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Is it as important for students to read books of their own choosing as it is for them to read books assigned to them by teachers.

I think that the reading students do based on their own interests is even more important than the reading teachers require.


No one denies the critical importance of the classic books that teachers assigned to their students. Teachers, rich in teaching experience and applying good teaching methodologies, are familiar with what reading materials may benefit students learning the most. For example, by intensively reading a book recommended by a literature professor, a student majoring in literature may gain a deeper insight into the motives of a character, the viewpoint of the author, and discover the deeper meaning and insights embedded in the text. Or, by reading an assigned historical document, a student may catch a better glimpse of what happened—the dynasty rose and then fell—as well as why it happened—the ruling family failed to produce strong heirs. Or, in science course a student who delves into papers assigned by a chemistry teacher may develop a better understanding of scientific lays as well as their underlying principles. Therefore, an ardent student who willingly and attentively reads material assigned by a teacher always performs better academically.


While acknowledging the importance of assigned readings, we must not overlook the importance of self-directed reading by students. Everyone is unique in their disposition, interests and aptitude. That means the uniform, changeless and somewhat exam-oriented reading teachers assign may be inadequate in meeting the varied and unique interests of students. In shape contrast, books that students read on their own initiative may play an even more significant part in the growth and development of the qualities that set one student apart in the growth and development of the qualities that set one student apart from the others. For example, a child may take great pleasure in reading digital novels. Books of this sort, though rarely considered important by literature teachers, may nevertheless become a catalyst for the child’s pursuit of a professional writing career, perhaps creating scripts for sci-fi movies where her imagination and creativity can run wild. In another instance, a child with great passion for mathematics may need a greater challenge than that posed by typical mathematics textbooks. In such a case the child may take the initiative to read about the most current advancements in the field of mathematics. It is this kind of free spirited inquiry that is likely to produce the next John Nash. So whether it be literature, mathematics, or any other subject in between, if teachers insist on confining students within the bounds of assigned readings, many of those children with the highest potential will see their talents stymied. It would not only be a great pity for the affected children, but a big loss for society as a whole as well.


Therefore, educators and teachers should ensure that students encounter not only the classics in school, but also give them room to develop their own unique tastes in reading. In this way our children and our society will benefit greatly.

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/ujn20161222/article/details/100796597