首页 > 其他分享> > 如何对HTTP请求Android进行单元测试



我使用了Robolectric库另一个可能的框架.适用于Android http://loopj.com/android-async-http/的Http客户端

static AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();

public static void getData (final ServerCallback callback) {

    client.get("http://httpbin.org/get", new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {

        public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody) {
            callback.onSuccess(statusCode, new String(responseBody));

        public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody, Throwable error) {
            callback.onFailure(statusCode, new String(responseBody));



public class ApiTest{

public void testgetData () {




public interface ServerCallback {
    // Api detect connection
    void onSuccess(int statusCode, String response);
    void onFailure(int statusCode, String response);



我将提供一个一般性的答案,以使您朝正确的方向前进.我测试HTTP请求的首选方法是使用square okhttp mockwebserver.如果对它们的使用有疑问,请查看project’s unit tests.


> android-async-http库是异步的,但是,要运行一致的单元测试,您将希望请求/响应是同步的


public class TestHttpClient {
    // package-local client that can be set in tests
    static AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient(); 
    // package-local baseUrl that can be set in tests
    static String baseUrl = "http://pastbin.org/";  

    public static void getData(final ServerCallback callback) {
        String url = baseUrl + "get";
        client.get(url, new AsyncHttpResponseHandler() {
            public void onSuccess(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody) {
                callback.onSuccess(statusCode, new String(responseBody));

            public void onFailure(int statusCode, Header[] headers, byte[] responseBody, Throwable error) {
                callback.onFailure(statusCode, new String(responseBody));


@Config(manifest = Config.NONE, sdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP)
public class TestHttpRequestTest {

    public MockWebServer mockWebServer = new MockWebServer();

    public void getData_onSuccess_doesSomething() throws InterruptedException {
        // Here we are creating a mock ServerCallback.  We will use
        // this mock object to verify the callback is invoked
        ServerCallback callback = mock(ServerCallback.class);

        // To test the client, we need to send a request to the mock mockWebServer.
        // The MockWebServer spins up an actual backend to handle calls.  You MUST
        // setup the client to use the base Url of the mockWebServer instead of
        // the actual url e.g.: http://httpbin.org.
        TestHttpClient.baseUrl = mockWebServer.url("/").toString();

        // For testing, use a synchronous client so that we can get the response before
        // the test completes.
        TestHttpClient.client = new SyncHttpClient();

        // Set up the mockWebServer to return a MockResponse with
        // some data in the body. This data can be whatever you want... json, xml, etc.
        // The default response code is 200.
        mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("success"));
        // To simulate an error
        // mockWebServer.enqueue(new MockResponse().setResponseCode(500).setBody("error"));

        TestHttpClient.getData(callback); // calling the method under test

        verify(callback).onSuccess(200, "success"); // using verify of mockito


> MockWebServer需要@Config(sdk = 21),且sdk设置为v21或更高版本才能与Robolectric一起使用.


dependencies {
        testCompile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver:3.2.0'
        testCompile 'org.mockito:mockito-core:1.10.19'


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191112/2023809.html