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Unit Two  Flight Connection and Customs  转机和通关

Section A   Some Tips for Tight Airport Connections紧密联程转机的十个技巧

Directions:  In this section, you will hear a passage about ten tips for tight airport connections. Write down the ten tips based on what you hear. You can read the list of words at the back of the unit, which will give you some help with the exercise.

Airports are notorious labyrinths that many travelers are keen to avoid. Choose a connection with plenty of time so you won’t have to make an Olympic sprint through the maze. If you’ve already booked a tight connection, learn how to make the transfer as smooth(光滑的)as possible. Short airport connections can be a blessing, but only if you actually make your flight. Follow these tips to avoid being stranded at the gate. Because when it comes to tight(紧密的) connections, every second counts.


Choose an aisle seat near the front  选择机舱前部靠走道的座位

If you know you’re facing a tight connection and you’ve booked your flight in advance, reserve an aisle seat toward the front of the plane. Even if it costs a little extra, it’s cheaper than missing your flight. If you can’t get the seat you want online, skip(跳过;略过) the automated ticket kiosk and instead check in at the counter, where you can explain your situation and ask to be seated near the front. The earlier you arrive at the airport, the more likely this strategy will have a positive outcome.

如果你知道联程转机(转机行程紧张,而且你已预先订好了航班,请在机舱前部预定靠走道的座位 。即使费用贵了一点,但也比错过你的航班要便宜一些。如果你无法在网络上买到你想要的座位,也请忽略自动售票亭而是到登机柜台去办理登机手续,在那里你可以解释说明你的情况,并要求坐在前面。你到达机场的时间越早(寻求帮助的时间越多),这个策略就越有可能产生积极的结果。

Plead your case with the flight attendant(向乘务员提出恳求)

If checking in at the ticket counter doesn’t get you a seat toward the front, plead your case on the plane. Flight attendants tend to be more sympathetic about missed connections and will often make a concerted effort to help you avoid one. Timing is everything, so ask once all passengers are seated and when your flight attendant isn’t too busy. If seats toward the front of the plane are available, your flight attendant should be able to accommodate your request so that you are one of the first to deplane.


Learn the lay of the land(了解机场地形布局)

Download or print a map of your connecting airport that shows all of the terminals(航站楼,终端) so you know the lay of the land before you arrive. Airport maps can also often be found in the plane’s seatback magazines. Look for the airport’s baggage carousels if you’ve checked a bag. And if this connecting airport is your first entry point on an international trip, map out customs (海关)and immigration areas as well. Review the map as your flight descends, and then confirm your next flight’s gate on the flight monitor(飞行监测器).


Don’t check a bag(勿托运行李)

Make your life easier by keeping to the essentials for your travel wardrobe. By only packing a carry-on, you’ll skip the never-ending conveyor-belt loop. Plus, you’ll avoid potentially losing your checked bag altogether.


5.Sleep at the airport(在机场过夜)

On short overnight connections, don’t risk missing your next flight by heading to an airport hotel. Instead, look into by-the-hour sleep pods(睡眠舱) at select airportsor buy a day pass to an airport lounge. Options for safely sleeping at the airport are only as limited as your imagination.


6.Make every second count(充分利用每一秒;让每一秒都有意义

Pack a protein bar or another easily portable snack so you don’t have to waste time in the terminal searching for food. Similarly, squeeze into(挤进去) the airplane bathroom just before the plane begins its descent(下降) so that you can sprint to your next gate with an empty bladder空膀胱.


7.Go to the front of the line(去警戒线的前面)

Apply to a preclearance security service境外入境检查安全服务 such as CLEAR通关;警报解除) so you can head to the front of the security line(警戒线). You have to pass the screening process(筛查程序), which includes supplying biometrics samples and registering in person, but you stand to save time at all security lines where the program is accepted. Security-clearance programs安检程序)are available at select US and international airports.


Give yourself a fighting chance(给自己一次战斗的机会)

As a rule of thumb(经验), on domestic routes, you need a minimum of 45 minutes between flights. That’s because you don’t have to go through security, customs, and immigration. But the 45-minute rule only applies under ideal circumstances; if your connection takes you to a notoriously troublesome airport during the winter months, try for a flight with at least a 75-minute layover. Not even these tips can save you if you don’t give yourself at least some time between flights.


International flights are a whole different animal. You’ll probably have to check in at customs and immigration after your initial disembarkation入境;登陆, even if you’re not yet in your final destination. Before booking, verify that you’ll have a layover at least two hours in order to go through the obligatory airport transactions. Give yourself even more time if you’ve checked a bag that needs to be rechecked post-customs.


9.Don’t lollygag(不要四处闲逛)

Missing a connecting flight is easier than you think. Gate doors typically close 10 to 30 minutes prior to a flight’s scheduled departure. Once closed, the airplane door won’t open to board a late passenger. So, head to your gate at boarding time(登机时间) and not departure time(出发时间). As obvious as that sounds, we’ve known people to miss flights because they didn’t properly differentiate(区分) between the two.



Get on the phone immediately(立即取得电话联系)

If the flight has already taken off without you or you know you won’t make it to the gate on time, get on the phone with the airline immediately. They should reschedule you on the next flight at no cost if the connection time was unreasonably brief. Ask for compensation, such as a flight voucher(飞行代金券), if you feel you’ve missed your connecting flight through no fault of your own.



Section C   Airport Immigration and Customs(机场出入境检查和海关)

Directions:  In this section, there is a short passage with some words missing. The passage will be read three times. You are required to put the missing words in the order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear.

When you enter a different country from which your flight departed you will have to go through the immigration process. Each country will have its own agency that administers this inspection  process. For the vast majority of passengers the immigration process only takes a few minutes though lines to take your turn can get long if many international flights arrive around the same time.


