大家都知道就等于它是对的
Stupid brother. 但是在我们球门口啊 教练
What? Nothing. 教练让我们继续进攻
Power left jumbo on two, on two. Ready, break! 白♥痴♥弟弟
And your Wolves are going for it on fourth down. -什么 -没事
What the hell? Punt! 左侧突破 准备 散开
Statistically, they're better off going for it. 狼队在第四攻选择继续进攻
Says who? My little boy. 什么鬼 弃踢啊
That's why everybody punts. 数据上来说 继续进攻比较好
That was just plain foolishness. -谁说的 -我儿子
Your little boy's a real genius. 这就是为什么大家都弃踢
Well, actually he is. 这简直就是脑袋抽风
Come on. 你小儿子可真天才啊
Too many men on the field, defense. 他还真是天才
Replay fourth down. 不是吧
Ah. Thank you, Jesus. 犯规 防守方场上人数过多
Now, can I send in the punt team? 第四攻重来
Coach? 感谢老天
And they're going for it again. 我现在可以叫弃踢手上场了吗
What the hell? Punt! 教练
Remind me to tell you about the tax refund I got from the IRS. 他们再度继续进攻
Set. Hut! 什么鬼啊 弃踢啊
Go, go, go, go, go, go! 提醒我下次跟你说我拿到国税局退税的事
Go! Whoo! 开始
Go, go, go! Go! 上上上上上
He's at the 30, the 20, the 10. 上啊
Touchdown, Wolves! 冲啊 冲啊
I never had any doubt, Coach. Never had any doubt. 来到了30码线 20码 10码
Oh, booyah! Yes. 达阵得分 狼队
Sweet dreams, baby. 我就没怀疑过你 教练 没怀疑过
Night, Meemaw. 看到没 太好啦
Can I ask you a favor? 晚安啦 宝贝
Sure. What? You know those statistics 晚安姥姥
that you were talking about with your dad? 我能请你帮个忙吗
Could... could that be applied to, say, -可以啊 什么事 -你还记得
who might win the Cowboys-Packers game next week? 你跟你♥爸♥爸说的那些什么数据吗
And, more specifically, by how much? 那些数据也能套用到...
I suppose with enough data I could make a reasonable guess. 比如说下周的牛仔与包装工队比赛吗
I don't want a guess, I want to know. 能不能更详细到差多少分之类的
Mom said you're not supposed to gamble. 如果我有足够数据 应该可以给出合理猜测
Sleep, child! 我不要猜测 我要确切的
Mom? In here! 妈说不可以赌博
I'll get those numbers to you tomorrow. 睡你的觉 死小孩
Just tucking him in. -妈 -在这里呢
I got something for you. 我明天把那些数据弄给你
It's dirty. 来哄他睡觉
Well, that's 'cause it's the game ball. 因为这是比赛用过的球
And you earned it, 'cause you helped us win. 这是你应得的 因为你帮我们赢了比赛
Okay, but can you wash it? 好吧 但你能先洗一洗吗
Sheldon, your daddy's telling you he's proud of you. 谢尔顿 你♥爸♥爸是在夸你 以你为荣呢
I see. Thank you, Dad. 好吧 谢谢你 爸爸
You're welcome. 不客气
I'm still never touching that. 但我还是不要碰它
Let's go wipe it off. 去帮他擦干净吧
For the next five weeks, 接下来的五周
I continued to help my father apply statistics 我继续帮我爸爸套用数据
to coach his team. 来执教他的队伍
Not surprisingly, they continued to win, 毫无意外地 队伍一直在赢
which changed my status in the school dramatically. 这让我在学校的地位冲上云霄
There he is! Yo, Sheldon! -他来啦 -谢尔顿
Shel-dog! 谢狗
Math man! 数学哥
Hey, cutie. 小可爱
It was a nightmare. 简直就是一场恶梦
Shel-dog! 谢狗
Hugging, hair tousling, high fives. 拥抱 弄乱头发 击掌
And as my popularity grew, so did my time aloft. 我的人气冲上云霄 我在空中的时间也长了
Hey, I've been looking all over for you. 我到处在找你呢
Do you know how popular we are? 你知道我们现在人气有多高吗
We? Yeah. -我们吗 -对啊
I put the word out I was helping you with the football stats. 我放出消息 说我有帮忙你算橄榄球的数据
And since I'm Asian, they bought it. 他们看我是亚洲人就信了
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it. 你享受这感觉我替你高兴
You're not? 你不享受吗
I was touched 82 times this afternoon. 今天一下午 我被人摸了82次
