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Navigation System 导航系统

This topic introduces the concept of the navigation system and describes its basic features.

This post will cover the building blocks the navigation system includes, as well as how it operates on the inside.

This document will go over how to define the navigation structure in your applications at design-time and to customize it in code.

You will learn to change the navigation control style and to customize the navigation control.

This topic will also introduce the concept of context navigation.

A sample implementation of context navigation is however, out of the scope of this document and is described in the How to: Implement Custom Context Navigation topic.

The navigation system capabilities are demonstrated in the FeatureCenter demo supplied with XAF. This demo is located in the %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\FeatureCenter folder by default.





但本文不包含实现上下文导航示例,详细描述请见 如何实现自定义上下文导航主题。

在XAF FeatureCenter示例提供导航系统能力的演示.这个演示默认情况下位于:%PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 19.2\Components\eXpressApp Framework\FeatureCenter 文件夹



An XAF application's UI basically consists of Views. Views are abstract entities used for data representation.

There are two basic kinds of Views - the Detail Views used to represent a single object and its properties,and the List Views, used to represent object collections.

A typical XAF application can comprise many Views that serve the purpose of viewing and editing objects of different types.

Obviously, users of the application must be able to switch from one View to another as required.

This functionality is provided by the navigation system.

The navigation system is represented in a UI by the navigation control, which lists all available Views and provides means to activate the required View.







The main parts of the navigation system are the navigation Action, navigation Action Containers, ShowNavigationItemController and the navigation structure.


  1. The navigation Action, navigation Action Containers and ShowNavigationItemController. Each built-in XAF Template that represents the main Window contains the navigation Action Container. This Action Container is used to host the Navigation Action, represented in a UI by the navigation control.



  1. The navigation structure defines the visual interrelations between different Views. This tree-like structure is defined by the Application Model's IModelRootNavigationItems node. The node consists of the IModelNavigationItem nodes. Each of these nodes, in turn, can also have any number of NavigationItem child nodes. The navigation control's items are arranged according to the navigation structure. Note that in Mobile applications, the tree-like navigation structure is not supported; only the Default root group's nodes are displayed.



Define the Navigation Structure


The navigation structure can be defined and customized at design-time and in code.


  1. Design-time customization of the navigation structure is performed using the Model Editor. Invoke the Model Editor, navigate to the NavigationItem node and customize it as required. This approach is detailed in the Add an Item to the Navigation Control tutorial.



        2.In code, the navigation structure can be defined and customized in two ways.



By applying the NavigationItemAttribute or DefaultClassOptionsAttribute to the required business classes. The NavigationItem attribute adds a navigation item to the navigation control. The most frequently used constructor takes a single string parameter that specifies a first-level child node of the NavigationItems node. A NavigationItem node corresponding to the business class' List View will be added to the specified node. Applying the DefaultClassOptions attribute is essentially the same as applying the NavigationItemAttribute, plus certain additional attributes. You can learn more about it in the DefaultClassOptionsAttribute class description.

通过将导航项属性或默认类选项属性应用于所需的业务类。导航项属性将导航项添加到导航控件。最常用的构造函数采用单个字符串参数,该参数指定导航项节点的第一级子节点。对应于业务类列表视图的 NavigationItem 节点将添加到指定的节点。应用 DefaultClassOptions 属性实质上与应用导航属性以及某些附加属性相同。您可以在默认类选项属性类描述中了解有关它的详细信息。


The second approach is to directly customize the Application Model's NavigationItems node, for instance in a custom Controller. This approach is described in the Access the Application Model in Code topic.




In the Navigation Bar and Accordion style, a group cannot be used to navigate to a View, even if the View property is specified. The groups only serve as containers for other navigation items.


在导航栏和手风琴样式中,即使指定了 View 属性,组也不能用于导航到视图。这些组仅用作其他导航项的容器。


Define the Navigation Control Style in a WinForms Application

Define WinForms 应用程序中的导航控制样式


The following list illustrates the appearance of the navigation control in an XAF WinForms application when different style settings are used.