Upon arrival and entrance into the immigration areapassengers are split into(分成) multiple lines. There is generally a line for host country nationals, sometimes a line for citizens of the region, and non-immigrant visitors. Be sure to enter the correct line to avoid confusion and wasting your time and the time of the officials. When going through immigration in a country in which you are not a host-country national, you will likely go through the non-immigrant visitor line.



Officials will review your required passenger travel documents. Officials will likely ask you questions. As long as you are honest and pay attention to instructions, there will be nothing to worry about. Officials will stamp your passport once you are approved and granted admission.

出入境检查官将审查您所需的乘客旅行证件(护照,签证,绿卡,登机卡(由乘务员在航班期间提供),免疫接种文件,确认或者支持信等)。出入境检查官可能会问你几个问题(过程或官员认为是必要的),只要你诚实作答,注意操作指示,就没什么担心的。 一旦你被批准并获准入境,出入境检查官会给你的护照盖个章。

After clearing immigration and collecting you baggage, you will need to proceed through the customs area before being allowed to exit the airport. Customs is the authority in the respective country you enter that is responsible for controlling the flow of goods, including animals, transports, foods, personal effects, and hazardous items, into and out of a country. Just as each country has an agency that facilitates the immigration process, the country you enter will have its own laws and regulations regarding the import and export of goods into and out of a country. It is the responsibility of the respective customs agency to enforce these policies.


While on your flight your flight attendant will distribute a Customs Declaration Form. Most forms ask the point of exit and entry of your flight, your flight number, what goods you may be bringing into the country. Custom officials may or may not inspect your luggage. If they do check your bags and find restricted items, you may be asked to pay duty and/or fines. This is why it is critical to declare items as asked and required.


Each country and airport will have varying processes and requirements for customs and rules around declaration of items. It is encouraged to review the specific country and airport of entry for specific customs guidelines.




Unit Three  Bank Business 银行业务

Section A General Introduction to Bank 银行简介

Directions:  In this section, you will hear a short passage about banks. Write down the functions of banks based on what you hear. You can read the list of words at the back of the unit, which will give you some help with the exercise.

Banks are financial institutions that accept deposits and make loans. Lending activities can be performed either directly or indirectly through capital markets. Banks play an important role in the financial system and the economy. Banks operate by borrowing funds — usually by accepting deposits or by borrowing in the money markets. Banks borrow from individuals, businesses, financial institutions, and governments with surplus funds (savings). They then use those deposits and borrowed funds (liabilities of the bank)to make loans or to purchase securities (assets of the bank).    

Banks make these loans to businesses, other financial institutions, individuals, and governments (that need the funds for investments or other purposes).  Interest rates provide the price signals for borrowers, lenders, and banks.  Through the process of taking deposits, making loans, and responding to interest rate signals, the banking system helps channel funds from savers to borrowers in an efficient manner. In this way, banks are the financial intermediaries which can help promote a more efficient and dynamic economy.



The main functions of banks are as follows.


Accepting deposits  接受存款

The most important function of banks is to accept deposits from the public. Various sections of society, according to their needs and economic condition, deposit their savings with the banks. For example, fixed and low income group people deposit their savings in small amounts for the custody of money. On the other hand, traders and businessmen deposit their savings in the banks for the convenience of payment.


Making loans发放贷款

The second important function of banks is to advance loans to its customers.   Banks charge interest from the borrowers and this is the main source of their income.   Modern banks give mostly secured loans for productive purposes.   In other words, at the time of advancing loans, they demand proper security or collateral. Generally, the value of security or collateral is equal to the amount of loan. This is done mainly with a view to recover the loan money by selling the security in the event of non-refund of the loan.  Also, banks advance loans to its customers up to a certain amount through overdrafts, if there are no deposits in the current account.   For this, banks demand a security from the customers and charge very high rate of interest.

银行的第二个重要职能是向客户提供贷款。银行向借款人收取利息,这是银行收入的主要来源。现代银行主要提供有担保贷款用于生产目的。  换言之,在贷款的时候,他们需要适当的担保或抵押品。一般而言,抵押品或抵押品的价值等于贷款金额。这主要是由于考虑到在无法偿还贷款的情况下要通过出售抵押品收回贷款。 同时,如果当前(活期)账户中没有存款,银行会以最高至一定金额透支形式预付贷款给客户。为此,银行要求客户提供担保抵押品,并且收取非常高的利率。

Issuing banknotes发行纸币

A banknote (often known as a bill paper money or simply a note) is a type of negotiable instrument known as a promissory note, made by a bank, payable to the bearer on demand. Banknotes were originally issued by commercial banks. These commercial banknotes only traded at face value in the market served by the issuing bank.   Commercial banknotes have primarily been replaced by national banknotes issued by central banks.


Besides the main functions mentioned above, banks perform many other functions of general utility which are as follows: 除了上述的主要功能外,银行还履行许多其他一般用途的职能,如下所示:

(1)   Banks make arrangement of lockers for the safe custody of valuable assets of their customers such as gold, silver, legal documents, etc.


(2)   Banks give reference for their customers.


(3)   Banks collect necessary and useful statistics relating to trade and industry.


(4)   For facilitating foreign trade, banks undertake to sell and purchase foreign exchange.


(5)Banks advise their clients relating to investment decisions as specialists.


(5)   Banks issue letters of credit (L/C).


(6)   During natural calamities, banks are highly useful in mobilizing funds and donations.


(7)   Banks provide loans for consumer durables like house, car, etc.


Banks have been defined as dealers in debts. A deposit is a debt which the bank owes to the depositor; a banknote is a sort of promissory note — an acknowledgement of the issuing bank’s debt to whomever may be the bearer of it; by means of loans and overdraft a bank creates debt to itself.