What do you mean, "touched"? 你说"摸"是什么意思
Not inappropriately. 不是不合适地乱"摸"
Joyfully. 是开心地
Affectionately. 充满热情地
A cheerleader hugged me to her bosom. 还有一个拉拉队员抱我入她胸
That's amazing. 太爽了吧
No more high fives. 我不要再击掌了
I can't keep washing my hands. 我不想一直洗手
There's my little assistant coach. 这不是我的小助理教练吗
Hello, Dad. 你好啊 老爸
You have any more, uh, arithmetic ideas 关于下星期的比赛
for next week's game? 还有什么算出来的小妙招吗
I do, but I'm trying to finish my homework. 有啊 但我想先写完作业
Looks complicated. 看起来很复杂啊
Advanced chemistry. It's not. 这是高等化学 不复杂啊
What are you guys doing? 你们在干嘛呢
Your brother and I are gonna knock around a few ideas 你弟弟跟我在讨论讨论下周
for the Freeport game. 对弗里波特队的比赛打法
Can I help? 我能帮忙吗
Actually, yeah. Run out to my truck. 可以啊 帮忙跑去我车上
There's a little, uh, pocket calculator on my front seat. 前座有一个口袋计算器
I got you a present. 我有个礼物给你
Thought it might help with your figuring. 我想这个能帮忙你算
I don't need a calculator, Dad. I am one. 我不需要计算器啊 爸 我就是计算器
Sure. 行吧
Go get it anyway. 还是去拿吧
It's solar-powered. 是太阳能的
Can you imagine that? 你能想象到吗
Georgie, turn that down! 小乔治 小声点
What? 什么
And look at this room. You need to clean this mess up. 看看你房♥间 快给我整理干净
I'll get to it later. 我等会再弄
No, you'll get to it now. 不行 你现在就整理
I don't feel like it. 我不想
Well, your feelings have nothing to do with it. 不管你想不想都现在去打扫
And stop throwing that ball. 也不要再丢那个球了
My room bothers you so much, you clean it. 我房♥间让你这么看了烦 那你来打扫
That's it! You are grounded! You hear me?! 够了 你被禁足了 听到没
The hell? 怎么回事
There's my little Moonpie. 我的小饼饼
Did you get a chance to look at this week's games for me? 你抽空帮我看这周的比赛了吗
Not yet. You understand there's a little time crunch involved. -还没 -你知道没剩多少时间了吧
Meemaw's got some outstanding loans I need to pay back. 姥姥有一些欠款得还上呢
I'm sorry, I have to finish my homework 抱歉 但我得先写完作业
and then I have to help my dad. 然后去帮完我爸爸之后才有空
Come on. 来嘛
I'm your meemaw. 我是你亲爱的姥姥
I make you cookies. 我还给你做饼干
How 'bout a little quid pro quo? 咱们俩互利互惠一下如何
As much as I enjoy your use of Latin, no. 虽然我挺喜欢你用成语 但不了
Shelly, time to get ready for bed. 谢利 该准备上♥床♥睡觉了
But I'm not done. 我还没写完呢
Don't you sass me, too, young man. 小家伙 别跟我顶嘴
Brush your teeth and get to bed. 去刷牙睡觉
I think your anger might be a little misdirected. 我觉得你的怒火有点发泄错地方了
Don't you start with me either. 你也别来跟我挑事
Now, see, you're still shootin' wide. 瞧 你还是在拿旁人出气
Good evening, Mrs. Cooper. 晚上好 库珀太太
Can I speak to Sheldon? 我能和谢尔顿聊聊吗
No, you can't speak to Sheldon. 不行 你不能
It's late. He's in bed. 很晚了 他已经睡了
Oh. I was hoping he might like to go to a party with me. 我想问他要不要跟我一起去派对
Has everyone lost their mind? 大家都集体发疯了吗
He's a little boy, Tam! 他还是个孩子 丹
Good night! 晚安
Good Lord, that mouth of yours is a machine gun tonight. 天啊 今晚你那张嘴好像机关枪似地
What are you doing? 你在干什么
Trying to calculate the odds of the Dolphins 试着算出下周日海豚队
covering the spread next Sunday. 让分后赢的几率
I like dolphins. 我喜欢海豚
They talk out of that hole in their head. 他们用脑袋上的洞来说话
Hello. 你好
Tam? 丹
What are you doing here? 你怎么会在这儿
Would you like to go to a party with me? 你愿意和我一起去派对吗