下面的列表说明了使用不同样式设置时在 XAF WinForms 应用程序中导航控件的外观。



带大图标的 #Navigation 条

To apply this style to your WinForms application, use the following settings:

要将此样式应用于 WinForms 应用程序,请使用以下设置:


The first-level child nodes are displayed in the navigation pane as navigation groups, and the second-level child nodes are displayed as a set of icons.





To apply this style to your WinForms application, use the following settings:

要将此样式应用于 WinForms 应用程序,请使用以下设置:


First-level child nodes are displayed in the navigation pane as navigation groups; the content of each group is displayed as a treelist.


Tree List



To apply this style to your WinForms application, set the IModelRootNavigationItems.NavigationStyle property to TreeList.

All nodes are displayed as a single treelist.

要将此样式应用于 WinForms 应用程序,请将 IModelRoot导航项.导航样式属性设置为树列表。



具有 Outlook 样式的#Navigation条形


To apply this style to your WinForms application, use the following settings:

要将此样式应用于 WinForms 应用程序,请使用以下设置:

Each root navigation group is displayed as a NavigationBarItem in the Office Navigation Bar, and the group content is displayed as a TreeList (when the IModelChoiceActionItemChildItemsDisplayStyle.ChildItemsDisplayStyle property is set to List for the current group and this group has second-level child nodes) or as NavBarItems (when the ChildItemsDisplayStyle property is set to LargeIcons for the current group; only the first-level nodes are displayed).

每个根导航组在 Office 导航栏中显示为导航栏,并且组内容显示为树列表(当 IModelChoiceActionItemS 显示样式时,子项显示样式属性设置为"列表"时)当前组和此组具有第二级子节点)或作为 NavbarItems(当子项显示样式属性设置为当前组的"大图标"时;仅显示第一级节点)。

If you need to further customize the navigation control's appearance, you can do so in code. You can implement a custom Controller and perform the required customizations. The How to: Access Navigation Control contains an example describing the customization of the navigation control.


Define the Navigation Control Style in an ASP.NET Application



The following list illustrates the appearance of the navigation control in an ASP.NET application when different style settings are used.



新 Web UI 中的#Navigation栏


To apply this style to your ASP.NET application, use the DefaultVerticalTemplateContentNew template with the IModelRootNavigationItems.NavigationStyle property set to NavBar. The first-level child nodes are displayed in the navigation pane as navigation groups, and the group content is displayed as a treelist.

要将此样式应用于ASP.NET应用程序,请使用"默认垂直模板内容新模板"模板与 IModelRootNavigationItems.navigationStyle 属性设置为 NavBar。第一级子节点作为导航组显示在导航窗格中,组内容显示为树列表。


The IModelRootNavigationItems.ShowImages property specifies if the icons are displayed for the items and groups. Also, you can hide the navigation pane on start using the IModelRootNavigationItemsWeb.ShowNavigationOnStart property.

IModelRoot导航项.ShowImages 属性指定是否为项和组显示图标。此外,您还可以使用 IModelRoot导航项目Web.显示导航启动属性在开始时隐藏导航窗格。


Tree List in the New Web UI

Tree新 Web UI 中的列表


To apply this style to your ASP.NET application, use the DefaultVerticalTemplateContentNew template with the IModelRootNavigationItems.NavigationStyle property set to TreeList. All nodes are displayed as a treelist.

The IModelRootNavigationItems.ShowImages property specifies if the icons are displayed for the items and groups. Also, you can hide the navigation pane on start using the IModelRootNavigationItemsWeb.ShowNavigationOnStart property.

要将此样式应用于ASP.NET应用程序,请使用"默认垂直模板内容新模板"模板与 IModelRootNavigationItems.navigationStyle 属性设置为树列表。所有节点都显示为树列表。
IModelRoot导航项.ShowImages 属性指定是否为项和组显示图标。此外,您还可以使用 IModelRoot导航项目Web.显示导航启动属性在开始时隐藏导航窗格。


Vertical Navigation Bar in the Classic Web UI

经典 Web UI 中的#Vertical导航栏


To apply this style to your ASP.NET application, use the DefaultVerticalTemplateContent template with the IModelRootNavigationItems.NavigationStyle property set to NavBar.

