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1 as a result
2 shortness of breath
3 by that point
4 out of breath
5 professional
6 stroke
7 medication
8 medical
9 chest
10 shift
11 long-term
12 healthcare
13 genetic
14 fatty
15 practice

1 as a result 结果是
2 shortness of breath 呼吸急促
3 by that point 到那时
4 out of breath 上气不接下气
5 professional 专业的,专家
6 stroke 中风
7 medication 药物
8 medical 医学的
9 chest 胸部
10 shift 转移
11 long-term 长期的
12 healthcare 医疗保健
13 genetic 遗传的
14 fatty 肥胖的
15 practice 实践

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