I don't want to go to a party with anyone. 我不想和任何人一起去派对
I would! 我愿意
Please, Sheldon. 拜托了 谢尔顿
It's right across the street. 就在马路对面
Just get me in, and you can go back to bed. 带我进去 然后你就可以回来睡觉了
I have to ask my mom. 我得先问下我妈妈
No need. She knows all about the party. 不用了 她知道派对的事
All right, then. 那好吧
I need a minute to change. 给我一分钟换身衣服
Why are you wearing that? It makes me look older. -你为什么穿这个 -能让我看起来成熟些
Just so we're clear, once you get in, 先把话说清楚 一把你弄进去
I'm going home. 我就回家了
Hey! Sheldon! 好呀 谢尔顿
What are you doing? 你这是干什么
Hey, everybody, check it out! Sheldon's here! 各位快看啊 谢尔顿来了
I hope that doesn't wake up the kids. 希望孩子们不会被那派对吵醒
Should I go over there and say something? 要不要我去那边说说他们
I think you should. 我觉得有这必要
I was bluffin'. 我刚只是吹牛
Don't make me put my socks back on. 别逼我把袜子穿回去
Never mind. 算了
Good night. 晚安
Good night. 晚安
I feel bad about yelling at Georgie. 我朝小乔治大吼了 我觉得很内疚
He deserved it. 他该骂
You should do it more. 你应该多吼他几次
I think he's feeling left out 我想他是觉得被冷落了
now that you and Sheldon are spending so much time together. 因为你和谢尔顿现在常黏在一起
Are you kiddin' me? 你在逗我吗
You're always saying to find something in common with Sheldon. 是你一直叫我找到和谢尔顿的共同话题
And now that I have, you're telling me I'm ignoring Georgie? 现在我找到了 你又说我冷落小乔治了
I'm not saying that. 我没那么说
I'm just reminding you 我只是提醒你
that you got two sons. 你有两个儿子
I know. 我知道
I also got a daughter I need to spend more time with. 我还有个女儿 也应该多跟她相处
You do. 确实是的
But I wouldn't worry about her. 但我不担心她
She's an angel. 她就是个小天使
Sheldon! Sheldon! Sheldon! 谢尔顿 谢尔顿 谢尔顿
Put me down! Sheldon! Sheldon! -放我下来 -谢尔顿 谢尔顿
I said put me down. 快把我放下来
Put me down! I'm not enjoying this! 放我下来 我不喜欢这样
Missy, what are you doing here?! 米希 你在这儿干吗
Cuttin' loose. What are you doing here? 放纵享乐 你又在这儿干吗
Slowly! Slowly! 慢点 慢点
Slowly! 慢点
You, too?! 你也来了
Hello, Georgie! 你好 小乔治
You're not supposed to be here. 你不应该来这里
Neither are you! You're grounded! 你也不该来 你被禁足了
Come on. 走吧
Both of you are going home. Now. 你们俩现在就给我回家
Oh, thank goodness. Aw. -谢天谢地 -不要嘛
How's puberty treating you? 青春期对你影响如何
Because it is knocking me for a loop. 它可让我长大了许多
Right? 对吧
Somehow, my parents didn't find out about me partying heartily. 我父母居然没发现我去纵情派对了
But I did pay a price 但蜡烛两头烧
for burning the candle at both ends. 确实让我付出了代价
I made a mistake on a math test. 我数学考试时犯了错
In my exhaustion, I did all the calculations in my head, 我太累了 我在脑子里运算
and, like a common zoo animal, forgot to show my work. 结果像动物园里的动物一样 忘了写出计算过程
I just saw one of those girls from the party, 我刚遇到派对上的一个女生
and she acknowledged my existence by doing this. 她对我做了这个动作 像承认了我的存在
I've never felt so alive. 人生首次感到如此有存在感
Are you okay? 你还好吗
No, I'm not. 不好
Yeah, so? 这又怎么样
A B-plus-that's the beginning of the end. B+ 这是走向终点的开始
The end of what? 什么终点
My life. 我的人生
If I don't make some changes, who knows how far I'll fall. 如果我不做出改变 谁知道我会堕落到什么地步
I could wind up a drug addict, or a lawyer. 说不定我会变成瘾君子 或律师
Is it possible you're overreacting? 你会不会反应过激了
No. Starting today, I'm done helping the football team. 不 从今天起 我不再帮橄榄球队了