The first-level child nodes are displayed in the navigation pane as navigation groups, and the content of each group is displayed as a treelist.

要将此样式应用于ASP.NET应用程序,请使用 IModelRoot导航项的默认垂直模板内容模板。


Vertical Tree List in the Classic Web UI

经典 Web UI 中的垂直树列表


To apply this style to your ASP.NET application, use the DefaultVerticalTemplateContent template with the IModelRootNavigationItems.NavigationStyle property set to TreeList.

All nodes are displayed as a single treelist.

要将此样式应用于ASP.NET应用程序,请使用 IModelRoot导航项的默认垂直模板内容模板。

Horizontal Navigation Bar in the Classic Web UI

经典 Web UI 中的水平导航栏


To apply this style to your ASP.NET application, use the DefaultTemplateContent template.

The first-level child nodes are displayed in the navigation pane as tabs, and the second-level child notes are displayed as a set of icons with their own captions.


Define the Navigation Control Style in a Mobile Application

This section illustrates the appearance of the navigation control in an XAF Mobile application.

本节演示了 XAF 移动应用程序中导航控件的外观。


Mobile Navigation



This style is used in XAF Mobile applications and cannot be customized.

First-level child nodes are displayed as a set of icons with captions within the Default root group. Other root groups with their child nodes are ignored and not displayed.

The Navigation control is not displayed by default. You can tap the hamburger button or swipe to the right to show this control. If you want the Navigation control not to hide on tablet devices, set the TabletLayoutType property to Split.

此样式用于 XAF 移动应用程序,无法自定义。
默认情况下不显示导航控件。您可以点击汉堡按钮或向右轻扫以显示此控件。如果希望导航控件不在平板电脑设备上隐藏,则将 TabletLayoutType 属性设置为"拆分"。

Context Navigation



The navigation system supports context navigation. A module can track the process of generating the navigation items in the navigation control. The module can add additional child navigation items to a created navigation item that matches a specific criteria. Three built-in modules implement context navigation - the Pivot Chart, Reports V2 and View Variants modules.

导航系统支持上下文导航。模块可以跟踪在导航控件中生成导航项的过程。该模块可以将其他子导航项添加到与特定条件匹配的已创建的导航项。三个内置模块实现上下文导航 - 数据透视图、报告 V2 和视图变体模块。


By default, context navigation is disabled for these modules. It can be enabled using the following properties of the NavigationItems node.



Captions of these context navigation groups can be customized using the following properties of the NavigationItems node.



The ViewVariants module adds the View Variants navigation items for the Views that have predefined View variants. The Analysis and Report modules add navigation items for the items corresponding to business classes participating in existing inplace reports or analyses.



You can also implement custom context navigation. To see an example, refer to the How to: Implement Custom Context Navigation topic.


Keyboard Shortcuts in WinForms Applications

WinForms 应用程序中的键盘快捷方式


When the Multiple Document Interface is used in the application, hold down the SHIFT key and click a navigation item to invoke the new View in a separate window instead of a new tab.

在应用程序中使用多文档接口时,按住 SHIFT 键并单击导航项以在单独的窗口中调用新视图,而不是新选项卡。


When the navigation control or a navigation group is represented by a treelist control, you can use arrow keys to navigate it. Click on a treelist's region not occupied by a navigation item to enter keyboard navigation mode. Use the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys to navigate between items. To expand a group item, press CTRL+RIGHT ARROW. To collapse a group item, press CTRL+LEFT ARROW.
当导航控件或导航组由树列表控件表示时,可以使用箭头键进行导航。单击导航项未占用的树列表区域以进入键盘导航模式。使用"向上箭头"和"向下箭头"键在项目之间导航。要展开组项目,请按 CTRL_RIGHT 箭头。要折叠组项目,请按 CTRL_左箭头。

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/foreachlife/p/XAFNavigation.html