STA——multicycle path
之前去地平线面试的时候被问到了multicycle path的一点问题,其实这个问题我应该知道,看过《Constraining Designs for Synthesis and Timing Analysis A Practical Guide to Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC)》,但当时回答的不好。
0. 多周期路径
1. 发射时钟和捕获时钟相同
set_multicycle_path -setup 3 -from xxx -to xxx
setup time analysis变成了:Tc-q +Tlogic +Tsetup < 3*T+skew。约束变宽松了。
但是这样的话,在进行hold time分析的时候,工具会对捕获寄存器捕获沿之前的那一个时钟沿,也就是C沿进行hold analysis。这样的话hold time analysis变成了
Tc-q + Tlogic > Thold + 2*T,但这增加了电路的复杂性(需要插入一些buffer来增加延迟),没有必要,通过-hold选项,将hold edge向左移动2个周期
set_multicycle_path -hold 2 -from *** -to ***
注意:-setup制定多周期路径为N个周期,-hold使hold edge向左移动N-1个周期
2. 发射时钟和捕获时钟不同
2.1 捕获时钟周期倍长于发射时钟周期
默认情况下,setup analysis在B沿发射,N沿捕获,组合逻辑路径最大为10ns。对于hold analysis与保持时钟沿没关系,在hold analysis中,可以在A时钟沿发射,M时钟沿捕获,或者在C时钟沿发射,N时钟沿捕获。
set_multicycle_path -setup -start 2 -from xxx -to xxx
对于hold check有两种情况:
1. A发射M捕获。
对于上面两种hold check情况,第二种约束更强,组合逻辑需要增加额外的10ns。我们希望hold check恢复到默认的位置,A发射M捕获(或者B发射N捕获),希望lauch edge从B移动到C,通过-start 和- hold选项。
set_multicycle_path -hold -start 1 -from xxx -to xxx
2.2 发射时钟周期倍长于捕获时钟周期
默认的setup check是M发射B捕获;hold check是 M发射A捕获。
set_multicycle_path -setup -end 2 -from xxx -to xxx
但这会使得hold check变成M发射B捕获,希望它恢复到默认情况,用-end选项指明捕获沿向左移动一个目的时钟周期。
set_multicycle_path -hold -end 1 -from xxx -to xxx
2.3 总结
-end :移动目的时钟(捕获时钟)沿;
-setup -start N:向左移动发射时钟沿;
-hold -start N-1:向右移动发射时钟沿;
-setup -end N:向右移动捕获时钟沿;
-hold -end N-1:向左移动捕获时钟沿;
3. examples
3.1 FSM
如上图所示,enable逻辑通过一个N个周期的状态机。那么对于从F1发出的actual data,可以在N个周期内到达F3的输入,所以约束如下:
set_multicycle_path -setup N -end -from Cs -through F1/Q -to Cd
set_multicycle_path -hold N-1 -end -from Cs -through F1/Q -to Cd
3.2 reset
In many ASIC designs, the master reset signal remains asserted for several cycles. So, the assertion of these signals can be declared as multi cycle paths. Assuming an active low asynchronous reset kept asserted for 3 cycles, the command would be:set_multicycle_path -fall -from reset_n -setup 3 set_multicycle_path -fall -from reset_n -hold 2
3.3 Large data path macros
Some data paths have huge adders, multipliers, or other data path elements . Or, they might have deep levels of logic. Or, they might have a high setup requirement for the capturing device (say, a memory ), or the launching device might have a high Clk-to-output delay (e.g., a memory). Or, the path might be on a clock which has very high frequency. In many such cases, it might be diffifi cult for the data to meet the timing requirements of a single cycle . In such cases, the path might have to be declared as multi cycle.3.4 异步时钟
在跨时钟路径中,一般会生命为fault path,这样STA工具不会对这条路径进行时序分析,那么路径可以有任意大小的delay,但是设计者可能想要约束这一段路径的延迟,如下
set_multicycle_path -from [get_clocks C1] -to [get_clocks C2] -setup 2 set_multicycle_path -from [get_clocks C1] -to [get_clocks C2] -hold 1
《 Constraining Designs for Synthesis and Timing Analysis A Practical Guide to Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) 》 《 专用集成电路设计使用教程 》标签:multicycle,setup,STA,捕获,path,hold,周期,时钟 来源: