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[英语] 何凯文每日英语第268句



Trying to remove heat-trapping gases from Earth’s atmosphere to halt global warming is a huge undertaking. But big challenges can provoke big solutions. A recent proposal even suggested one of the most radical ideas so far: Forget about reducing carbon dioxide. Instead, just push Earth’s orbit 50% farther out from the sun, about where Mars is and where solar heating would be less intense. Problem solved. A big idea no doubt, but hardly practical.  Meanwhile two much more down-to-earth big ideas to cut global warming are gaining momentum.




heat-trapping gases       吸热气体                                   halt  停止

undertaking                  事业                                          provoke  激起、引发

even在该上下文里的意思    甚至                               radical    激进的

solar              太阳的                                                    intense    强烈的

down-to-earth        务实的,合乎实际的                        momentum     动量










吸热气体       heat-trapping gases              强烈的   intense

事业              undertaking                         激进的  radical

太阳的          solar                                   激起、引发   pervoke

务实的,合乎实际的   down-to-earth        停止       halt

甚至              even                                   动量  momentum

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zf007/p/11871255.html