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在Android 8.0及更高版本上进行权限策略更新有什么好处?


AndroidAndroid 8.0的权限策略略有更改:

Prior to Android 8.0 (API level 26), if an app requested a permission
at runtime and the permission was granted, the system also incorrectly
granted the app the rest of the permissions that belonged to the same
permission group, and that were registered in the manifest.

For apps targeting Android 8.0, this behavior has been corrected. The
app is granted only the permissions it has explicitly requested.
However, once the user grants a permission to the app, all subsequent
requests for permissions in that permission group are automatically

For example, suppose an app lists both READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE in its manifest. The app requests
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and the user grants it. If the app targets API
level 25 or lower, the system also grants WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE at
the same time, because it belongs to the same STORAGE permission group
and is also registered in the manifest. If the app targets Android 8.0
(API level 26), the system grants only READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE at that
time; however, if the app later requests WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, the
system immediately grants that privilege without prompting the user.



What could go wrong with the previous approach that the new one fixes?


引用the research paper,并增加了重点:

First, the adversary creates an app that
includes in its manifest file a custom permission declaration
with the protection level
and sets this
custom permission to be a part of a system permission group
(e.g., storage, camera etc.). Then, they update the definition
of this custom permission so that the protection level is
changed to
and proceed to push an update to
their app on the respective app market… The expectation is
that since the custom permission is of level
dangerous, the
user will be prompted at runtime to make a decision on whether
to grant or deny this permission in the runtime permission
model. However, the malicious app automatically gets granted
the permission. In addition, since the runtime permission
model grants dangerous permissions on a group basis, the app
also automatically obtains all the other requested dangerous
permissions of the system permission group that the original
permission belongs to
. Same procedure can be followed to
system permissions group; hence, the adversary can
silently obtain
system permissions simultaneously. Requesting dangerous permissions in the Android manifest constitutes
no problems for the adversary, as permission requirements of
an app are not directly presented to users at installation since
Android 6.0. Hence, the user will be completely unaware that
all these system permissions are granted to the app.

AFAICT,此Android 8.0更改是此错误的缓解策略的一部分.这只会有所帮助,因此我假设还进行了其他更改.但是,考虑到本文中介绍的错误的性质以及Android 8.0的性质,我必须假定两者至少在某种程度上相关.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191109/2012226.html