Section C   The Services of a Bank

Directions:  In this section, there is a short passage with some words missing. The passage will be read three times. You are required to put the missing words in the order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear.

Banks were developed to keep people’s money safe and to make it  available  when they needed it.  Since money was invented, people have been borrowing and lending it.


A modern bank accepts people’s money for safe-keeping. It also lends money and offers many other services. The  experience  of a businessman will show some of these. James Jones has a furniture store and buys his goods from different parts of the country. It isn’t convenient for him to send money through the mail, so he goes to the bank and opens checking  account. He puts his money in the bank regularly, and the bank keeps it until he writes checks for that amount.   When Mr.Jones orders furniture from the Modern Furniture Company in another city, he simply writes a check. This check is as good as money to the owner of the company. The owner can take it to the bank and  cash  it, that is, he can get money for it.


Now and then Mr.Jones deposits money in a savings  account at the bank. The bank then uses his money and pays him a certain percentage on each dollar every year. For example, if he deposits $1,000 and the bank pays him 4 percents, he will have earned $40 by the end of the year. This payment is called  interest.


Mr.Jones can usually borrow from the bank if he needs money.  He can  arrange  for a bank loan at the loan department. If the bank lends him money, he must pay interest for its use. Sometimes, instead of putting his money in a savings account, Mr.Jones wants to  invest  it in some business firm, and he may ask the investment department of his bank for advice.

如果琼斯先生需要钱,他通常可以向银行借钱。他可以在贷款部门安排一笔银行贷款。如果银行借给他钱,他必须支付利息。有时,琼斯先生不想把钱存进他的储蓄账户,而是想把钱投资于某商业                                                                           【】公司,同时他可以向银行的投资部门征求投资建议

Mr.Jones gets still other services from the bank. When he travels, he buys  traveler’s  checks from the bank instead of carrying money with him. And he can rent a safe-deposit box in the bank for his  valuable papers and articles.


It’s hard to imagine that people could do business without services of a bank.







Unit Four  House Renting 租房

Section A  Some Tips for House Renting

Directions:  In this section, you will hear a passage about ten tips for renting a house or flat abroad. Write down the ten tips based on what you hear. You can read the list of words at the back of the unit, which will give you some help with the exercise.

To live and work abroad, you may be faced with or partially involved in(涉及) house or office renting. If you don’t have an overseas rental experience, like many firsts in life, your first rental lease can be a super demanding task. But you are not alone. Here are the top ten tips covering when and where to start, tenants’ rights, dealing with landlords, choosing your flatmates, protecting your deposit(押金), etc.

    在国外工作和生活,你可能要面对部分参与租赁房屋或租赁办公室事务中来。如果你没有过在国外租房的经历,那么你的首次租赁合同(或签署第一份租约),会像人生中的许多第一次一样,可能是一项相当费力的任务。 但是你不会孤单的,这里有10大要诀(妙招)涉及从何时何地开始,租客权利,与房东打交道,选择室友,以及如何保护你的押金等等。

Do your research early早做调查工作

Spend plenty of time investigating the area. The advantage of renting is that you can move when your tenancy is up, but don’t think too short-term(短期)—make sure this is the area you want to live in. If you have children, make sure you look into the local schools and not just the nearest one—you may not be guaranteed a place. The best way to get a feel for对……有感受; 切身体会;熟悉 an area is to visit and have a wander around on foot.   If you’re not sure where to start, your first goal should be to nail down(确定;明确) your destination and the approximate timingof your trip.



Consult multiple sources 咨询多方消息来源

It’s very important to consult a variety of sources when hunting an ideal house. By shopping around and talking to many different people, you’ll not only learn more about the area you are visiting, you may also find yourself a better deal. Leave your options open by talking to several real estate agents and consulting multiple websites.


Take your time viewing properties 花时间看房子 (地产或置业性能)

Looking around rental properties can be a little bit time-consuming but worthwhile. Check everything carefully. Does it have central heating, a washing machine, dishwasher, decent fridge and freezer? What are the showers like? Are the windows in good condition? These can all be forgotten in the heat of the moment(头脑发热的时候;一时激动). Make a checklist to take with you when viewing properties you really like.

四处游览(察看)租赁的房子,可能会耗点儿时间,但是很值得。仔细检查一切设施。检查看有没有中央暖气、洗衣机、洗碗机、像样的冰箱和冰柜? 淋浴怎么样的?窗户状况良好吗?这些在头脑发热的时候都可能被忘记。当你去查看那些你确实喜欢的房子时,请列一份清单并随身携带以备用。

Haggle over price 讨价还价

Whether you are dealing with an agent or a landlord, it’s important to remember you hold the upper hand(优势上风). They want to rent out the property and if it is empty when you view they will be eager to get someone in as soon as possible. Make an offer below the rent being asked for, typically it is possible to get $20 per month or $5 per week discount, or maybe more. It doesn’t sound like much but every coin saved is another one in your pocket



Choose flatmates carefully慎选合租室友

If you are looking at renting with others, choose who you live with carefully. It’s unlikely most people will end up with a celebrity(名人,名声) housemate, good or bad, but little things can make the difference between harmony and torment. Money is the most common cause of dispute. Make sure you work out(制定出,计算) your budget and how bills will be paid. Use professional household budget calculator to help tot up(合计) the costs and cut your bills(削减...账单) with your flatmates sensibly(明智地).



