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C 98/03 std :: is_constructible实现


我的爱好库的基本组件必须与C 98和C 11编译器一起使用.为了学习和享受自己,我创建了几种类型支持功能的C 98实现(如enable_if,conditional,is_same,is_integral等…),以便在没有C 11支持时使用它们.

然而,当我实现is_constructible时,我被卡住了.有没有任何模板魔术(某种SFINAE),我可以用它来实现它而不需要C 11支持(declval)?

当然在C 03中没有可变参数模板支持,所以我将把实现专门化到一定深度.主要问题是,是否存在可以决定T是否可以从给定类型构造的技术.



#include <iostream>

template<typename T, T Val>
struct integral_constant {
    typedef integral_constant type;
    typedef T value_type;
    enum {
        value = Val

typedef integral_constant<bool, true> true_type;
typedef integral_constant<bool, false> false_type;

template<typename T>
struct remove_ref {
    typedef T type;

template<typename T>
struct remove_ref<T&> {
    typedef T type;

// is_base_of from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2910979/how-does-is-base-of-work
namespace aux {
    typedef char yes[1];
    typedef char no[2];

    template <typename B, typename D>
    struct Host
        operator B*() const;
        operator D*();
template <typename B, typename D>
struct is_base_of
  template <typename T> 
  static aux::yes& check(D*, T);
  static aux::no& check(B*, int);

  static const bool value = sizeof(check(aux::Host<B,D>(), int())) == sizeof(aux::yes);

template<typename T>
struct remove_cv {
    typedef T type;
template<typename T>
struct remove_cv<const T> {
    typedef T type;
template<typename T>
struct remove_cv<volatile T> {
    typedef T type;
template<typename T>
struct remove_cv<const volatile T> {
    typedef T type;

template<typename T>
struct is_void : integral_constant<bool, false> {};
struct is_void<void> : integral_constant<bool, true> {};

template<class T>
struct type_identity {
    // Used to work around Visual C++ 2008's spurious error: "a function-style conversion to a built-in type can only take one argument"
    typedef T type;

template <bool, typename T, typename>
struct conditional {
    typedef T type;
template <typename T, typename U>
struct conditional<false, T, U> {
    typedef U type;

namespace aux {

template<typename T, typename U>
struct is_more_const : integral_constant<bool, false> {};

template<typename T, typename U>
struct is_more_const<const T, U> : integral_constant<bool, true> {};

template<typename T, typename U>
struct is_more_const<const T, const U> : integral_constant<bool, false> {};

template<typename T, typename U>
struct is_more_volatile : integral_constant<bool, false> {};

template<typename T, typename U>
struct is_more_volatile<volatile T, U> : integral_constant<bool, true> {};

template<typename T, typename U>
struct is_more_volatile<volatile T, volatile U> : integral_constant<bool, false> {};

template<typename T, typename U>
struct is_more_cv : integral_constant<bool, is_more_const<T,U>::value && is_more_volatile<T,U>::value> {};

    template<typename T>
    struct is_default_constructible {
        template<typename U>
        static yes& test(int(*)[sizeof(new U)]);
        template<typename U>
        static no& test(...);
        enum {
            value = sizeof(test<T>(0)) == sizeof(yes)

    template<typename T, typename Arg>
    struct is_constructible_1 {
        template<typename U, typename Arg_>
        static yes& test(int(*)[sizeof(typename type_identity<U>::type(static_cast<Arg_>(*((typename remove_ref<Arg_>::type*)0))))]);
        template<typename U, typename Arg_>
        static no& test(...);
        enum {
            value = sizeof(test<T, Arg>(0)) == sizeof(yes)

    // Base pointer construct from Derived Pointer
    template<typename T, typename U>
    struct is_constructible_1<T*, U*>
        : conditional<
            is_void<typename remove_cv<T>::type>::value,
            integral_constant<bool, true>,
            typename conditional<
                is_void<typename remove_cv<U>::type>::value,
                integral_constant<bool, false>,
                typename conditional<
                    is_more_cv<T, U>::value,
                    integral_constant<bool, false>,

    // Base pointer construct from Derived Pointer
    template<typename T, typename U>
    struct is_constructible_1<T&, U&>
        : conditional<
            is_more_cv<T, U>::value,
            integral_constant<bool, false>,

    template<typename T, typename Arg1, typename Arg2>
    struct is_constructible_2 {
        template<typename U, typename Arg1_, typename Arg2_>
        static yes& test(int(*)[
            sizeof(typename type_identity<U>::type(
                static_cast<Arg1_>(*((typename remove_ref<Arg1_>::type*)0)),
                static_cast<Arg2_>(*((typename remove_ref<Arg2_>::type*)0))
        template<typename U, typename Arg1_, typename Arg2_>
        static no& test(...);
        enum {
            value = sizeof(test<T, Arg1, Arg2>(0)) == sizeof(yes)

template<typename T, typename Arg1 = void, typename Arg2 = void>
struct is_constructible : integral_constant<bool, aux::is_constructible_2<T, Arg1, Arg2>::value> {


template<typename T, typename Arg>
struct is_constructible<T, Arg> : integral_constant<bool, aux::is_constructible_1<T, Arg>::value> {

template<typename T>
struct is_constructible<T> : integral_constant<bool, aux::is_default_constructible<T>::value> {


struct Foo {};
struct fuzz_explicit {};
struct fuzz_implicit {};
struct Fuzz {
    explicit Fuzz(fuzz_explicit);
struct buzz_explicit {};
struct buzz_implicit {};
struct Buzz {
    explicit Buzz(buzz_explicit);
struct Bar {
    Bar(int, double&);
    explicit Bar(Buzz);

struct Base {};
struct Derived : Base {};

#define TEST(X) std::cout << #X << X << '\n'

int main() {
    TEST((is_constructible<Foo, int>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, int>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Foo, const Foo&>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, Bar>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, int, double>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, int, double&>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, int, const double&>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<int*, void*>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<void*, int*>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Base&, Derived&>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Derived*, Base*>::value));
    // via Fuzz
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, fuzz_explicit>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, fuzz_implicit>::value));
    // via Buzz
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, buzz_explicit>::value));
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, buzz_implicit>::value));
    // integer promotion
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, char>::value));
    // integer conversion
    TEST((is_constructible<Bar, unsigned long>::value));


Live Demo

这适用于g++ 4.4.7

它不适用于g 4.3.6

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191001/1840369.html