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BBC短片:20世纪最伟大的科学家之一 —— 屠呦呦


The envelope was stuffed full of original documents connected to the discovery of artemisinin and one name stood out from the rest – TuYouyou. Finally, I can piece whole story together.


As they scoured the documents, Louis and Su uncovered an incredible story, the story of an exceptional scientist, willing to risk her own life to find a cure for malaria and bring it to the world, the story of TuYouyou.


Tu’s quest didn’t begin in China, but in the jungles of Vietnam, where soldiers on both sides of the war, found themselves fighting a third enemy – mosquitoes.

图呦呦征服疟疾的征程并非始于中国,而是越南的丛林中,当时正值越战,交战双方减员严重,并非因为战斗,而是因为“第三方敌人” – 蚊子。

Tens of thousands were left incapacitated after being bitten by the malaria-carrying insects. In one US army unit, a third of soldiers contracted the disease.


Now, we have no way of estimating how many soldiers died in the North Vietnamese army, but we know the losses were colossal because the Communist Party Chairman, Ho Chi Minh, reached out in desperation to his allies in China, asking for help to find a cure.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Tom-1103/p/11797548.html