Set up direct debits or payments properly 建立合适的直接借记或付款方式

Many rental offices will insist on tenants(租户) using a direct debit payment system(借记卡付款系统) for rent payments. But even if it is not mandated(命令;授权;指令), offer it as part of your application.   Being a tenant who doesn't pay on time is the best way to ensure your landlord or agent won't go out of their way(费尽心思;不嫌麻烦) to help you.  Getting all the finances sorted properly(让所有资金都正确合理分类) and having the deposit, first month's rent and subsequent rent arrive on time will mean that you are immediately onside with(和...站在一边) the people you need to call if the plumbing goes wrong or you want a new oven.


Read the whole contract阅读整个合同

It’s important to get checklist of what’s included in the rental(租赁;租金) before signing the contract. Make sure you understand who pays for:utility bills, Internet, phone service, cable, cleaning/housekeeping, propane/gas, etc. Keep in mind that the costs involved in air conditioning or heating can be sizable(相当可观的), so be sure to factor(把...作为因素计入)  those into your budget if the owner has not already included them in the rent. You should also be aware of the landlord’s policies regarding pets and subleasing(转租).

在签订合同之前,拿到房屋租赁中包含有哪些内容的清单,很重要。确保你清楚由谁来支付: 水电物业费账单﹑网络费﹑电话服务费﹑有线电视费、清洁/家政服务费、丙烷/天然气费用,等等。  记住,空调或取暖的费用是相当高的,所以,如果房主没有把它们算在房租内的话,你要记得把这些因素列入到你的预算当中。   你还应该了解房东关于养宠物和转租方面的规定

Ask about the housekeeping situation询问关于家政的情况

Some rentals have a cleaning service come in on the last day and the cost is billed to the person renting the home. Others may have cleaners come by periodically. Find out what the housekeeping schedule is and who is responsible for the bill. Also find out on what condition the property must be returned with your full deposit to be refunded.



Photograph on day one  租房首日要拍照记录

 To ensure that any existing damage is documented(备有文件记录) and that you aren't blamed for something you haven't done, photograph(拍照) and/or video tape(用录像带记录) the property on the day you arrive.            Make sure you record any problem areas. Do the same thing on your last day. If there is an argument before a mediator(调停者) or a judge later on, this documentation(文件) may come in handy(派上用场). It may even convince the owner not to take you to court(把……告上法庭;起诉某人 in the first place.

为了保证任何现存的损坏都有底可查(或备有文件记录),以及保证你不必为你未做的事情负责(或被责怪),第一天来的时候,就拍下或录下房子里的一切。        确保你记录了每一处有问题的地方。在你离去的最后一日也做同样的事情。如果随后发生纠纷,在仲裁人或法官面前有争执,这个文件可能会派上用场。它甚至可以说服房主从一开始就不会把你告上法庭。


Get a contact number取得联系电话

It’s great that you’ve gotten the keys to your rented home and that you’re ready to enjoy your life here, but make sure to get the agent’s or landlord’s phone number just in case there is a problem like a burst pipe or a loss of electricity. You’ll be glad you did!



Section C  How to Sign a Lease Agreement  如何签订租赁合同

Directions:  In this section, there is a passage with some words missing. The passage will be read three times. You are required to put the missing words in the order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear.

Entering into(讨论,进入) a lease agreement is not something that is done lightly. You need to be deliberate when you sign a lease agreement because you are committing yourself and your finances for a period of time. Understanding the significance  of a lease agreement underscores(强调) the procedure you need to follow when you sign that type of contract. By following the recommended  procedure  you are in the best position of not only understanding all elements of a lease agreement, but also of  ensuring  the contract is in your best interests


Arrange to have a copy of(一份,一本) the lease agreement delivered   to(交付) you at least a day or two in advance of signing the document. Many people make the mistake of not taking a look at the document until the very time that it is signed. You cannot appropriately review a document like a lease agreement  “on the spot”.



 Review  the basic elements of the lease agreement to ensure that they are in line with what you agreed to orally(口头地). These points include the monthly rent, the term of the agreement, and  penalties  for failing to pay rent in a timely manner.



Verify the date listed in the lease agreement that you are entitled to(有权享有,有…的资格) take possession of the property. Make sure the contract includes a provision to penalize the landlord if the premises are not accessible on the date promised.



Examine the provision  of the lease agreement pertaining to changes and alterations you can make to the premises.



 Confirm  that the lease agreement contains the renewal provision agreed during discussions pertaining to the contract.



 Schedule  a specific time when you and the other party both can be present to sign the lease agreement simultaneously.



Sign two original copies of the lease agreement so that both you and the other party have one for reference and records.






Unit Eight  Invitation for Bid and Submission of Bids (1)招标和投标(1

Section A   Some Key Points in Bids招标书中的一些要点

Directions:  In this section, you will hear a short passage about some tips for an invitation for bids. Write down those tips based on what you hear. You can read the list of words at the back of the unit, which will give you some help with the exercise.

The purpose of this guide is to provide further assistance by offering practical help with writing and organizing good, clear invitations for bids (IFBs). The preparation of a good IFB is the most important and the most difficult step in the procurement process. Effort spent at the outset to develop an organized, well-developed IFB will maximize your chances of obtaining quality supplies or services at the lowest cost and minimize the possibility of a bid protest. This guide provides general tips, a model IFB.   Wherever possible, useful sample language has been included. This model is not the only way to organize an IFB, but is provided as one suggested format.


General Tips一般提示

1. Use separate headings. Since too many elements are involved in IFB, you will make tenders confused if you don’t draft your IFB in separate headings.


2. Make information of your IFB consistent. It is especially important to check special terms and conditions of a particular procurement against your jurisdiction’s standard terms and conditions to ensure there are no conflicting provisions.


3. Use precise terms and unambiguous wording. If the contractor must provide something, use the words “must” or “shall”, not the words  “should” or “may”.



4. Avoid vague phrases. For example, for a landscaping contract, your bid specifications should state specifics such as  “cut grass once weekly” or “cut grass whenever it exceeds 3 inches on average”, not  “cut grass as necessary”.

