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if you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it


conquest.n. 征服

quantitative: adj. 数量的

cellar: n. 地窖

roast. v. 烧烤

allowance. n. 津贴

drainage. n. 排水

masterpiece. n. 杰作

adore. v. 仰慕

periodic. adj. 周期的

literal. adj. 字面上的

sharply. adv. 锋利地

slippery. adj. 滑头的

splendid. adj. 壮丽的

ideally. adv. 理想地,完美地

concerning. prep. 关于

nun. n. 尼姑

foul. adj. 肮脏的

dove. n. 鸽子

ache. n. 身体上的疼痛 v. 疼痛

mesh. n. 网状物

obscured. adj. 遮蔽的

all in all: adv. 总的来说

call up. v. 召集,给...打电话

feel free. 请便,有空,不客气

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/backkom-buaa/p/11478735.html