But if you do that, girls will no longer greet me like this. 你这样妹子们再也不会这么跟我打招呼了
I'll greet you like that. 我会这么跟你打招呼
It's not the same. 这不一样
Extricating myself from this situation 让我自己从这些事中抽身
was not going to be easy. 并非易事
My father was counting on me, Meemaw was counting on me, 我父亲指望着我 我姥姥指望着我
the school was counting on me. 学校也指望着我
After much thought, I decided to employ 深思熟虑后 我决定
the one strategic maneuver I knew I could count on. 采取最靠得住的战略策略
I tattled. 打小报告
Mom? 妈妈
Sheldon got a B-plus! That's terrible for him! 谢尔顿得了B+ 真是太糟糕了
I'm very disappointed in all three of you. 我对你们三个非常失望
That is right. Missy, this is for your ballet class. 没错 米希 这是给你上芭蕾课穿的
We do not go to parties. 你们不许去派对玩
I am very disappointed. 我非常失望
Got to go pick up some equipment for the team; you want to join me? 我要去给队伍弄些装备 你想一起去吗
Can't. I'm grounded. 去不了 我被禁足了
Yeah, well... 是啊 不过
I won't tell if you won't. 你不说 我也不会说出去
Sheldon going? 谢尔顿去吗
That little snitch? Absolutely not. 那个背信弃义的小崽子 当然不去
Sheldon still gonna help you with the math? 谢尔顿还会帮你算数吗
I don't think so. 我想不会了
But I did hear his little Asian friend can do it. 但我听说过他那个亚洲人朋友也会算
Hello. 你好
So... 话说
Oilers are a four-point favorite for this Sunday's game, 这个周日油工队赔率是让四分
but it's a home game, so I'm thinking I give the points. 但是是油工队主场 所以我想赌主队让分赢盘
What do you think? 你觉得呢
I think I have to tell on you again. 我觉得我又得告发你了
Go ahead. What's your mama gonna do, ground me? 有本事就去啊 你妈能怎样 禁我的足吗
Take the Oilers, give the points. 买♥♥油工队 让分赢盘
I love you, Moonpie. 我爱你 小饼饼
For the record, the Oilers lost that game 告诉你们 油工队输了那场比赛
by four touchdowns. 对手四次触地得分
Meemaw never asked for my advice again. 姥姥再也没问过我意见了
Come on, come on, come on. Damn it! 来啊 来啊 我靠
Okay. 好了
One more time. 再一次
Mama needs a new Jet Ski! 妈妈需要台新的摩托艇
And... 结果是
rat bastard! 王八羔子
How you doin' there, Connie? 你好吗 康妮
Hey, Vincent. 你好啊 文森特
What brings you to Louisiana? 你怎么到路易斯安那州来了
Wait, don't tell me. 等等 别告诉我
You're here to see Tony Orlando. 你是来看托尼·奥兰多[演员]的
'Fraid not. 不是的
Oh, well, you ought to check him out. 反正你该去看看他的表演
He'll, uh, knock your socks off. 他会让你大吃一惊的[脱掉袜子]
I like my socks on. 我喜欢穿着袜子
Connie, you're putting me in a very awkward position. 康妮 你让我很为难
I won a toaster oven playing keno. 我玩基诺彩票赢了一台面包烤箱
You want it? 你想要吗
I got one. 我自己有
I want my money. 我想要我的钱
All right. 好啊
Hang on. 稍等
That's a very nice jacket. 你的外套很好看
You're looking dapper. 你穿着看上去很帅
Hey, they comp my room here. 这个赌场送我免费住宿
They do that for you? 你也有这个待遇吗
Actually, they frown upon my presence here. 事实上 他们不太欢迎我来
Oh. I also get a coupon for the breakfast buffet. 我还拿到了自助早餐的优♥惠♥券
You should look into that. 你应该去问问
Constance! 康斯坦丝
Patience, Vincenzo. 耐心点 文森索
Yes! 赞啦
All right, now we're talking. 太好了 这才像话嘛
Will you take a down payment in quarters? 你愿意收硬币作为头期款吗
Do I have a choice? 我有选择吗
Start scoopin'. 开捞吧
I got to go see Tony Orlando. 我得去看托尼·奥兰多了
Hey, I need another cup! 再给我一个杯子

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/pianling/p/12506524.html