避免使用含糊的词语。例如,对于一份园林绿化合同,你的标书规格说明应该陈述出细节详情,比如“每周割草一次” 或“无论何时平均高度超过3英寸时割草”,而不是“必要时割草”。

5. Do not use overly technical language. Although technical language emphasizes precision and efficiency of communication, a side effect of this is obvious, that is, a higher threshold for comprehensibility will give obstacles to those who are not quite familiar with this kind of language.


6. Pay attention to the timing of your contract awards. Issue your IFB when the potential for competition and lower prices is the greatest, and give vendors sufficient time to prepare bids.


7. Provide accurate details. Provide sufficiently detailed specifications to ensure that you will get what you want at a fair price, while omitting unnecessary details that unduly limit competition.



Section C   Elements of an Invitation for Bids招标书的组成要素

This passage identifies the minimum elements of an invitation for bids when  procuring  goods or services using the competitive sealed bidding procedure. This chapter also identifies strategies for detecting and preventing  collusive  bidding.

这篇文章确定了,在采用竞争性密封投标程序中,采购货物或服务时,招标邀请函(招标书)的最低要素。本章还确定了发现防止发生 围标(串通招标投标)策略

The competitive sealed bidding procedure formally begins when the purchasing agent issues an invitation for bids. The invitation for bids defines the responsibilities of the vendor as well as those of the county, describes the requirements for performance, and identifies the  criteria  against which the vendor will be measured.   At a minimum, the invitation for bids must contain


1. A description of the goods or services to be procured.


2. The contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement, or incorporate those terms and conditions by  reference.


3. A statement of any requisite qualifications of the potential  vendors.


4. A statement describing the criteria by which each bid will be  evaluated.  


The following sections discuss in detail each of the elements of an invitation for bids.    The level of detail contained in an invitation for bids depends in part on the nature of the  particular  procurement.


The Nine Elements of an Invitation for Bids  招标邀请函的九大要素

1. The introduction  介绍部分

2. General information  基本信息

3. Description of the goods or services to be procured


4. The minimum qualifications of a vendor 供应商(投标人)最低资质

5.  Contractual  terms and conditions  合同条款条件

6. Minimum standards of a bid  投标最低标准

7. Required elements of a bid  投标必备要素

8.  Submittal  requirements  服从条款(提交文件要求)

9. Evaluation criteria  评估标准


Unit Nine  Invitation for Bid and Submission of Bid (2)

Section A   Some Tips for Submission of Bid

Directions:  In this section, you will hear a short passage about ten tips for submitting better bids. Write down those tips based on what you hear. You can read the list of words at the back of the unit, which will give you some help with the exercise.

Putting together a winning bid proposal, or even a competitive one, takes knowledge and skill. It’s a bit more complicated than just putting some numbers together and hoping for the best.    Good bid preparation requires a lot of time and effort and involves everything from reading and fully understanding the plans and specifications to accurately estimating costs for labor, materials and equipment.    Making even the smallest mistake can mean the difference between submitting a winning bid and missing out on a profitable project.  Here are top 10 tips for submitting better bids.

组织编制一份中标投标方案,甚至是一个有竞争力的投标方案,都需要知识和技能。这比只把一些数字整合放在一起,然后希望得到最好的结果要复杂得多。良好的投标准备需要花费大量的时间和精力,内容涵盖一切,包括从阅读和充分理解计划和规范开始,到精确估算劳动力、材料和设备的成本。    即使犯最小的错误,也可能意味着要么提交一份中标的标书,要么错过一个盈利项目之间的巨大差异。以下是提交更好标书的10大技巧。


1.Select the right projects to bid 选择正确的项目竞标

You don’t have to bid on every job you come across. Winning jobs your company can’t adequately perform can be just as costly as not winning them. Remember, it is never too late to abandon a bid you are working on. For example, let’s say you have purchased plans, attended the pre-bid meeting, done your takeoffs and started taking subcontractor pricing. Once you start crunching the numbers you realize that your company won’t make a reasonable profit if you were to win the contract. The best thing to do is dump it and move on to the next project.

你不必投标你遇到的每一个工作对象。赢得你的公司不能胜任(充分执行)的工作,可能和没有赢得它们一样代价高昂( 或如果赢得了工程,但你们公司又无法胜任,这样所付出的代价和没有赢得这些工程是一样大的)。记住,放弃你正在从事的投标工作永远不会太迟。例如,比如说,你已购买投标计划,参加了标前会,完成了你的工程估算而且开始考虑给分包商的定价。一旦你开始计算这些数字,当你意识到,如果你要赢得该合同,你的公司将不会赚取合理的利润。最好的办法就是放弃它,然后转向(移向)下一个项目。

2.Visit the site and attend pre-bid meetings   参观现场出席标前会

Having a good understanding of the existing site conditions can eliminate problems down the line if you were awarded a project.    Unique site conditions like limited accessibility or a location that would require additional costs on items like transportation, equipment, material storage and labor could exist.      Many times a pre-bid meeting will be held at the construction site or a site visit will be held directly following a pre-bid meeting.    

Pre-bid meetings(标前会) are held in order for the project team to answer questions regarding plans and specifications, site conditions and specific project details. Failing to attend a pre-bid meeting means you miss out on the best opportunity to get clarification on the requirements of the project.

