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【雅思6分】口语-Speaking Part One


Speaking Part One

• 4-5 minutes

• general questions about everyday situation

• 3 topics

Accommodation Birds Birthdays Children
Colors Dancing Driving Emails & Letters
Films Family & Friends Hometown Handicrafts
Happiness Internet Languages Leisure Time
Meals Mobile Phones Noise Names
Numbers Photograph Studies Schools
Swimming Sport Television Weather
Weekends Work Fashion


\1. Do you live in a house or a flat?

• Flat/ apartment / studio/condo/loft

• In school Dorm/ on campus (off campus 在校外)

I live in a condo with my parents. (回答一下)

It is the top floor, so we got great view(scenery)! (扩充一下)

​ I have an idea/ got an idea.

\2. Can you describe the place where you live?


• City center/ Heart of the city/ downtown --> uptown(住宅区)

• Suburb/ outskirts/ residential area/


• country

• Upper east side/ upper west side

*Home style*

• Bedroom / bathroom

• living room/dining room/Kitchen

• study/ office

• Balcony/ terrace

• Two bedroom flat/ Three bedroom flat (注意连读)

• Six- story building

• We got an amazing garden view

I gotta go. got--在口语中表示 I have

I got an idea.

*Develop the topic*

• recently built / new

I live in a recently built neighborhood.

• decorated in an old-fashioned(复古,可修饰穿着) style (fashion-fashionable) you look/are so fashionable.

style-stylish a. 流行的 You are so stylish. / I like your skirt , it looks so stylish.

• comfortable/cozy it feel cozy.

• spacious our apartment is spacious.

• charming this place is very charming. he is very charming.


I live in a recently built apartment/condo with my parents, but it is decorated in an old-fashioned style. Our rooms are not spacious, but we find it very cozy to live in.

*Develop the topic*

Low-rise building low-rise jeans--低腰裤 I like ~~

• Beachfront/riverfront/lakefront (理想的家,婚礼)

• Carpeted /our rooms are carpeted.

• Furnished(带有家具的,可以直接入住的) /unfurnished furniture the whole place is furnished well.

• Well-appointed

I live in a beachfront low-rise condo outside the city. And the decor is well-appointed. Also, we carpeted the whole house, and it is so comfortable for me.

\3. What kind of decorations does it have?

• Traditional style/ modern style

• Elegant European style

elegant -- graceful,elegant lady

• Lavish Chinese-style living room


• Cozy country style 田园风格

Tasteful(有品位的) Retro style retro -- old-fashioned

tasty -- delicious this is delicious/tasty.

• Simple IKEA(宜家) style has simple IKEA style

*Home Decoration*

• Hot pink wall paper

• dark wooden floors / wooden furniture

• Huge bay windows

• oil paintings

• Chinese calligraphy

place -- 安放 on my hot pink wall paper, I place a oil painting and also a Chinese calligraphy, which looks quite nice.

Well, we have lavish Chinese-style decor at home cos my parents love it! In our large living room, we have lots of traditional furniture, which matches with the dark wooden floors.

,+which 非限定性定语从句 --不限定(不指代)前面的某一个单词,而是指代前面的整句话or整个的意思,很好的方式可以避免语法出错而且符合6分对语法的要求。

I just don’t really care about decoration stuff(--thing or things) at home as long as I got a bed, a television and a computer, so I can chill and relax /relax and hang out/ loosen up( nu nΛ 连读 )/ aftear a long day at school.

FENG SHUI your house.(n./v.)

My house has a great FENG SHUI !

My parents are so into(=like)FENG SHUI.

Like painting our rooms green is good for our health.


Tai-chi 太极

Shanghai 上海--骗人上贼船 v. I can't believe, you have me shanghaied---我真不敢相信你把我骗了

Kung Fu 功夫

Chop-chop = quickly -- 像切菜一样

Oolong 乌龙茶

Mahjong 麻将 we love play Mahjong

\4. Which part of your home do you like the most?


• King size bed / queen size bed / single bed(单人床)

• Bunk bed (双层床)

• Large wardrobe

• Dresser

• Nightstand

• Bookshelf

go on net 上网

spare/leisure time

I really love my bedroom! Cos I got a large wardrobe and in my free time I like to try on my clothes and look in the mirror. Sometimes I even take photos of myself and post them online.

wardrobe -- Floordrobe Messy ⬇


\5. Do you like your neighborhood?

*Neighborhood: community* 可替代

• Loud and over-crowded

• Affordable and convenient

• Great traffic

• Not a neighborhood but a town 可替换为 school 说明大:It is not a campus, it's a town.

• Walkable

our community is loud and over-crowded,

I love my neighborhood, because it's affordable and convenient, though it's a little loud and over-crowded. the traffic is great and is very walkable, because we have a lot of restaurants, we have shops and you know, the big malls in my neighborhood.

• Quiet and peaceful neighborhood

• Mostly are elders--old people

• They walk their dogs or play tai-chi in the morning

walk the cat/bird

• it is pretty laid-back.

Chengdu is a laid-back place. --> pace of life is slow.

I live in a quiet and peaceful neighborhood because mostly are old people/elders. They just walk their dog or play tai-chi in the morning. So it feels pretty laid-back to live here.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/phoenixash/p/12215918.html