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android – 从Google Play中删除过时的测试版


大约两年前,我使用Google Play开发者控制台中的“Beta”版本,为有限数量的用户发布了我的某个应用程序版本作为beta测试版本.我没有将该版本推广到制作,而是在生产轨道上发布了另一个版本.


Hello Google Play Developer,

This is a reminder that starting November 1, 2018, updates to apps and
games on Google Play will be required to target Android Oreo (API
level 26) or higher. After this date, the Play Console will prevent
you from submitting new APKs with a targetSdkVersion less than 26.

Configuring your app to target a recent API level ensures that users
benefit from significant security and performance improvements, while
still allowing your app to run on older Android versions (down to the

Action required

Please ensure that your apps are configured to target at least Android
8.0 (API level 26) by November 1, 2018. For technical advice on how to change your app’s target API level to meet these requirements, refer
to the migration guide.

Affected apps

The apps included below have one or more APKs—in production or testing
tracks—that aren’t currently targeting API level 26 or higher. Apps
are listed with the maximum version code and corresponding
targetSdkVersion. If you have more than 20 apps that could be affected
in your account, please check the Play Console for a full list.

com.mypackage.myapp       73     23

底线上提到的应用程序是两年前的测试版,版本号为73,目标是API 23.生产中的应用程序仅在几天前更新,目标是API 28.

有什么方法可以摆脱Google Play Developer Console中的旧测试版本吗?



问题在于取代版本和阴影版本之间的细微差别.您的测试版APK部分为阴影.测试版APK针对SDK9上的用户,而您的制作APK针对的是SDK16上的用户.这意味着,虽然大多数用户将获得您的生产APK,旧设备上的用户(SDK 9-15)将获得您的测试版.因此,您的测试版在技术上仍处于活动状态,因此您收到的电子邮件是正确的.




来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191006/1862407.html