如果你中标了一个项目,对现有场地条件的充分理解可以彻底消除各种问题。  独特的场地条件:如特殊环境,或项目需要花费额外费用的地理位置,比如在运输﹑设备﹑材料储存和劳动力方面,可能存在。    经常,标前会将在施工现场多次举行,或者标前会后就直接进行了工地现场参观。    


3.Seek clarification寻求澄清(或招标说明)

When preparing a bid you need to do your due diligence to ensure that you have all the related information, that the information is accurate and that you have a complete understanding of the information.    This means fully reviewing the plans and specifications to determine everything required to bid the project and complete the work.       Be aware that there are typically cut-off dates in place for questions to be submitted. This allows for any changes to the plans or specifications to be made and for any addenda to be issued to the bidders. Making assumptions is no way to submit a winning bid.

在准备一份标书时,你需要尽职尽责工作以确保你掌握了所有相关信息,该信息是准确的,你对该信息充分了解。   这意味着仔细检查计划方案和规格参数,以确定项目投标和完成工作所需的一切内容。     请注意,通常都有一个适当地提交各种问题的截标日期。   这允许可以对计划方案或规格参数做出任何更改,以及向投标人发出任何补遗书。 做假设是绝不可能提交一份会中标的标书的。


4. Perform accurate takeoffs and measurements 进行准确的(工程量)估算和测量

Take the time to fully review the plans and specifications to determine accurate measurements and takeoffs.    This will result in correct construction costs when calculating your bid报价.     Inaccurate measurements will cause you to miscalculate the amount of building materials and laborneeded to complete the job which in turn will lead to either over- or underestimating your construction costs.    Using the right units of measure is also important when calculating your bid. Using square feet when you should have used square yards or vice versa can drastically affect your estimated costs.

花时间去全面检查一下计划方案规格参数,以确定准确的测量和工程量估算。   这将使你在计算报价时得出准确的建筑成本测量不准确将导致你误算完成工作所需要的建材和劳动总量,反过来,它将会导致要么高估要么低估你的建筑成本。  当计算报价时,使用正确的计量单位也很重要。在该使用平方码时,你使用了平方英尺,或反之亦然,都会大大地影响您的估算成本


5. Avoid arithmetic errors避免运算错误

Errors with your math can have a devastatingimpact on your bid.   Arithmetic errors can result in your bid being under or over the actual cost of completing the job.   Manual calculations can easily result in arithmetic errors.   Always use a calculator or some type of construction bid software to ensure that your calculations are accurate.     If you are using bid software or a calculator errors can typically be attributed to not inputting your numbers correctly.   If you are using a spreadsheet like Excel to calculate costs check that your formulas are correct, always double-check your math to make sure that all you numbers and calculations are correct.



6.Evaluate subcontractors & subcontractor pricing评估分包商和分包商的定价

Getting subcontractor pricing can be complicated. You want competitive prices from your subcontractors but you also want some assurance that they can perform the work required.    This is true whether it is a subcontractor you are using for the first time or one that you have worked with for years.    One solution is to set up a prequalification process for subcontractors who wish to work with you.   At a minimum, you should get bids from at least three different companies for each trade you will need to subcontract out work for to ensure you are getting competitive prices.  Carefully review and evaluate every subcontractor bid to make sure that the prices quoted are complete and accurate.

获得分包商定价可能很复杂。你想从你的分包商处获得有竞争力的价格,但你也想要得到一些能够确保他们完成所需工作的保证。不管这是你第一次合作的分包商,还是你合作多年的分包商,都是事实。  有一个解决方案就是,给希望同你合作的分包商建立一套资格预审程序最起码,你应该从每个行当这个你需要将工作分包出去的行当中,至少获得三个不同公司的报价,以确保你获得有竞争力的价格。仔细检查和评估每一个分包商的报价,以确保所报价格是完整和准确的。

7.Identify and manage risks识别和管理风险

Every construction project comes with its own unique set of risks. Once you’ve identified the potential risks, you need to analyze and evaluate each one individually so that they can be properly managed.   Take into account the probability of each identified risk and the impact it can have on the project.   A low probability risk with a low impactmight be easy to mitigate. Identifying and evaluating possible risks associated with a project when preparing a bid will make you better prepared to handle a situation when something goes wrong.

每一个建设项目都有其独特的风险。一旦你识别发现了潜在的风险,就需要逐个分析和评估它们,以便对它们进行恰当的管理。 要考虑每个被识别风险的概率以及它对项目可能产生的影响。低影响的低概率风险可能很容易减轻风险。在准备投标时,识别并评估与项目相关的可能风险,会使你在出现问题时更好地处理问题。

8.Labor costs人工成本

Accurately estimating labor costs can be one of the most difficult aspects to preparing your bid. To determine your labor costs you have to factor in hourly wage rates with the number of man-hours a specific task will take to complete. You also have to take into account the productivity and experience of your workers. Employee turnover, absences and injuries can all affect your actual labor costs.  More experienced workers may be able to complete tasks quickly which would reduce the number of man-hours needed, but you will have to pay a higher rate for their services. Workers with less experience will require more man-hours to complete a job but you can pay those workers a lower wage. Wage rates can vary greatly from state to state and even from county to county. It is important to understand what, if any, wage rates apply to the project you are bidding in order to incorporate those rates into calculating your labor costs.

准确的估计人工成本,可能是你在准备报价时最困难的一个方面。为了确定你的人工成本,你必须把小时工资率(工资率,是指单位时间内的劳动价格)算入到完成一项具体任务需要的工时数中。你还应该考虑你的工人们的生产效率和经验员工离职率﹑缺勤和工伤都会影响你实际的人工成本。经验丰富的工人可能会更快完成工作,从而减少所需工作小时数(工时),但你要为他们的服务支付更高的工资。经验不足的工人需要更多的工时来完成工作,但你可以付给他们低工资。工资率从州到州,甚至从县到县,差别很大。 重要的是,你要搞清楚,假如有的话,适用于你正在投标项目的工资率是多少,以便于把这些费率计算入你的人工成本当中。


9. Materials and equipment costs材料和设备成本

Costs for building materials and supplies can change rapidly and can vary greatly in different parts of the country. If specialty materials are required that you aren’t familiar with you shouldn’t assume that the cost is comparable to similar items. Your best bet is to call around to local suppliers to get up-to-date costs for materials and delivery(传送,传递,交付).


When putting a bid together you need to make sure that you have all the necessary equipment needed to perform the work.  This may mean you have to rent or purchase additional equipment. Even if your company owns all the equipment needed you need to make sure that it isn’t already allocated for use at another jobsiteand that no major maintenance (maintenance维修,维护,保持)or repairsare scheduled that would take the equipment offline(offline,脱机,离线) for an extended amount of time. Make sure that the equipment is in good working order(working order正常运行状态) and operating at peak performance which might otherwise cause delays in your construction schedule.



10.Incomplete bid forms and documents不完整的投标格式(投标函)和标书

Failing to fully completethe bid form and submit all required documents is a surefire way to get what might otherwise be a winning bid rejected. Required documents and paperwork can be anything from bid bonds*(投标保证金)  to acknowledging receipt(收据;回执) of any addenda(补遗书). A good way to ensure that you have all the required paperwork for your bid is to use a checklist as you prepare your bid and then go back and double-check to make sure that everything is included.

未能充分完成投标函和递交一切所需文件,一定(surefire一定会成功)那些原本可以中标的标书被拒绝所需的文件和文书可以是从投标保证金补遗书收据(回执)(acknowledging receipt回执)之类的任何文件。确保你具备所有要求文书的一个好办法就是,在你准备标书时使用一个清单,并且之后回头再检查核实一遍,以确保一切都包括在内。

There are a few other requirements that go along with preparing your bid that can get your bid rejected if you don’t comply with(遵从) them or simply overlook(忽略) them. The first is to get prequalified(预审合格的) to bid a project when it is required. The second is to attend all mandatory(强制性的) pre-bid meeting and site visits. The third and most important of these is submitting your bid by the due(预期的) date and time. All of these requirements will be clearly stated in the bid.



Section C  Process for Submitting a Tender Bid 递标的过程

Directions:  In this section, there is a short passage with some words missing. The passage will be read three times. You are required to put the missing words in the order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear.

Once you have viewed the property details, and done the recommended site visit, you are ready to submit a bid. View the tender submission criteria below, prior to submitting your bid.


Submission Criteria投标标准

Tender Bids Must:  ()标标书必须:

— Be  signed  and indicate the “Tender No.”    签署并注明“招标号”。

 Quote  the total amount of the bid being placed on the property.出置于物业上的出价总金额

Be accompanied by a money order, certified cheque, or bank draft made payable to the  “Minister of Finance” in the amount of 10 percent of the total bid.


— Be placed in a sealed envelope clearly marked with the  “Tender No.”and  addressed  to 440 King Street, 5th Floor, Room 526, King Tower, Kings Place, Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5H8.

()标标书)要放在一个清楚注明了“招标号”的密封信封中,然后寄往(加拿大)新不伦瑞克省,弗雷德里克顿市,国王广场,国王塔,国王大街440号,五楼,526室。(邮编) E3B 5H8.。

— Be received on or before 2:00 p.m.(local time), on the date of closing, at which time a Public Tender Opening will take place.


Additional Information: 附加信息:

—  Failure to  comply  with the tender submission criteria shall result in the tender being rejected.


—  All  surplus  property is sold on an  “as is, where is” basis and the Province will make no warranty whatsoever with regard to title.


—  The purchaser will be responsible for the payment of H.S.T., all legal fees and any required  survey  costs.

买方将负责支付统一销售税(H.S.T.﹑所有法律费用和任何必要的调查费用。(H.S.T. 指Harmonized Sales Tax,国外发票中经常使用的“统一销售税”)

—  The highest, or any tender, may not  necessarily  be accepted.


—  Bidders are encouraged to  inspect  the property prior to placing a tender bid as the successful bidder’s 10 percent bid deposit is non-refundable.


All unsuccessful tender bid deposits will be returned once the tender has been awarded.




Unit Ten  Site Inspection (1) 现场考察(1

Section A  Some Tips for Site Inspection

Directions:  In this section, you will hear a passage about eight tips for site inspection. Write down those tips based on what you hear. You can read the list of words at the back of the unit, which will give you some help with the exercise.

Beyond all doubt, any overseas engineering project, generally linked to the construction and maintenance of local infrastructure, surely will draw particular attention of different organizations from the local government, the local enterprises, the diplomats, the native residents and the native press to the domestic government and the top management of the company.   Therefore, site inspections, contributing a lot to the smooth running of the project when successfully handled, are very common and frequent in daily routine. Here are some helpful tips for the young engineers who want to gain experiences in hosting site inspections.


1.Remain calm 保持冷静

Your first reaction might be panic, but don’t, no matter who you are going to cope with. It is OK to be nervous, but remember that you can always be tested and honored by any inspections with fully-prepared management or consultants.    It’s a good idea to conduct internal inspection on a routine basis and to have various members of the sites’ team participate so that they understand what may be expected of them during a real inspection.   Another knack to keep calm is to dress properly, speak appropriately and answer questions directly.


2.Identify the lead person  确定负责人

Communicate to the inspectorthat a certain person will be the overall contact during the inspection. The key individual will be generally responsible for dealing with the inspector, providing follow-up information, and filling the necessary internal reports/documentation associated with the inspection.    The office administrator or secretary and others in the front office should be informed ofa set procedure to follow and whom to contact when an inspector arrives. Also, have a back-up person in place because you never know when you might need them.

与检查员沟通说明:在考察过程中,某个人将是总联络人该关键人物将负责与检查员打交道,提供后续信息,并填写与检查相关的必要的内部报告/文件。  办公室主任或秘书以及前台的其他工作人员应被告知一套要遵循的接待程序,以及当检查员到达时和谁联系等事宜。另外,要有一个后备人员(备用人选)随时待命,因为你永远不知道你何时可能会需要他们。


3.Have an expeditious review  进行快速审查

Most regulations and guidance will stipulate that expeditious review of records and documents should be available. This means that you cannot leave the inspector in the front lobby. If you need to call in an external resource, it’s always a good idea to do that before you head to the lobby to meet the inspector.      Further, explain to the inspector that someone else will be assisting, if that’s the case.    Kick the inspection off with a “kick-off” meeting to establish the Who, Why, What, and Where that the inspector is expecting to accomplish.

大部分规章制度和工地检查指南规定必须准备好各种记录和文件的快速流览资料(供审查),这就意味着你不能将视察官员晾在大厅(留在前厅)。如果你需要外援(调用外部资源),在去前厅见视察官员之前就做好。   此外,向检查员解释,如果是这样的话,有其他人会来协助。   在开始考察前开个“启动会议”,确定检查员期望完成的检查内容:人员、原因、检查内容、检查地点。


4.Plan the inspection tour 安排视察之行

Once the inspector is identified and the aim of the inspection is figured out, make a clear plan of where to go and what to show specifically if the inspector would like to take your advice.  If it not the case, just respect the inspector’s suggestion. For example, the inspector may ask to see equipment in operation. If you are the lead person, just work as a tour guide to take the most desirable direct path to the specific equipment, giving introductions or illustrations when necessary.


Many large corporations have internal policies to provide only data that is requested; nothing more. So as the lead person, be aware of the privacy and security obligations in the inspection, and not to arrange reception of visits around the confidential room.



5.Take photos if allowed如果允许请拍照

The inspector might request to take digital photographs of equipment, processes or other related items during the inspection. It is important to know your company’s policy on photography on the site. If you allow photography in the facility, request copies of all photographs in the inspection report.   Remember though, the inspection report is publically available so, if sensitive information/data is contained within the pictures, you may wish for them to be separated and marked confidential, or disallow pictures all together.

在考察期间,检查员可能请求对设备、考察过程或其他相关东西进行数码摄影。了解你们公司对现场的摄影政策很重要。 如果你允许对方对设备摄影,要请求获得考察报告中所有摄影的副本。记住,尽管考察报告是公开的,但如果图片中包含有敏感信息/数据,你可以要求这些照片被分开且标记为机密,或不所有图片放在一起


6.Document inspection details   对考察细节存档记录

There is an old saying that every one has hindsight. During and after the inspection, take specific and plentiful notes!  Document important things like the inspector, date, equipment visited, and records reviewed.  Also note how you think of what you did and areas for improvement. Taking notes is one way to improve the next time.



7.Write inspection summary撰写检查总结

Sum up those objects inspected, note down the inspector’s approvals and dissatisfactions, and dwell on(详细论述)the problems, if there are, exposed in the inspection, the countermeasures of rectification修改/调整的对策), and the deadline of rectification as well.  Often the inspector will provide a  “pink copy” of the inspection notes to you. If not, you might want to ask the inspector for a verbal summary(口头总结)  of the inspection. Inspectors will usually describe the good and the improvement areas of your project. Better yet, see if he/she will allow you to copy his/her notes on the photocopier.

对那些检查对象进行总结记录下检查员满意和不满意的地方详细记录检查中暴露出的问题,如果有的话,整改对策,和整改的最后期限等等。 检查员有时会提供一份考察笔记的“粉色副本”给你。如果没有,你可以要求检查员对检查进行一个口头总结。检查员通常会描述项目的优点和需改进之处。最好是,看看他/她是否会允许你用复印机复印他/她的笔记。


8.Remember that the inspector is a person记住检查员也是人

Not to forget the inspector is there to do a job and the site inspection shouldn’t be viewed as an us versus them fight. It can be very challenging at times to work with inspectors, but it is important to remember that they are a person too! You probably will be working with this person for months and years to come and the relationship that you form with them does impact inspection conditions when they arrive. Relationships are tough to establish at times, but in the long run, it’s our experience that a strong and open relationship with the site inspector will go a long way大有帮助 in making an inspection more simplistic and will, overall, benefit the whole project.



Section C   Suggestions of Hosting Site Inspection接待现场考察的建议

Directions:  In this section, there is a passage with some words missing. The passage will be read three times. You are required to put the missing words in the order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear.

The overseas projects, especially the construction of some projects on a large scale, have a direct impact on the economic development of the local country. So the senior officials of the local government will often pay  on-site  visits during the whole project cycle. And the site inspection will be more  frequent  before the general election of the local countries, and some of them are politically-oriented. Here are some suggestions for hosting site inspections.


 Sort out  those conventional(常规的) inspection issues and the key issues in different worksitesFull preparation will never be too much in the reception of site inspection because it can save a lot of  unexpected  embarrassment.


Keep warm and thoughtful enough when hosting these kinds of visitors. Generally, briefly introduce the  profile  of the project first. Then show the guests around the site they want to go.


Leave the guests a good impression, with the sufficient financial strength, efficient management, and strict supervision, so that quality, quantity and progress of the project will be  guaranteed.


Meanwhile, propose  the difficulties in those external relations in project construction, and express the wish to get help via their influence and effort


Invite the guest to a light  meal when mealtime comes when the site inspection is over.


Dress appropriately, speak formally and keep the pictures, which may turn out to be very important  documents.


The above suggestions, though far from enough to deal with various kinds of site inspections with different purposes, will throw a light on general situations








来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Rotepad/p/12153836.html